
1  2018-10-02 by TransexualWeiner

I'm a mod now.


literally who

I'm the new drama mod.

Congrats on attaining a new low in your life.


oh i remember you, that was a fun thread, sure !!

You've convinced me, I accept you as mod.

And now that you have realize that you have achieved total rock bottom you might as well commit your soul to Jesus and head on down to the sally and tell them they've got another stew bum for the choir.

That is the something to brag about frien

still better than a lawlz sticky

What isn't?

hi my dude

SAC, what you cooking? 🤔😂



Meth, but not using the cooking-free water-bottle method

I look forwards to the mod-vs-mod catfights.

You darling, you.

we finally got an incel mod to balance out the feminist menace.

So who're we going to suck off now?

Why choose? Get in there and make everyone happy.

grats. your master shake av was better 😎


What's your stance on the refugee issue facing us all today?

No sir, no sir I don't like it.

Well, as a leader, do you have any proposals for addressing the problems that we face?

Not yet, i'll think of something when i take my morning dump.

May I recommend a good ale to go with it?

Permabans for all refugees

It's over for refugeecels.


show bussy

Congratulations transexualweiner


Every new modding since riemann has been awful imo.

no u

post bussy

assy fucked off, and lpc got tired of everyone's shit

they need to mod good, hardworking, honest people. like me.

Lpc left and deleted her account but lurks, iirc. Assy still hangs around.

can we ping

Any time you feel like pinging someone, feel free to ping /u/TransexualWeiner.



Not enough Jews on the mod team. Not looking good.

why would we advertise on the visible mod list?

Balancing out the radfem with her own porn blog? Nice.

Can we ping you in the future ?


and yet im still not...

y do u continue this targeted harassment at me /u/justcool393 ?!?! 😭😭😭

also post bussy

every time someone on r/Drama begs for a mod spot, it should be sent to me so that i can ignore it again (or so /u/justcool393 deletes it, because he's threatened by my alphaness

😤😤😤 its not begging its demanding. i want to cuck the r/Drama mods the same way i cuck the r/DeuxRAMA mods 😍 /u/justcool393 😍 included

I think your demands should be met.

ty for the support brother 🙏🙏🙏


Was the ban on telling people to kill themselves lifted ?

idk they tryin Keep You Suspicious of whats allowed

nobody wants you as a mod ed. they had to take it away from you last time, remember

LMAO @ uuuuuuu

ppl still think im an /u/ed_butteredtoast alt? 😂😂😂

394 karma

51 day acc

Literally who tier newfags are always delusional. Don't let them get to you, sweaty 😘


if it walks like an ed and talks like an ed

if yall ever need a delusional kanye west cultist mod hmu



I'm transexualWeiner, I'm the new drama mod.

 I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense.


Traps aren't gay.

Commiserations! We all take a wrong turn in life and pay a hefty price at some point.

Good, get rid of Dornish. TERF trash.

pojom is not dornish you pleb

Ya it's pizzashill

nah, she's an actual foid (or at least sounds like one) that is actually, unironically in love with PS.

also, she failed her drivers test seven(7) times


she failed her drivers test seven(7) times

The fastest way to show you're ready to Mod /r/drama.

Grounds for capital punishment.

If I spend enough time in the discord can I be a mod too?


Dear God, they're making everyone a fucking mod now.

I look forward to your mod stickie.

what a day that'll be

I'm just glad that I can be the first to see your rise to mediocrity.

Honestly, why aren't you a mod yet?

Congrats Tranny I always knew you were going to reach high

Hello pizz*shill

why the fuck does drama need like 20 mods and why are all of you such cringey losers acting like you're in a high school clique for Downsies

try not being a loser and maybe you can be in the cool drama clique too.

But being a loser is a prerequisite 🤔

hand in your application then, why you complaining?

I gave no interest in modding a cyberbullying subrediit. I just want to tease you for being a bigger loser than me.

"i don't even like the taste of grapes"

"I'm proud to mod a sub on reddit together with faggots, trannies and aged edgelords from the Something Awful forums", said the incel.

rude, i'm not an incel.

How many girls have you fuked bro?

at least 1, which makes me not incel.

Was she hot?

Her body was cold...

it still counts

Working at the morgue is like a cheat code for your sex life.

I'm a mod simply because another mod heard I have a big cock, tbh.

You're a mod because you have nothing else going on in your life.

That's a lie. A damned dirty lie.

Expecting people to have a life and use Reddit. Smh

I've got a big cock too. Maybe we should rub our big cocks together sometime? Maybe a little oil?

I won't fall for the same trick twice and, in any event, I'm already a mod.



why are all of you such cringey losers acting like you're in a high school clique for Downsies


Hi aren't you DistortedLines?

Did they give you your decoder pin yet?

Denied once again

Why do the mods hate bussy?

wow can open windows task manager

cool, now right click on your process that has your name

yeah now click "end process"


So u/transexualwiener what is your stances on futanari and what are the types of futa?

futanari is the most woke fetish. the main types are, with pussy and cock but no balls, pussy and cock and balls all together, and finally, one that has no pussy at all but just cock and balls. this last one is actually corrected called a "new half", however, it has become common to simply call it a futa. it's the most popular kind of futa and also my personal favorite.

So it's true, they only mod degenerates now.

At this point you might as well mod me and go full retard.

Literally who r u?


How do you feel about the fact you spelled "wiener" incorrectly in your name?

actually, both spellings are correct.

Actually, no. One (wiener) is correct. The other is a spelling error, unless your first name is Anthony and you're a pedo. Source: I'm a professional wiener handler.



What are your pronouns?

why did you mod him and not me? I dislike women just as much, probably more.


Do you have a feminine penis or a masculine gussy?

Oh no.

Aren't you a sociopath that would rape given the option or something?

well, i'm a man, and all men would do that, so yes.

Ok cool

Congratulations. What will be your first item of business?

bragging about the fact that i'm a mod. apart from that, i really have no idea how to mod and am not even remotely qualified.

This sounds like a good way to learn!

Then you better be able to tell me my significance to drama. Granted I never started that shit.