Dilbert creator Scott Adams step-son overdosed on Fentanyl and now Adams thinks the USA should go to war with China to avenge his druggie step-son.

1  2018-10-04 by StephenKingIsADrunk


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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52 minutes

Wouldn't watch it even on Fentanyl.

Wanna find out sometime? 😉

Not really, drugs ain't my thing.

Weed is the only thing I've tried and I've only tried it with tremendous failures four times, and that was like almost a decade ago.

Alcohol is my poison tho. Gimme Tequila, Vodka, or Mead and you be my girlfriend.

tremendous failures

Like literal failures?

First time ate a brownie, apparently not enough stuff in the mix whoever made them used what would have gone in one joint in two brownie mix batches.

Second time it was in a hookah and the hookah fell and broke.

Third time ate it like a topping on a pizza.

Fourth time I put my wet lips on the joint and was quickly cut out of rotation for that foul.

Wow. Did you know your buddies were idjits?


If that means fucking inept mongoloids, yes, I did know.

Didn't Scott Adams get caught using sock puppet accounts to upvote shit on Reddit?

Metafilter I think.


Even more pathetic.

The American dream™ is always imported from Beijing


Not even once.

Fentanyl to me is practically proof that God exists

...in that it removes addicts from the population, or the physical sensation it causes to the user?


Long story short, I totally stopped watching after this quote "I would be in favor of our country executing Chinese citizens. Now, ideally we don't want to get caught, but I'm pretty sure we know how to kill people without getting caught". This quote made me laugh more than any Dilbert comic ever has. This man admits earlier in the video his wife's son, was a drug addict at the age of 14. He made it to 30....you can't tell me they didn't see that one coming.

Republitards are degenerates