2 Virgins argue about Doctor Professor Memerson

1  2018-10-03 by Momruepari


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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How is Peterson so controversial to some people? If you have a strong opinion on him either way you should probably wash your penis.

That was my point. Oh well, at least I'm 'tard famous' now.

send bussy

Only if you send urs first honey πŸ˜œπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ƒ

Show your bussy with a sign and your username on it and I'll gild you.

Only if you do it too, babe

Please get your watermark tattooed on that sensitive area around the butthole


he's alright I guess.

philosophers tend to be pretentious assholes

Criticizing Peterson is fun, because you will undoubtedly cause a large number of people to tear up and smash their plate of tendies on the floor.

Just mentioning anecdotes from Peterson's past, like having his expert witness testimonies thrown out of courts for being deemed "scientific junk", is enough to cause seething tantrums.

you will undoubtedly cause a large number of people to tear up and smash their plate of tendies on the floor

The same could be said for the commie trannies on r/badphilosophy who get triggered because he says men and women are different in some respects.

There is nothing wrong with his self-help stuff and most of the psychology lectures. I understand that you may not agree with him on how society needs to be transformed to some non-identitarian neoliberal individualist robot world, but that's never what anyone argues against. There's only trannies and libfems attacking the fact that he tells low performing men to stop feeling sorry for themselves and start to improve their life.

I guess there's nothing wrong with his self help stuff if you're willing to pay for incredibly boring platitudes prettied up with verbose language.

Also, there have been critiques of Peterson that go beyond "he doesn't like women".

How much money do you give to Peterson every month to be reminded to clean your room?

if you're willing to pay

He's put up hundreds of free lectures on youtube and you can pirate all his books if you like. I haven't bought a book since I left university.

I enjoyed his lectures on existentialism. It didn't cost me anything.

How much money do you give to Peterson every month to be reminded to clean your room?

I also think his vast Patreon wealth is "unearned" and that his pay pigs are dumb, but it's not like there is a sinister scheme at work here. They pay because they want to pay. They don't have to pay.

If they were "boring platitudes" how are they so controversial that he's incessantly called a fascist for expressing them? He offers an alternative to the passive aggressive PC hugboxes and identity politics that permeates western culture. It might be a flawed alternative, but it sure as hell beats the other choice. Some people would rather pay for someone saying "lel clean your room" than "lel you don't have to clean your room".

Do you have the same hateboner for Zizek because he charges for his lectures, travel expenses and doesn't hand out his books for free?

Also, there have been critiques of Peterson that go beyond "he doesn't like women".

Not among the tranny commies and SJW liberals. There are some great critiques about how he lumps together Post-Modernism and Marxism into some amorphous "cultural marxist" hodgepodge that I think are valid, but it doesn't really negate his main arguments against the modern left.

If they were "boring platitudes" how are they so controversial that he's incessantly called a fascist for expressing them?

lmao imagine being so dumb you actually believe that 12 rules for life is uniquely profound. as far as i'm aware, few to none of the fascism accusations derive from this book. they're literally boring platitudes. he's oprah for salty young dudes who want to feel like they're intellectuals.

Do you have the same hateboner for Zizek because he charges for his lectures, travel expenses and doesn't hand out his books for free?

"hateboner" lmao you are just proving my point, my dude. peterson has way more of a dedicated and cult-like fan base. plenty of leftists are critical of zizek. also making the assumption that i'm a zizek fanboy just because i don't think peterson is the new messiah is absolute peak peterson cultism.

Not among the tranny commies and SJW liberals.

So you focus entirely upon the bottom of the barrel critiques? lol

There are some great critiques about how he lumps together Post-Modernism and Marxism into some amorphous "cultural marxist" hodgepodge that I think are valid

Yeah, there are even more than that. "but muh zizek", amirite?

Thanks for playing the "let's prove OP right that just mentioning anecdotes from Peterson's past results in sperging" game.

Wash your penis

but i just finished cleaning my room

The bath should be nearby

mom, stop telling me what to do

lmao imagine being so dumb you actually believe that 12 rules for life is uniquely profound

I never said that. I said that the book was considered controversial by a lot of people as evidenced by the immense hatred he invokes by writing "boring platitudes". If it really was "boring platitudes" without any relevance it wouldn't be so controversial.

peterson has way more of a dedicated and cult-like fan base

Some parts yes, but check out /leftypol/ and /lit/ to find the Zizek equivalents. I didn't assume you in particular were a Zizek fanboy, I just mentioned him since he is a comparable contemporary meme philosopher. I enjoy both in their own way and I think both bring up good points.

So you focus entirely upon the bottom of the barrel critiques? lol

Those are the most prominent. I don't focus on the good and sensible critiques since I agree with a lot of them. Did you miss how I brought up one such critique myself by the way?

Thanks for playing the "let's prove OP right that just mentioning anecdotes from Peterson's past results in sperging" game

I don't know what that means. I agree that aspects of Peterson's thinking is flawed and that there are valid criticisms. Just saying "he makes a lot of money on his book" and thinking that is enough to hate the guy isn't enough though in my opinion. There's no reason to be upset.

I said that the book was considered controversial by a lot of people as evidenced by the immense hatred he invokes by writing "boring platitudes". If it really was "boring platitudes" without any relevance it wouldn't be so controversial.

And I pointed out, which you ignored completely, that the majority of his "fascism" allegations are not a result of 12 rules for life. The book, again, is a bunch of boring platitudes. I'm far from the first person to point this out. lol I'm sorry that you give it the worth that you do. That's sad.

but check out /leftypol/ and /lit/ to find the Zizek equivalents.

do you seriously believe that /leftypol/ has any equivalence to the mainstream success of Peterson? and /lit/ is a mixed bag, it's a far cry from a zizek fan club or anything comparable to the mainstream success of peterson.

Did you miss how I brought up one such critique myself by the way?

No, and I have not. I have noticed your aversion to general Peterson criticism, as my initial comment merely noted his rocky history in providing expert opinions in court. Did that bother you? Or was it my criticism of the Peterson fan base of being sensitive to literal facts about his past that bothered you so much?

Just saying "he makes a lot of money on his book" and thinking that is enough to hate the guy isn't enough though in my opinion.

yeah, because that's all I said along with saying I hate him. Jesus Christ, peterson fan boys are like a different fucking species.

your entire takeaway from this is that I think peterson made too much money off his book? lmao holy shit dude, the cult powers are stronger than i though

The fascism allegations aren't a result of anything. It's business as usual for some triggered leftoids to smear anyone they disagree with as a fascist. Here's a review on 12 rules for life where he is called a fascist. I'd say that a book deemed to be "fascist mysticism" is something else than boring platitudes no matter the quality of its content.

lol I'm sorry that you give it the worth that you do. That's sad.

Dude, I haven't even read it. I agree with his stance that unsatisfied low performing men should start to improve themselves instead of becoming self-hating members of the SJW-cult or spew their incel ressentiment in gay echo chambers. I think that advice is worth something for men in that position. In addition to that I have enjoyed some of his lectures on existentialism. That's it. I don't get why you think I'm a fanboy.

do you seriously believe that /leftypol/ has any equivalence to the mainstream success of Peterson?

No, but I'd call Zizek's success somewhat equivalent to Peterson's. I'm just saying that there are Zizek fanboys, Gramsci fags and whatever on there that are just as annoying as some Peterson fans. I don't see why you'd dismiss Zizek because of his supporters on lit or reddit or whatever was my point.

I have noticed your aversion to general Peterson criticism, as my initial comment merely noted his rocky history in providing expert opinions in court. Did that bother you?

I have no clue what he's said in court since I'm not obsessed with him. If his expert opinion was deemed shitty that's bad I guess. I read on /lit/ that he used to lecture in a cape and that's embarrassing too, but I don't think it takes away from an interesting take on Kirkegaard or whatever it was I watched.

yeah, because that's all I said along with saying I hate him

The only thing you said was that his fans are cringy because they voluntarily pay money for a service he provides. I agree that his fanbase is gay, but I don't see how that is relevant.

It's even better now, we reached a point where...just like with Lolon Musk...defending or critisizing him will inevitably give you an endless flow of raging lolcows.

That's good for drama.

I enjoy taking the path of criticism, because I find it ridiculous how people like this receive an almost cult-like level of worship. You shouldn't have that kind of fanatical devotion to anybody. It's fucking weird.

what if i have a strong opinion on him both ways?

They cancel each other out.


It's like people with vitriolic hatred for Jersey Shore. Literally why do you care?

Absolutely great for drama, though.

My first instinct to seeing people defend memerson is to mock them, I encourage everyone else to do the same. These people won’t bully themselves.

Why not bring up an argument against him then instead of REEEEEing out with ad hominems as soon as he is mentioned?

Because writing pages of arguments to own the someone with FACTS and LOGIC is for memerson nerds

You're in for a surprise if you get into higher education then. Writing pages of arguments to support your thesis is everything you do.

Why not bring up an argument against him

because its autistic to debate on the internet?

It's autistic to be on r/drama in the first place. We're already doomed.

"It's okay to laugh at retards unless it's MY retard!"

It's okay to laugh at him for sounding like Kermit, for crying on stream or something like that, but if you're frothing at the mouth because he's saying incel ressentiment can't be left unchecked I think that's a bit different. If you're doing that I think it demands an explanation.

I laugh at him for the shit you mentioned and for the fact that he's a complete retard when he tries to talk about anything besides self help.

I don't agree with his politics and I couldn't make it through his boring Old Testament series, but I like his take on Jung and the lectures about existentialism are really good.

It depends what you're interested in I guess. If you're not interested in mythology, evolutionary psychology or theism I get it, but personally I found it refreshing to hear a new take on those old tales whether I agree with it or not.

What is it that you find retarded? The whole 'let's use archetypes to analyze human behavior'-shtick?

What is it that you find retarded? The whole 'let's use archetypes to analyze human behavior'-shtick?

Where do you want me to start? His ideas on theism and religion, his complete butchering of left wing ideologies (see: postmodern neo-marxism), his misunderstanding of how hierarchies work in society, etc...

I'd probably be able to list more but I can't get through too many of his lectures and writings without feeling the need to kill myself. This feeling gets stronger when I see teenagers praise him as some sort of Messiah figure because he told them to clean their rooms.

I laugh at him because he thinks SJWs are poisoning his apple juice and red meat only diets and years to his life.

I don't give a shit how valid his points are beyond that because I'm not in this for serious discourse, I'm in this for laughs. Likewise, I laugh at anyone who takes him seriously after going on a sleep deprived bender.

Look at all this great drama I seeded, just by being a retard.


Happy boi

ITT: 2 Virgins argue about Doctor Professor Memerson pt. II

ITT: 2 Virgins argue about Doctor Professor Memerson pt. II

Hitchens > Harris > Hyde > Memerson

they're all fucking retarded

how about instead of Jordan Peterson it's Gorge on Penis Cum and he's always gorging himself on cum from penises