Troll "Grievance Studies" Articles win accolades from multiple Scholarly Journals

1  2018-10-03 by Punished_Eva


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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Article on them

I hope this article is a troll. If not this is horrifying.

It is not, and it is not that surprising given that bad research seems to be a running theme of the last ten years.

A hoax paper for the Journal of Poetry Therapy describes monthly feminist spirituality meetings, complete with a* “womb room,” *and discusses six poems, which Mr. Lindsay *generated by algorithm *and lightly edited.

😂😂😂holy shit

Hilarious and sad at the same time.

Jesus, they even called it "My Struggle'?

I wish this was the post instead of the living cancer of the anti-SJW clickbait YouTube video. I didn't have to watch through a thousand Patreon begs. I just had to go incognito.

It's not available in my country. What is the jist ?

The writers for The Onion will have to be put on suicide watch if they catch a glimpse of this.

This has been done before, if not on this scale.

More money must be funneled to this research

the paper claims dog parks are “petri dishes for canine ‘rape culture’ ” and issues “a call for awareness into the different ways dogs are treated on the basis of their gender and queering behaviors, and the chronic and perennial rape emergency dog parks pose to female dogs.”

oh god that's hysterical

It won an award if I remember correctly.

Have they forgotten Sokal?

I have two degrees in the humanities, and I somehow managed to avoid the stereotypical humanities professor. I feel like most, if not all, of the profs I had were pretty great and would be able to sniff out bullshit like this.

The only professor I had who was overtly political during lectures was actually a biology professor, and everybody would get extremely annoyed by his tangents, because it wasted class time. At the same time though he was very anti-islam, because he was a gay former Muslim, and refused to go by his first of Mohammed.

Couldn't he just change his name?

I suppose he could, but he just went by his middle name.

If he's a citizen of another country, he'd have to change his name in that country as far as I know and some countries don't allow you to change your name at will.

For example in Belgium you need to have a 'good reason' to change your name or it may get rejected.

This is why people just flat-out don't trust academia.

The bullshit of the soft 'sciences' is destroying faith in the hard ones. Experts clearly aren't expert in anything but sniffing their own asses, and the people in charge of the whole thing are so overly biased that they accept obvious nonsense so long as they find it flattering.

What's to take seriously? Giant journals make money selling people's research, that's a non starter imo

There is literally zero financial incentive for any of this to change.

this isn't even really "the soft sciences," it's a more specific subset

Found the STEMcuck

Ummm excuse me shitlord it's STEAM now.

What’s the A? are you sucking GabeN’s dick and I wasn’t invited?

The A in STEAM stands for art no joke

I hoped it was autism

Also 🤢🤢🤢

Disgusting, what an insult to artists

Prof. Sidles pls go

This is why people just flat-out don't trust academia.

Their total misunderstanding of how science work ?

More their ignoring of it and becoming a cult of buzz words that they don't even understand.

Not sure if you are talking about academia or the tard complaining about it.

Why not both

Nice 😎

The answer to bad academia is better academia. You don’t abandon the whole project because of a few morons.

I though the solution was wholesale abandoning higher education whilst popping the student loan bubble?

This, but unironically

Who says I was being ironic?

You can't do better academia with this things. The whole thing is gilled of bias, fuck it might even require bias. This is not just a thing on the left, back in the 50s social scientist swore up and down how horror comics wete gonna lead to the downfall of society yet here we are.

I suggest you research how the scientific method works. The only corrective for bad science is better science.

Or bussy science?

in the 50s social scientist swore up and down how horror comics wete gonna lead to the downfall of society


Those social scientists did succeed in killing comics, you have to give it to them


Had it not been for that campaign, comics would most likely not be the superhero monoculture that they are today in the US (and that is increasing infecting Europe too, which largely kept out of this idiocy until the end of the 20th century). Movies would be in better shape too, and people wouldn't be such zombies...

Comics died because entertainment moved on and there's more fun for less dollars with other stuff

So why is manga going strong

Yeah, manga generally has a far more diversified portfolio of genres.

It's not. Sales have been going down for years

in the 50s social scientist swore up and down how horror comics wete gonna lead to the downfall of society

maybe they did

Measurements of flaccid penises are perfectly valid 'soft science'. This stuff is just garbage opinion which they call science for some reason.

no, because they use the technique where they press the ruler all the way against the pubic bone, which is clearly cheating. exposed length or GTFO

Shut up, it’s the only way I can get to six inches.

This problem os seeping into hard scoence too.

There are hundreds of universities publishing tens of thousands of papers. Most of them are not going to be very good, and it has developed into an issue of incompetent individuals being awards degrees they would not have earned if held to a proper academic standard.

The student debt of America alone will start the apocalypse.


The hard science are suffering from it too.

Keep in mind that you are not allowed anymore to state the basic biological fact that there are two sexes in Homo sapiens...

And in most STEM departments you have diversity quotas when it comes to hiring and promotions, which are having major negative impact on the morale of the people working there.

Keep in mind that you are not allowed anymore to state the basic biological fact that there are two sexes in Homo sapiens...

lmao, sure thing buddy retard

A physicist was just fired for telling the truth about women in sciences

Making a case that women are currently being unfairly advantaged in academic hiring practices and being banned for that viewpoint != "You can't even say there are two genders!!!1!!"

i literally can't see the difference


TWO SCOOPS TWO GENDERS when you own a libtard epic style 😂😎😂

This is why people just flat-out don't trust academia

imagine actually caring about a small subset of academia that only retards care about


Mr. Boghossian doesn’t have tenure and expects the university will fire or otherwise punish him. Ms. Pluckrose predicts she’ll have a hard time getting accepted to a doctoral program. Mr. Lindsay said he expects to become “an academic pariah,” barred from professorships or publications.

Yet Mr. Lindsay says the project is worth it: “For us, the risk of letting biased research continue to influence education, media, policy and culture is far greater than anything that will happen to us for having done this.”


Yeah that's garbage though. They're playing the outrage game. If they want professorships in feminism and anti-racism (a real thing) then I bet they won't get it. If they want professorships in a real academic field they probably will.

The guys who [did the equivalent of this in a real field] did pretty well for themselves afterwards.

That's because they published to trash journals. They'll essentially publish anything as long as you pay. Everybody I know would be glad to see these burn.

This is more comparable to the Sokal affair, but Sokal didn't actually publish in a field that's close to his own. I mean, when their original hoax got rejected, they instead set out to write papers that looked like the real thing. That's pretty deceptive.

Of course it's deceptive, but it's not like they reporting fake science with fake numbers and experiments though. This shit is all masturbatory hogwash to begin with.

Lol they're pre-cultivating outrage incase one of these losers doesn't get an amazing position in an academic environment that is already heavily competitive.

Have you hear of our Lord and Saviour Professor Jordan B. Peterson?

It’s funny, but it’s not just an “underwater basket weaving” thing. There were a group of computer science professors a few years back who made an algorithm that generated absolute bullshit CS papers and got those published too.

It kinda is though. The journals affected in this case are at least somewhat respected. The CS journals were basically spam journals.

Feminism started as a family values movement by bible bangers like Susan B Anthony.

Men are:

  • More likely to be the victim of a violent crime.

  • More likely to be murdered. People 15 and older %70> of murders are men.

  • More likely to attempt suicide.

  • More likely to commit suicide successfully.

  • More likely to die in the work place. %93 of deaths in the work place are men.

  • More likely to fail in school and not graduate.

  • More likely to not go to college

    Women out achieve men academically.

Quit whining, you pussy.

I know we're flooded with MRA types right now, but could you at least bother to include a joke in your serious post?

the joke is the link to his profile above the comment

The joke is on women. Despite all of the mitigating circumstances men still run this shit.

Women out achieve men academically

lol men dum

This is so perfect I unironically cannot even

Note that these are not "marginal journals" as some will claim

Hypatia is indeed the leading feminist philosophy journal, and they got two papers there...

Most of the other journals are top in their "fields" too -- I have done some research on these topics in the past, and you get a pretty good idea about journal rankings from following the citations trees.

Which is not to say that there aren't many marginal feminist journals -- there are hundreds of them. But that hardly a reason to feel good about the state of things...

leading feminist philosophy journal

Sounds pretty marginal TBH.

Well yes, it's a marginal field.


In terms of real-life policy, it is having massive impacts.

Any subs having a meltdown over this?

Some people in Ghazi don't understand why those papers should have been rejected in the first place

Reminder that:

60% of econ studies replicate compared to

50% of pysch studies


36% of sociology studies.