White House Finds No Corroboration of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Kavanaugh in FBI Report

1  2018-10-04 by rnjbond


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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Gah even worse than an SRDine, a Catholic.

Catholics are like the white people version of white people.

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Straight and true.

Bi and unknown.

Like there was ever a chance Daddy would say anything different

White House still hasn’t found leakers for Woodward’s book lol 😂😂😂how the fuck this dude know this White House knows anything hahaha 🤖🤖🤖🤖🎃🎃🎃

Woodward's book was thinly vieled satire/sarcasm/libel that liberals took as "truth"


this is great A+ 👍I’m going to use this but replace woody with Kelly Anne or Mattis thanks fam 🤣🤣


Covering all the bases because you can't decide on a narrative

ummm you got a source for that sweaty?

is it hot in here?

Oh honey no

Yikes 🤣🤣🤣

It surely has gotten too conservautistic around here lately.

How can you leak fiction?

I just got a Presidential Alert about this on my phone

RIP Gars :_;7

He's eating only the best cigarette butts in Goat Heaven.

hopefully kevin is in Hell eating shit too

Fuck Kevin, that fucking cunt. His collar's too tight, so he's gotta be a cunt all the time. Eat shit, Kevin.

Oh man the drama on Friday if he gets confirmed is gonna be unreal. Politics will be in full blown melt down mode I’m fucking excited

As a left leaning centrist that place is a complete joke. I've never seen a bigger schism between facts and delusion.

left leaning


I'm a Communist centrist personally

CommunoNazism is the true enlightented path. Gas the rich Jews only please.

As an ethnocentrist I think we should mandate interracial marriage.

not a true believer in radical centrism


I also lean left and that place is just, ugh. They live in the same kind of bubble Trumpets do.


This is pathetic. Trumpy is deliberately pouring gasoline over this Kavanuagh/Ford thing in order to fire up his base and divide the opposition before the midterms. The RepubliCONs will be determined to go into those booths to give libtards the finger. The femiLARDS will walk into the booths screaming GANG RAPE! The men who are democrats (and have to listen to the femiLARDS) will suddenly remember they are too busy to vote. Trumpy wins again.

It’s a strange feeling when you suddenly realize that Trump is the least stupid politician in Washington.

He's playing chess on dimensions so deep even sting theorists are like 'woah hold on'.

What about critical theorists

I hear they are rebooting Mein Kampf

It's about time for an all-female reboot, tbh.

Mein Cunt?

Mine Camp-y Gay Bestie!!! 😍😍😍

Women were always better at using ovens

I tried reading that thread about critical theory and I couldn't tell if I was too smart or too stupid to comprehend what I was reading, because I couldn't make ass or end out of it.

Pizzashill, I had no idea you died :( Did you finally get your head so far up your own ass that you suffocated

He huffed his farts till he sharted and his lungs clogged up

I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I can’t think of a convincing lie.

Oh man the drama on Friday if when he gets confirmed is gonna be unreal. Politics will be in full blown melt down mode I’m fucking excited

He was always going to get confirmed. Everyone who isn't an idiot knows this.

Feinstien knew about these allegations almost 2 months ago and had plenty of time to bring them up and give the FBI a chance to investigate them, or even give the Whitehouse the chance to pick another nominee. This entire last week has just been a dog and pony show she put in place to rile up the democrat's base for the mid-terms.

In a different world, where politicians are not giant assholes (if such a place could ever exist) she would have brought it up to McConnell, he would have gone to the Whitehouse and said, "Hey, can we have your number 2 pick?" and none of this would have happened.

But sadly, such a calm and reasonable bi-partisan effort to get a good Supreme Court nominee is bad for elections. Well, hope they enjoy 40 years of Justice Kavanaugh on the bench.

Imagine this being retarded of a seriousposter. No wonder you found your way here.

i semen inside your moufh haha

Nice do me as well

me too thanks

mmm i don't think he'll get confirmed. i'm surprised they haven't just nominated someone else at this point

That's interesting, I'd like to hear your reasoning behind why you think the Republicans bend over for the Democrats to cuck them?

i can't remember the size of their majority exactly but iirc it only takes a few of them to be shamed to cave in. Flake and the female senators seem shaky. i presume they wanted the FBI investigation to give them justification, but they might still vote him down

I can almost guarantee you that won't happen. John McCain used to play that game all the time - rattle the saber, bitch and moan, act morally outraged, and then go and vote along the party line.

The truth of the matter is this - no matter how much they may seem concerned a vote might annoy some of their constituents, losing the party backing means they are finished. If they go along with the crowd, then they won't get tossed out of their primary and they'll keep the campaign money coming in.

Everything we've seen for the last week is just straight up theater.

I can see murkowski, flake and Collins voting against confirmation easily but I don’t think it will happen. There’s a bunch of other, even more conservative SuCo nominees that they could easily win confirmation on, including Amy coney barret, a woman and something of a conservative hero. Even Ben Sasse is potentially in play and daddy did himself no favors by playing to his base and the undisciplined slob he was the other night. On the plus side for the Dems if kavanaugh is strong armed thru the chamber this will drive a huge turnout in November.

On the plus side for the Dems if kavanaugh is strong armed thru the chamber this will drive a huge turnout in November.

This is the entire reason why Feinstien held back on these allegations for months. They're obviously counting on it.

The situation is basically this - If it comes down to the timing of getting a Republican SC justice or risking the mid-term, we all know what they are going to do.

You gotta give credit to feisty Feinstein though, because she knows how to politic. The allegations (which I personally believe but whatever) hit at the time of maximum effect.

The maximum effect for who? It basically lost them the enthusiasm edge for expected turnout over the Republican base. I think it was a disaster.

I know plenty of people who registered to vote specifically of how Republicans botched the Kavanaugh case.

Turns out a lot of women don't really appreciate when the president openly mocks sexual assualt survivors on national TV.

I know, there was a lot of momentum on the dem/oppose kavanaugh side. My point is that edge is largely gone or blunted now, because what riles people up to turn out for democrats in this instance is also having a large effect to rile up Republicans, who historically have better turnout anyway.

We'll see in a month, but i think it was one of the worst recent political strategies, and maybe it will see feinstein outed in leadership if the wave fails to materialize.

I know plenty of people who registered to vote specifically of how Republicans botched the Kavanaugh case.

Turns out a lot of women don't really appreciate when the president openly mocks sexual assualt survivors on national TV.

Are they actually going to turn up in November, though, or are they going to be too busy Instagramming brunch?

After he’s confirmed watch the rubber band effect on the enthusiasm gap

That's really the only upside I could see as well, greatly increased turnout for the 2020 general. I think that also might rely on rbg still serving until then, when control over her seat will be a huge rally point. This confirmation has to remain a relevant issue for 2 years tho.

By the same token, many Republican voters may be happy to turn out as they see Trump as having delivered for them, and wanting a solid conservative court for decades as the potential reward.

Yeah it’s going to be hard to maintain this same energy for 2 years but there will be other flash points in the endless culture wars that will maintain that burning hatred felt by the extremes on both sides.

Well then today is your lucky day, you have an opportunity to make lots of money.

In a different world, where politicians are not giant assholes (if such a place could ever exist) she would have brought this up to McConnell months ago, he would have gone to the Whitehouse and said, "Hey, can we have your number 2 pick?" and none of this would have happened.

This still isnt good enough.

This entire last week has just been a dog and pony show she put in place to rile up the democrat's base for the mid-terms.

I think this was a complete and utter fuck up of a political miscalculation. What it did was energize the Republican base and effectively lose any enthusiasm edge the democrats had for the midterms, which was the entire premise for the blue wave. I don't think they needed to fight it like this maintain their enthusiasm edge without also energizing their opponents. Just let him get confirmed, then say 'see, this is why we need to win midterms, to protect rbg seat etc'

This is one of those situations where we don't know what the effect is going to be because everyone and his brother was predicting Democratic gains in the midterm.

So, yeah, like you I think it was unnecessary from a short term point of view. I'd also add on that I think from a long term point of view, this was more of a miscalculation. The Democrats won't always be the minority party and they will have nominees that they want to get through. I hope none of them did anything dumb as a teenager / college student, because I can guarantee you we'll all hear about it.

I was referring to the recent npr/Marist poll that had results that basically showed no enthusiasm gap among likely dem/rep voters. Anecdotally, conservatives near me went from slight apathy to incensed over the course of about 1.5 weeks. Think they really shot themselves in the foot if nothing major changes between now and nov

Think they really shot themselves in the foot if nothing major changes between now and nov.

Dude. It's not going to register until after Kavenaugh gets in. Democrats will all be like, "OMG HOW DARE THEY I CAN'T EVEN LITERALLY UGH!" and Republicans will be like, "HEE HAW SUCK IT LIBTARDS!"

I reckon the Democrats will be more motivated at that point to head to the polls than the Republicans who think they are winning.

I wasn't going to vote because I hate both candidates in my state but I ordered my vote by mail ballot cause I'm still a lazy garbage human and I'm going to vote the Repub ticket now.

America was a mistake



Do you literally have only two candidates, or are you only looking at Big PartiesTM?

He was always going to get confirmed.


This entire last week has just been a dog and pony show she put in place to rile up the democrat's base for the mid-terms.


I unironically believe that they (the democrats in the Senate) actually think he is a good Supreme Court pick, at least one of the best ones they're going to get out of Trump.

It's true all the way down

You guys get that whoever his second pick would have been, almost certainly would have overturned Roe v. Wade, right?

You literally nuked the moderate choice, so it's hard to believe you would have just let Trump nominate Barret without throwing a similarly huge fit.

I knew one of those idiots knew about this way ahead of the nomination but waited to say anything but I did not know it was Feinstein, again. Seems like most of the stupidest shit the dems do is because of that dumb cunt.

It's almost like the dems might have a shot at making something happen if it wasn't for her and people just like her.

The left just needs to start shooting because if they don't it really makes them look truly fucking pathetic with all the shit they keep talking and then doing literally nothing about.

Say what you want about Nazis at least they commit.

The left just needs to start shooting because if they don't it really makes them look truly fucking pathetic with all the shit they keep talking and then doing literally nothing about it.

They just roundhouse kick women in the head these days. And die of heart attacks because a car revved near them.

And die of heart attacks because a car revved near them

lmao are you Trumpoids still clinging to this desperate narrative so you don't have to face the fact you're x10 the fundie terrorist tards muzzies are? 😂😂😂

Not even Yankiedoodl bro

Get hit by car

Die from cardiac arrest

Must've been the french fries!

Got massive trauma to the chest that caused a heart attack but it was OK she was overweight

Probably not though lol

All female assassination teams when?

They're doing to say he's guilty because he had an emotion to being accused of rape in front of the whole country.

And then bitch about toxic masculinity. It'll be glorious.

Feminists were making dun of him for being a man who was crying. Also, the entire damn world knows about this guy now.

Made no sense to me. I thought toxic masculinity was referring to the idea of having to man up and never cry. Yet the feminists make fun of him for crying. I don't get it.

It's pretty simple, post-modernism has infected the political left.

They take a simple truth, that everyone has biases, and claim that therefore you can't make any objective claims about the world and therefore the only thing that matters is power.

Friday Confirmation

I'm already edging

no corroboration

Senators who will decide Mr. Kavanaugh’s fate are set to review the findings on Thursday, and some of them may draw different conclusions.

tfw when you go total fucking witch hunt mob rule and believe "victims" with no evidence, even fucking retarded normies that would parrot your "sexual assault"

this whole thing is a fucking circus. was it really this bad for lewinksy and bill gettin his dick sucked? T. graduated HS in late 2000s

you honestly think he could walk away with his reputation after the hearing?

nobody without something to be ashamed of acts like that much of an autist

I guess everyone has a different reaction to being accused of rape.

Most people just say no and would encourage, you know, an investigation to prove their innocence. Crying about calendars and saying "I like beer" 20 times does nothing towards seeming innocent.

What exactly do you think an investigation will do?

The senate has more power than the FBI in this case and they had a hearing. You’re cherry picking his responses and not realizing he was given stupid questions to begin with.

Yeah, an investigation is really going to help the fact that he has already been internationally branded as a violent alcoholic and a gang rapist.

I mean call a spade a spade.

He's only one of those things

It was pretty bad, the difference is : We didn't have social media like we do today. People got all their news at 5PM or 10PM, and for those that enjoyed ABC, 11PM. If not then, from the newspaper in the morning.

So, the rough answer is the shitshow only seems bigger because now we can be bombarded with it 24/7

The White House is currently run by a retarded lunatic. It wouldn't surprise me if sane people reading an FBI report reached the right conclusion.

I neither believe nor disbelieve

I am living in Schroedingers rape accusation

This but unironically

One of my most vivid childhood memories was a road trip from West Virginia to Texas, where my dad listened to Rush Limbaugh talking about the Clinton trial for pretty much that whole drive.


Kavanaugh should be publicly executed for his sexual misconduct. If only we lived in China during the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards would know what to do with him.


I'm glad you agree with me :) If only more people understood the truth about China, the side the evil Western media refuses to show.

yes honey PREACH

Exactly! You get it :)

You realize that if this was China during the cultural revolution Kavanuagh would be running the forced labor camp where you would be a slave.

Yeah communists really loved educated right wing intelligentsia

Tbf you have to dig really deep in academic legal circles before you find anyone with right wing opinions at all. 90% of the right wing people on the bench are there because of affirmative action, probably a majority of judges are right wing but less than 10% of law school graduates and legal professors are. They are appointed purely because their opinion coincides with that of popular right wing politicians.

Wrong! It was the oppressed who joined the Red Guards and they only punished the oppressors.





My concurring opinion is that Kavanaugh should be executed for being a white manbaby.

I agree, good to see another woke individual out there :)

this is going to be good

dramacoin/dow all time high

Dumb question from a non-american: if the whole supreme court were to die in a freak golfing accident or something, would the sitting president get to pick the full new court?


This is good for dramacoin

I think this whole sub would just collapse into a singularity.

I was just ehm... asking for a friend. Please don't put me in jail, my bussy is not ready

Reported for using shit browser.

And for having RealPlayer and MS Office 97

No, they would be replaced by their distant British cousins. This is known as the reciprocal King Ralph clause.

Lol, we have Canada now, you silly goose.

Yes, that's why all the justice's are legally prohibited from golfing together.

as a non american, seeing that hearing was so surreal. whats up with american lawyers telling everyone to play the role of the broken, crying mess of a person?

i almost laughed out loud, seeing her act completely irritated at a basic question and not even answering into the mic at first, but just muttering "ah dunno" into the air before actually saying it into the mic at the fourth attempt.

and then he gets on, and he does the very same thing! i mean wtf!?

That’s basically everyone when they testify in front of congress. Idk why everyone always gets so excited.

Mr. Rodgers didn't cry. He just warmed everyone's hearts and made senators cry.

There is absolutely no way in hell anyone worth their law degree would ever tell him to act like that. So no it's just them