Tempers flair and the spuds are boiling in /r/Ireland as an Indian man (their pm) claims immigrants work harder and pay more taxes.

1  2018-10-03 by Ecocrexis

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Also as a side dish, the Irish government is giving 500k Euro in funding to men's sheds. /R/Ireland takes issue with the news bearers MRA leanings here


womp womp


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But where's the drama?

The massive continue threads and negative karma didn't make it obvious?

Do you seriously expect me to read through all of that? It just looks like a typical reddit post, where some people get triggered, while many are just fine.

Braveheart died so a street shitter could be the most powerful person in the country. In before some sperg tells me he was Scottish

He was Gaelic.

First the largely catholic country gets Abortion made legal

Then a pajeet says they're shit compared to immigrants

Can the Irish ever recover? Probably not since their population is still a fraction of what it was before the potatos went bad

Yeah, it’s not really news that the Irish are lazy, drunken thieves.

Just repeat Cromwell already.