Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
Smugressive leftist fagbois can't actually back up anything, they just repeat one, single monotonous line of arrogant platitudes about whoever they disagree with is definitely pathetic. They do this because they're too retarded mentally and intellectually to actually respond directly to what makes their fragile leftist butts sore.
Leftism is for the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, and they'll never be successful. Capitalism cucks them and they just get on their Starbuck's wifi and REEEEEEE about DRUMPF and fantasize about putting liberals in gulags.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-10-03
Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
"Moderator of these communities:
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
I could. Anyone who makes bots like this lol
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
Go on and make another one man sub like /r/bots_exposed, loser.
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
No, make me, ya salty beeeitch!
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
Alright then, suit yourself. It's not like you need any help being pathetic, lol.
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Says you. How pathetic lol
Smugressive leftist fagbois can't actually back up anything, they just repeat one, single monotonous line of arrogant platitudes about whoever they disagree with is definitely pathetic. They do this because they're too retarded mentally and intellectually to actually respond directly to what makes their fragile leftist butts sore.
Leftism is for the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, and they'll never be successful. Capitalism cucks them and they just get on their Starbuck's wifi and REEEEEEE about DRUMPF and fantasize about putting liberals in gulags.
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
See, mad.
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Haha lolol see how triggered u are? Mad bro. Lol i triggerd u lolol so pathetic lol
U don't need me to be pathetic, ur triggered lol heh nice try but you're triggered heh
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
Could you try speaking like an adult human being, or are you just too mad for that?
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Heh nice try but lol we can all see how mad u are lol heh nice try tho but ur pathetic lol we can all seehow pathetic u are lol
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
fake and gay, eat my poops
1 better_bot 2018-10-03
Someone's mad.
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Somebody's mad lol
1 PuttinOnTheVIX 2018-10-03
r u that shapiro kid?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-10-03
r u that shapiro kid?
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Heh lol nice try but are you feelin OK friend? Lol this is just pathetec
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2018-10-03
hi ben!
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
my dick
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Lol did ur mad little baby-boohoo post get deleted? Heh nice try but try harder lol
You don't need my help to get your mad little posts banned lol heh nice try heh but this is just pathetic lololololol heh ur mad
1 John_Old_Junior 2018-10-03
Somebody's mad
1 TotesMessenger 2018-10-03
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)