Why hasn't anyone r34'd Platy yet?

1  2018-10-03 by snallygaster

Is there SERIOUSLY nobody on /r/drama who knows how to draw? Not one person?


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Snally is a yiff connoisseur.

I'm just weirded out by the realization that there are no drawpeople on this sub. If there were then there would be lewds of platy already

I'm not an artist, but I'm tempted to sketch something Lovecraftian.

I'm not trying to out myself to you freaks lmao


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Rules are meant to be broken! No R34 for Platy!


Thst's not Platy tho

I "draw" for a living, but only non-living things.

Also, anyone who doesn't draw cartoons aimed at children is a degenerate.

Platys are perfect as they already are: no need for r34!

ye boi

too ugly


Everyone busy drawing Bowsette porn

Bowser is sexy the way he is

Behind the scenes shit is crazy, there's nutjobs claiming Bowsette is trans and other nutjobs screaming that the jap's fanart that kicked it off is totally completely straight with no undertones of being gay as fuck

I just like jerking it to the blonde with big titties and a spiked collar