A truely radical centrist's hot take on the Kavanaugh/Ford situation

1  2018-10-03 by wow___justwow


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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P ez

She was raped, simply by someone else, but she deeply believes it was Kdog.

Have we moved from groping to rape? Or is everything just rape now?

Or is everything just rape now?

now? everything was rape in like 2016.

This comment is rape.

Only because they said 2016 and not Current Year 01.

Any unwanted touch can be construed as rape now, that's where the goal post are and also, these goal post can be moved at someone's discretion

The touch doesn't need to be unwanted. In fact you can want it so bad you go put special make-up on for him, ans realize he has a gf but do it anyways because.. and I quote "whatever, I'm still gonna fuck you, dick too bomb".

Then turn around and call it a rape.

Nice meta

Man what did anyone expect to gain with that article, it's like controlled opposition tier

Most people don't even know that it wasn't rape. Honestly impressive optics by liberal media.

I'll give them credit for actually learning from others.

If you repeat a lie enough it becomes the truth.

I keep hearing people talking about how he has lied under oath. NPR was literally listing the shit he wrote in his yearbook and referring to fucking urban dictionary a couple days ago.

Proving once again that we are truly living in the dankest of all possible timelines.

Because he lied about basic shit, just stupid easily verifiable petty facts. Still can't figure out his angle.

What did he lie about?

Blatant stuff. I have no connection to Yale, the witnesses who were there say that it didn’t happen, the drinking age was 18, etc. It's got to be a strategy, I just don't know what it is.

It's got to be a strategy, I just don't know what it is.

Be as retarded as your constituents and they'll love you

That he didn't organize gang rape parties

have you seriously never heard of a devil’s triangle?

that shit is from, like, the 1890s

It would be considered sexual assault, or attempted rape. Hell people have definitely been convicted of sexual assault for much lighter touches than jumping on a girl and holding her down while you grope her and forcibly remove her clothing.

My favourite is how they try to make out that some slut who fucked so many guys they referred to each other as her 'alumnus' is deserving of some kind of respect.

Hot take: women will never be congratulated for fucking loads of dudes because, as much as people may try to convince you otherwise, women hate sluts more than men do.

Lol, a major Canadian movie personality slapped a girl while they were making out. He was acquitted, but no joke most of the country still believes he's a rapist, even though he wasn't ever even accused of that.

(Because sexual assault is a wide net, but when anyone says it, they just assume rape).

Lucy bangs the dumbest guys.

Everything is rape.

<User was raped by this post>

This but unironically.

No, we believe Kavanaugh and we confirm Ford.

The true centrist would confirm them both.

A true centrist would rape Kavanaugh and confirm Ford.

Bussy, lmao

this but unironically

Y tho, he didnt rape anyone tho

The reality is that everybody needs a little bit of a rape every now and then.

Its not rape if i want it OwO

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

unironic capeshit

in current month


What month is it okay to like capeshit?




I'd take "cape shit" over using emojis like this any day

nice comedy chevrons, friend :)

newforces can’t trifriend :)

Good meme 😂








I have seen 14,000,605 levels of irony.

No, we let Ford and Kavanaugh mud wrestle in an area and then we confirm Hulk Hogan.

No, we drag the hearings out for another year or so. Unless you don't like rape drama and nationally televised spergouts.

My Ford gets 30 mpg, what does your Kavanaugh get

It it really the radical centrist take when half the Republicans are saying exactly that? 🤔

Alcoholics need their minority hire tho.

True, there's been a hole there since Scalia

Republicans are paying her lip service because calling women who cry about rape attempts lying whores isn't in right now.

No, we can not care about Ford and not confirm Kavanaugh because he's a shrill, red faced, crying little bitch, and also a papist.

This his legit the best radical centrist take because it pisses everyone off. The #MeToo's are mad for not believing her and the conservautists are mad because Kavvy gets the boot.

But the radical centrists will be happy...

It doesn't really piss everyone off because a lot of conservatives would prefer someone else

They'll still be buttmad that the Dems "won"

Have you seen the latest polls in some senate races? Democrats fucked themselves hard. I hope they have fun with a third conservative justice after RBJ dies

What do you think the scare quotes are for?

in what specific senate races? most republicans are getting bootyblasted rn

In what specific senate races?

Dem senator Heidi Heitkamp's polls have tanked since the Kavanaugh bru-haugh-haugh unfolded; and Joe Donnelly's comfortable lead has collapsed

Wow you picked two senators were who already already viewed as the most vunerable and were already trailing behind before the entire thing with Kavanaugh to prove your point.

There are only so many senate elections in this political cycle, and they are all in states that are Leans Republican.

Besides, you asked a question, I answered

You are a fucking moron as usual, the leftoids literally won't give a shit who believes what as long as they achieve their actual goal, none of them ever actually gave a fuck about Ford's story, Ford included.

Lol never stop being a retard. Women have been reeeing about the necessity of believing women throughout the whole Ford thing. To them, not believing a "survivor" makes you literal scum.

Women have been reeeing about the necessity of believing women throughout the whole Ford thing. To them, not believing a "survivor" makes you literal scum.

Lol at you thinking this in any way contradicts or disproves anything I've said.

TBH we just need to do away with highly empathetic mayo gussy. Used to be liberal men were the 'pay me a fair wage and Ill stop protesting and kicking the fucking shit out of the scabs youve hired to replace me' and women voted more conservative because 'we cant have the men going out to coffee bars and golf clubs because then who can we nag and drain of resources?'

The the NuLiberal women grew out their armpit hair and soyed the blokes up and now its all 'Im a non-gender conforming, female presenting intersectional feminist with BPD and a distinct desire for polyamourous relationships with men who I can nag and extract resources from'

Try not to be a complete idiot, leftists know that no matter what, a conservative is being confirmed. This particular one is just a detestable, squealing authoritarian swine. Kindly tell the other nascar-americans to just let it happen quickly so we can get over it

This particular one is just a detestable, squealing authoritarian swine

LMAO pretending there's a conservative who leftoids aren't going to scream is a "detestable blah de blah hate hate bitch whine moan"

Like gorsich.

Gorsuch wasn't the swing vote to overturn Roe, you moron.

You remember gorsuch? 1/10th of the outrage about him cause there wasn't anything to get mad about beyond his court record, which 90% of burgers don't have the capacity to understand

There isn't anything to get mad at Kavanaugh for other than

  1. his court record

  2. the delusions of a crazy bitch

If Gorsuch has been post-#metoo some crazy bitch would have come out of the woodwork for him, too.

Lol you think Ford doesn't care?

This. Every vote to confirm Kavanaugh is a vote for superstition, Jesuitical terror, and Roman supremacy.

The Council of Nicaea was a TOTAL SHAM

Council of Trent intensifies

implying Miaphysites are any better


The 4th crusade was an inside job to destabilize Byzantium

Vatican III when

This but unironically. I'd be Catholic if the Conciliar Movement of the 15th century was still going. Tell that Italian pope to haul his spaghetti ass up into the Alps and give some fucking answers to his flock.

Arius was right.

You just know he's gonna do everything he can to protect the pedo priests too

Is he not evangelical?

Stop trying to make it sound metal.

Believe it or not it's largely a Portuguese conspiracy

well it certainly explains a lot

Truly sit Ulrich

I don't want no eye-talian pope tellin mah Supreme Court how to vote.

But she has a vocal fry, so screw her

Honestly that is the worst. She goes from a normal voice to a fucking 12 year old's voice.

Pretty common in the white female specimens


Kavanaugh is a papist? Where's an angry Swede when you need one...

All the best justices are Catholic.

what about Judge Dredd

Ever since Kennedy, the Vatican has been in direct control of the presidency. It's only a matter of time before us Catholics supercede the Jews. We'll be the ones calling the shots.

The Papists were in control since they let the (((Hibernians))) in.

Did you know he likes beer?

>not respecting gods chosen representative on earth and leader of the one true faith

Seamus, we've got another protestant. Get the fertilizer

Ford raped Kavanaugh’s hand with her pussy

I don't believe Ford but I believe Kavanaugh raped people because he was a frat boy.

Also Kavanaugh is getting confirmed regardless of wether he was guilty or not.

I miss Brutus

😂😂😂 you guys

Why don't we just force Ford to grope Kav-daddy?

What's the deal with "Believing"?

I don't give a fuck about what people believe or shouldn't believe - it's about evidence.

And there is no fucking evidence for this extraordinary claim.

Exactly. I'm the most skeptical about political stuff

Yeah but he's a republican


I keep hearing "I saw her testimony and I absolutely believe her".

Ok cool, so? Good thing "they really seemed to be telling the truth" isn't all it takes to prove someone did something.

Testimony is evidence sweaty.

go on.

Witness testimony is literally a form of "evidence" in legal jargon. It's considerably less strong than "material evidence" such as a video recording.

And I would say it becomes even weaker when you cant even say when or where the incident happened, oh and it happened 36 years ago. Just because it is considered "evidence" doesnt mean that it is necessarily good evidence.

Yeah, so are fingrprints on a murder weapon but that alone isn't enough to convict.

A successful criminal conviction requires multiple points of evidence to paint a picture that can be believed beyond reasonable doubt.

This has been gone over multiple times, and apparently people are too busy drooling into their cheerios to get it.

Testimony is only evidence if it can be substantiated. Ie If someone accuses someone of something, the police are sent out to investigate, a police investigation is the means by which we establish that what the accuser says is at last possible. If you reach that point, a further investigation takes place which can include the arrest of the accused, attempts to collect physical evidence, and finding witnesses who can corroborate the accuseds testimony.

Tldr individual testimony with no corroborating evidence is not evidence of anything besides someone belief.

It's a job appointment, not the court of law. I absolutely agree that the current evidence against him would in no way justify taking away his liberty. But people are allowed to take it into account in choosing whether or not to appoint him.

Testimony is evidence btw. Otherwise people would not bother to bring in Mark Judge's negative account.

Yes of course it is evidence. But when literally your only evidence is one persons testimony on something that occurred at an unknown date 36 years ago, you are going to need a hell of a lot more to prove it happened.

Do you think it would be right for your boss to fire you on a whim? Do you think it would be right for someone to show up and accuse you of something at your job interview, that can not be proven, with nothing but their word?

I don't care how credible she sounds, without ANY other evidence to back up what she is saying, it is totally wrong to deny him the appointment based on the allegations.

Do you think its right if you go to hire someone and 4 people come out of the woodwork to say yeah he's a scummy pervert to be like "NOPE NO EVIDENCE HE'S HIRED", especially after he begins screaming at you when you ask if it's true about beer and calendars?

As much as you moronic noeliberals want it to happen, most people are not interested in turning every facet of human existence into a corporate blame and tell-tale culture

how many buzzwords can i fit into a comment. PC Outrage Tell-tale neolib neocon cuck snowflake culture bussy lmao

One. Neoliberal. Which perfectly encapsulates the political opinions of 99.99% of modern liberals.

1 person accusing someone of something that occurred at an unknown date 36 years ago with little to no concrete evidence = worth zero.

Now multiply the number of people by 4.

4 people accusing someone of something that occurred at an unknown date 36 years ago with little to no concrete evidence = 4x0.

Except not all 4 of them are accusing him of the same thing? Also my point wasn't that it happened, it's that Kavanaugh has shown throughout this whole thing that he really should not be on the Supreme Court. Evading questions, lying under oath, becoming belligerent, blaming the Clintons. He's nit stable, definitely unfit for the HIGHEST COURT IN THE US.

I like you.

People seem to believe she was very credible

I guess you didn't hear about her exboyfriend. She slutted it up in Hawaii, charged his credit card, and lied about her fear of flying.

Lie detector tests don’t work, retard. Aside from that, they’re basically inadmissible, so where did you get all these ideas?

Polygraph tests aren't reliable, yeah. But her passing a polygraph test was like the first thing that came out after the accusation.

Whaaaat? Using a known unreliable method to discredit a troublesome witness? Clearly there’s no way trump would let that happen!

What? I'm not the same guy you were responding to, I'm just pointing out why he was going on about polygraph tests. Ford took a polygraph and released the results, but polygraph tests are unreliable and basically inadmissible. People hear that she passed a lie detector test and that sounds like solid evidence to laymen.

Yeah, but the guy said she knew and taught others how to fake passing it, implying that it would have registered false if she didn't know how to do that

You don't really understand polygraph tests. They are prone to false-positives, not false-negatives. Educate yourself dipshit.

where did you get all these ideas?

I'm just refuting the bullshit narrative that the mainstream media was shilling. They all touted her passing lie detector tests, with zero-critical thinking, as is their habit.

So you don’t have one?

wtf are you asking me

I'm saying you don't have a point or a source and you hate all those beta-orbiter-cucks MDEFUGEES GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It's a job appointment, not the court of law.

It shrieked for the billionth time, continuing in its oath to remain retarded until the die its bones disappeared into dust...

Good thing he's not being sentenced or charged, then huh?

yOu DoNt NeEd EvIdEnCe OuTsIdE oF a CoUrT

Ascending my almonds to a level never thought possible

If someone warns you about a baby sitter, that they get handsy with the kids, and then three other parents tell you similar complaints, maybe pick another of the 10 babysitters you know of. You don't need to see photographic evidence of molestation not to be an idiot.

I like it, that's too much text to retype in spongebobcase so he's out of rebuttals.

So you’re saying he’s going to rape Ginsburg?

Ginsburg is too kinky to be raped

what else is there?

The situation clearly changes when you replace the job of "babysitter" with the job of "guy who takes part in deciding a ton of important shit", especially when the people in charge of filling that position could change in the next month if you can but delay the hiring process in the meantime.

Seems to me, the more important the decisions being made, the more careful one should be about not being an idiot and hiring a likely offender. Plus, it's their fault for picking a dud; McConnell and others advised against this nominee in the first place. I don't want to be saddled with a poor choice because they can't deal with their mistakes.

Witness testimony is evidence

it's about evidence.

As all of the lefty shills have been pointing out, this isn't a trial. They're not wrong. If you proclaim your innocence but blatantly lie about stupid shit, it's not a good look.

As all of the lefty shills have been pointing out, this isn't a trial.

They certainly seem to be very proud to be pointing that out, and I'm not quite sure why - I never claimed this was a trial.

The "I believe" bullshit is just as relevant here.

I don't just believe someone by default - taking a position in an accusation this extreme without concrete evidence, just based on: "I kind of feel that this happened" is the ultimate sign of the idiot.

They certainly seem to be very proud to be pointing that out,

Huh, you're asking them about their emotional state?

I don't just believe someone by default

Seems like you are. Just a different someone.

"I kind of feel that this happened" is the ultimate sign of the idiot.

Right, and you may have run across those people on Reddit. That's what this sub is all about. But then there are people who watched the testimonies and have a pretty good non-feels idea about who is more likely telling the truth about the incident and who made disqualifying lies under oath.

I have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Like at all.

This entire comment, I don't understand it.

Half of it is your own words, so...

eyewitness testimony is literally evidence you faggot retard

Pseudo religious dogma.

Ever seen a purple hair fatty start speaking in tongues on campus? I have.

i just want to know why the woman looks like a deflated balloon personally

No, you always want to know why everyone is always making fun of daddy. Lbr.

its clearly because youre insecure and dont know much about politics lol why would anyone be confused about that

Oh, I'm insecure, yet you attach your identity to corrupt strongmen and demagogues. Rlly boils the ol' noodle 🤔🤔

hang on whos a strongman what are you talking about

but yeah anyone who rages at trump is insecure af, thats why theyre adopting a herd mentality and trying to get on what they perceive to be the winning team to avoid being socially ostracized

its not like any anti trump people actually understand why they think they hate him, its just a blind rage because of the tv

people are basically lemmings

If you don't actually understand why people think Trump is retarded, then you're probably retarded. Socially retarded at the very least. Not because you don't follow the crowd but instead, because you think crass behavior and pathological dishonesty are fitting characteristics for anyone holding the office of president( you know: the nation's leader, negotiator, commander in chief of the armed forces)


Who's a strongman

You're also politically retarded with a memory of a goldfish.

Trump has praised strongmen like Mao and Putin for the grasp they have on their respective countries. Trump is a demagogue and wannabe strongman. 2+2=4

If you don't actually understand why people think Trump is retarded, then you're probably retarded. Socially retarded at the very least.

lol i understand perfectly, its because a lot of your countrymen are extremely susceptible to really low level propaganda

trump is barely even offensive, its just that jews hate him and they run the media you absorb so easily

and so you just basically repeat what they want without an ounce of critical thought

hashtag resist amirite

because you think crass behavior and pathological dishonesty are fitting characteristics for anyone holding the office of president


You're also politically retarded with a memory of a goldfish.

yeah i dont actually hang on random words he said because im not a huge faggot and i only care about relatively important things

for real, the bitch is 50 yet her skin sags like a 90 year olds. Imagine how saggy her tits must be

What if I don't believe Ford but I don't want Kavanaugh confirmed because I don't want a Conservative supreme court majority to set this country back for the next 50 years.

This is highly likely the majority of people who are against Kav right now.

You're probably actually right

Believe Kavanaugh confirm Ford

Disbelieve Ford disbar Kavanaugh

The country was better 50 years ago

MLK and RFK assasinations, thousands of young men dying for nothing in rice patties, US citizens getting pummeled on the streets of Chicago, leading to Nixon. Great times.

No one even died in Chicago, as they did in Newark, Detroit, DC, Watts, etc.

Nixon wasnt that bad

This but unironically

This country was better 500 years ago

Pure pristine wilderness with nary a mayo in sight

Ew but all the bugs

Then at least you're honest, unlike the /r/politics crowd.

Then you're bad at identifying a liar.

this guy Believes Women


[x] I've never been blackout drunk
[x] I was a virgin in high school
[x] I played "drinking games" like Devil's Triangle

Then start winning elections, dumbass.

Constant posts to CA & Mens Rights. Instantly assumes anyone who isn't super conservative is a liberal and finds a way to condescendingly call them a loser because of your identity politics bullshit.


How about since they both sound like dumb shits we throw them off a cliff and be done with it.

has no appreciation for the drama they have bestowed upon us

So is the mayocide still on or nah?

Kav is firmly anti-mayocide and will do his best to prevent it, making it extra important that he's kept off the court

The supreme court cannot stop the mayocide

Nothing can

Mayocide is literally a law of nature

Probably someone practicing debating online, arguing for points the don't hold to see which argument gets the most upvotes/downvotes. It's a new thing among university students atm.

Yeah, that's what it is. It couldn't possibly be the fact that a CTH retard has no scruples and thinks the rules only apply to the people outside his tribe.

They go to the mattresses for liberal mayo comedians because that's what they imagine themselves to be. Can you imagine what sort of horrific crimes they'd forgive of Robin Williams?

I take wholly contradictory viewpoints all the time, I can veer from neoliberal center right to full on tankie depending on my mood and current amphetamine blood levels.

...did you dig 10 months in to their post history?

Search engines are a thing, you know.

Ford must've done a lot of drugs and drinking when she was young. Her skin is so wrinkly and saggy and she isn't even 60

Third day on reddit and you've found the asshole! We should play devil's triangle.

I'm down for it bby

If we believe Ford, Kavanaugh lied under oath during his job interview. Let's just confirm Judge Judy and retire on the skyrocketing value of DramaCoin.

Liberals: Pizzagate is an insane dangerous conspiracy from the alt-right! "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?)" is totally normal language used in totally normal conversation!

Also liberals: Devil's Triangle referred to three-way sex even back in the 80s! What's that? Another student has "lost Devil's Triangle" on written under them in the year book? That's coded language meaning they touched dicks!

You can do that. That is truly a course of events that a human being could plausibly take.

This isn't the victory they wanted but it's the defeat democrats can accept so that they stop losing on this particular issue.

The polls week on week and month on month are going to be interesting.

So were doing retarded memes now?

Or we can question both and wait until definitive evidence comes in. Oh shit, I hope that's not too radical.

Or just don't believe either



































Jewish democrat communists posting anti American Bolshevism on Reddit, who could have ever seen that gigantic nose coming.


Just a highlight from this anti-Semite's posts.




Hand rubbing intensifies


Well if you believe Kavanaugh assaulted her idk if you'd want him confirmed lol. Only way this works is if you believe this is a case of mistaken identity

ITT: Democrats REEEEing.