Self made man with a small little loan of 413 million dollars

1  2018-10-02 by ConservativesRBIGgay


Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


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Islamofascists better watch out, gamers are coming.

This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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But her emails

How many emails would there be if adjusted for inflation?

How many emails would there be if adjusted for inflation?

Still not enough to justify T_D-tier deflection whenever Daddy does something retarded.

How many would be enough?

2 on a Wednesday

When she was a young politician, George Soros gave her a small loan of a million emails, that would be 2.1 million emails in today's emails.

I'm sure daddy will be very upset iver this new information

The hell is this lame ass shit? We knew this in the 1990's. Everyone knew this. It's kind of the point of being rich - you get to dodge your taxes.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of this tiny little sub called the Donald but you might want to check it out because they sure as shit didn’t know.

Well, few of them were alive in the nineties, so I'm not surprised.

T_D should never be used as a benchmark for anything aside from how much alcohol a fetus can survive in utero.

That’s vv fair

Fuck off back there then retard


T_D has never known anything and they're not about to start now

damn you’re right. impeachment is just days away!

-every dem faggot since inauguration

Clever clever girl 👧

That seems inaccurate.

go into politics for 5 minutes

Okay I did, "every dem faggot" didn't say that. You should go.

democrats haven’t been reeing about trump getting impeached? lmao

pee tapes!

russian collusion’s!

tick tick tick tock

Backtracking pretty hard there, bro.

haven’t changed the original statement faggot.

impeachment is just days away! every dem faggot since inauguration

democrats haven’t been reeing about trump getting impeached?

From all to any. 🤔

You seem like a triggered little bitch reeeing and downvoting. You should be a mod.

can’t wait for another trump term


actually, we didn't...the NYTimes is breaking new ground here on the sheer detail.

This is basically the sort of stuff Manafort got indicted and charged for.


Thanks Daddy! 😍😍😍😍

Man I miss plain text websites.

I read most of it, skimmed the samey parts, and all I can see is that Daddy absolutely dominated Grand Daddy.

Guy rolled out of the womb, gave one wink, and it was game over.

During Fred Trump’s final years, dementia stole most of his memories. When family visited, there was one name he could reliably put to a face.


He was his fucking Rosebud.

all i got from that is that Daddy will 100% soon have dementia, if he does not already.

which, as much as i think the guy is a braindead retard, is kinda sad.

You mean hilarious, right?

Already are. Dude is barely coherent.

But what should us radical centrists do?

i've lost a family member to dementia.

it's a completely fucked up illness and i wouldn't wish it on anyone, even when shitposting.

This claim, combined with $18.3 million more in standard deductions, completed the alchemy of turning real estate that would soon be valued at nearly $900 million into $41.4 million.

Nothing matters anymore...

They don't care about shit. Every view conservatives hold is based on "does this make the liberals mad."

They quit trying to win arguments years ago because they realized reality is in conflict with conservatism.

So now their entire worldview is based on anti-liberalism more than anything else. If Trump came out tomorrow and said he was a communist /r/The_Donald would throw up the hammer and sickle and be calling each other comrade.

Literally the only thing they care about is following Donald Trump and hating anything liberals like.

Do you mean conservatives in general

does this make the liberals mad

Sounds like a solid stance tbh

Every view conservatives hold is based on "does this make the liberals mad."

redditors actually believe this and constantly repeat this to each other in their echo chambers causing it to be solidified as fact in their minds

It's 100% true dude. This isn't a matter of opinion, even conservative pundits admit it:

The entire ideology is based on reactionary bullshit.

literally who

wtf i hate conservatives now

I don't want you to hate them, just admit they're stupid people with no coherent worldview.

nah it's pretty true. If you just look at the poor to middle class boomers who make up like 60% of the Republican voting base, they genuinely are OK with getting hurt if it also hurt "duh librulz"

Half my family is the super hardcore conservative hick stereotype, and I have had conversations with them where they have unironically told me that they're OK with Trump's policies hurting them (they're farmers, and the trade war is doing them no favors) for no other reason than because it screws (in their opinion) rich city liberals over. They like the idea of removal of net neutrality not because they think it's good, but because they think it will punish liberal mainstream media more than it will hurt them.

Trump's comments about him being able to shoot someone and keep support are probably accurate, so long as the person he shot was a liberal degenerate.

Tea Party

what is this? 2010?

itt: jelly poorfags

I see SRS is here


SRS has always been here. We're coming for you, Whyte boi.




Shoo Ed alt

TIL "loan" == "gift".

There's the report that's been a long time coming; a comprehensive look in to the finances using public transaction records.