They targeted gamers (for being huge antisocial nerds who don’t like to party)

1  2018-10-04 by PUBLIQclopAccountant


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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This is why we need gaymer gayte. People don't respect gaymers anymore. We used to be top dogs now we're bullied by talentless hacks. I remember in high school all the hot girls would want a gaymer. We were more popular than the jocks by a long shot.

Surprise surprise, another meta sub is full of losers who try to make fun of others that they see as being below them, despite being the lowest rung of society.

Gaming is a super normie hobby, but most people don't skip out on parties for them.

another meta sub is full of losers


Every time I go into those “people who are asked to talk more....” or “socially awkward people of Reddit....” post this is who I think about. These are the people that bitch about other people talking too much or being awkward at parties because x y and z. I’m insanely hyped for RDR2 and will get it day one but if my buddies asked if I wanted to hang it would wait a day. My friends live at the closest an hour to two away from me.

I am going to be doing the exact same thing, but I am better than him because I don't even have any friends nearby to invite me to stuff!!!

How these people don't realise that they're worse than the people they're making fun of is beyond me tbh.

it is a little weird how many people care about this and not just chuckle or roll their eyes at it, and instead think it must definitely say something about reddit

Why yes, I am exactly the same as these people, but atleast I don't admit to it.

Buying video games should put you in a watchlist. Or just get you jailed.

I unironically think that we as a society would be better if those faggots who spend 2000 hours in a vidja had put those hours towards something useful.

faggots who spend 2000 hours in a vidja had put those hours towards something useful.

Like what commenting on drama

Um sweetie, that took 30 seconds, not 2000 hours.

Yah so does shooting one guy in red dead but that's not how u rack up the hours

those faggots who spend 2000 hours in a vidja had put those hours towards something useful.

Never seen the ending of Snakes on a Plane have you, sweaty?

literally has a username based on a video game.

Imagine being a resented old fag telling them yunguns how to live their lives lmao


UPDATE: there is now an SRD thread over this and somepony is busy having a spergout.