Emergency Alert Warning Service intrudes on /r/Libertarian's personal freedoms somehow?!

1  2018-10-04 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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There's only two conceivable emergencies that would matter. One, a nationwide nuclear attack or alien invasion. And, those can be handled by state systems. There aren't any other types of nationwide emergencies in the USA.

But what if the state systems have already been corrupted by the aliens? I doubt that conventional communication methods are a big problem for 1337 ayy haxxors who traveled halfway across the galaxy. If you really go so far as to include an alien invasion in your hypothetical scenario, then you need to see it through dammit!

Libertarians are just as retarded as commies

Pretty much.

At least commies hide their pedophilia

Commies would rather murder children with starvation and gulags, than fuck them.

The further from the center you get, the more the retardation sets in. It’s proven over and over.

Horseshoe theory should become horseshoe law

Libertards got Trump elected more than the conservatives ever did