SRDine targets gamers. Some of them rise up.

1  2018-10-03 by darkinard


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Only the rice Olympics are autistic enough have Esports in them.

Lol at the vote totals there as if SRDines do anything except play vidya

You forgot get offended on behalf of others.

Seriously is every srdines life just taken up by vidya and writing fucking novels over the most asinine shit.

Adderall works in mysterious ways

ADHD drugs and metareddit are a dangerous combo

A dangerous combo? Or a match made in heaven?


please help

It's never too late to start a tidy porn collection

"ugh fugging gamers"

t. Nolife manbaby who writes essays on vidya when he's not playing games

Hmm i don't like srdines but i don't gamers either...

You rarely see proud SRDines in public. You can't say the same for gamers.

Real gamers don't go outside yo, so you can't see neither in public.

Most gamers are fine, #notallgamers.

ErinBe is a gamer tm a grandstanding idiot.

How can you be a weeb but not a gamer, when VNs are one of the many good things about anime and hentai?

I don't play too many VNs because most of them take forever and it's not like my list of films, anime I want to watch, books and manga I want to read, etc. isn't way too long as it is. Still I wouldn't even count people who a lot of VNs as gamers, the ones I've played were much closer to novels than to games.

Right? Visual Novel --> Game???

VNs are awesome, but they shouldn't be considered in the same class as, say, Mega Man or whatever. I believe the attempt to paint them as such was done by SJWs, as they have a far lower technical requirement to create. That way, for the sake of agenda pushing, they could call various Literally Whos game devs.

The only VN I really liked was Umineko. Which didn't even include branching choices.

VNs aren't actually games.

Its a conspiracy by the chinese cartoon porn "artists" to insert themselves into gayming.

I think they are.

But it doesn't actually matter to my point anyways, because there is also all the loli collection mobile games, i. e. Azur Lane, FGO and Granblue Fantasy, or the various eroge games.

This one right here mr FBI man.

Death to weebs before (((us))) gaymers.

I don't know if I hate SRDines or gamers more. Yikes.🤮

gamers are excusing racial slurs (so long as they're said only in heated gaming moments), constant low level racism, homophobia, sexism

Spoken like someone who has never played a real sport.

psst, all of these things happen in real sports too.

In fact, I wish it happened more often

Seriously, the body count from sports events-related deaths dwarfs anything related to gaming. I remember that one article saying that having your football team lose has a noticeable impact on domestic violence incidence in the next few days.

us sportsmen huh?

First they came for the gamers.

And I personally lined them up against the wall.

Nah, I'm not super into doing stuff. I'm one of those "why go to a concert when I can listen to the same music at home" types, and I've generally had bad experiences meeting video game people face to face

ahahahahah hahahha ahhaha.

Lmao imagine actually thinking that's something to be proud of

People who feel threatened by gamers make me cringe. Like, some guy that plays some Mario games really makes you this insecure?

I don't care if he wastes his life pretending to be some fat Italian, but I don't want my children growing up thinking it's okay

Your children will probably be better playing Mario than taking after their faggot father that spends a day on Reddit talking about internet drama and bussy.

go tell their adoptive parents lol

luckily CPS doesnt place children with gamers

Bussy > vidya

Vidya bussy > you

fair enough

I'm one of those "why go to a concert when I can listen to the same music at home" types

So you're a loser.

Hahaha fucken goodnight

is pdpl some gay srdine buzzword

It's because you're by your own admission a pretty joyless person who doesn't interact with others, views healthy social interaction as unpleasant and toxic, and seems to derive pleasure from mocking others for being normal people enjoying themselves in a valid way.

SRDines always get so close to self awareness yet they never quite reach it

Nah, I'm not super into doing stuff. I'm one of those "why go to a concert when I can listen to the same music at home" types

found the incel

They're gonna see "Last Year's Fortnite Olympic Gold and Silver medalists attending Unite the Right rally this weekend" on the 9 oclock news

This has got to be the stupidest fucking argument they made. A few years ago a pro player was arrested for literally being a serial killer.

Not to mention Michael Vick, Junior Seau, and OJ motherfuckin Simpson. Yet, people still tune I'm every Thursday and sunday to watch the game.

I don't what kind of retarded belief system you would have to believe that just attending the unite the rally is morally equivalent to murder or ochestrating dog fighting.

We. Are. Gamers. We hate women and minorities!