Dinosaurs πŸ¦– have Representation in Modship

1  2018-10-05 by Cdace

I have ascended to modhood to bring forth the truth of the dinosaurs πŸ¦– to all of you! I HAVE GREAT DINOSTICKIES PLANNED FOR THE FUTURE! We shall bring drama and dinosaurs πŸ¦– to all! we will consume drama and humanity in one fell swoop



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. we will consume drama and humanity ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

now we just need to get DistortedLines modded

anyway congrats and time for the Dinopocalypse πŸ¦–






Ben10 crossover when?

After the tay crossover

Awww β™‘β™‘β™‘

Its over


Dinosaurs πŸ¦– > you

me > β˜„οΈ> β˜„οΈ > β˜„οΈ > β˜„οΈ > β˜„οΈ > πŸ¦– > you


Cdace (17426) 53 minutes ago access, flair, posts
MasterLawlz (202409) 4 days ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki
riemann1413 (14110) 1 year ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

Imagine being a low-life worse than /u/MasterLawlz and /u/riemann1413. LMAO.

Imagine being a low-life worse than me. No modpower having loser lmao

Mods are cucks, fam.

u/annarchist why didn't you mod me yet?


Mods are cucks, fam.

What did he mean by this?

but they is tho. Im the bull ninja

If you’re the bull and I’m the dino πŸ¦– what does that make lawlz

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ MDEs stolen on girlfriend?


A mong.

bull dawg

Bulldogs are the forerunners of the pit bulls. Why are doing this to me, daddy???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Cucks are a force of good.

lol when did they cuck my perms


when you left us for more original pastures


We have now entered r/drama's own glorious Mesozoic Era.

It’s beautiful πŸ˜­πŸ¦–πŸ˜­

Wow this is the worst person to be added since like 2 days ago.


based dino mod

Hail the Dino-Mod!

Praise be!


i agree

You will be devoured slowly and painfully on the day of the dino.

Glorious days are ahead of us!

Holy shit

Deliver me from this Dino-less hell we call life.

Blatant discrimination against sockposters.


The mods were so preoccupied on whether they could they didn't stop to think if they should.

β€œThe most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. They live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of the infinity, and it was not meant that they should voyage far beyond our stomachs” -Spinosaurus

What can dinos do for the recent massive influx of CAfugees, and the coming flood when it inevitably gets banned? They are not respecting and integrating into our culture!

The dinosaurs πŸ¦– will feed on most besides a few that will be claimed as prized lolcows

I wish our new therapod defense force happy hunting

Is this a sign that the plasma folds grow near? 😍

Congrats! Hopefully you can use your dino army to help defend drama's borders. Of course only if the dinos want to πŸ’šπŸ¦•πŸ¦–β€

I for one welcome our terrifying fanged overlords.

So dinosaurs eat MDEfugees?

Asking for a friend.

Dinosaurs πŸ¦– eat all

Can dinosaurs give me a blowjob?

I hope you like teeth...

If you like some vore with your blowjob sure

Praise be!

Dinosaurs can do anything.

We worse than SRD now


Is this peak autism?

wow and not even a single taysty boy on the mod team yet 😑

Yes! Finally a mod that has my interests at heart!

Couldn't save themselves from one rock from the sky now thinking that they're gonna overwhelm humanity.

Scissors! ✌ I lose

Gayest bot ive seen yet.

Best news in a long time. The first sign of the impending Dinopocalypse of Mankind. πŸ¦•

Can you do an AMA? Thoughts on the dinobots?

Can these stopped being stickied? This isn't even funny, just 'rawr dinosaurs, holds up spork' unless there's an annoying inside joke I'm missing

life finds a way

What will this mean for platycoin?

Platycoin is down while dinocoin is skyrocketing

wow they mod any retard these days

I know isn’t it great!

Finally! Best mod πŸ¦– position given out by far. Don’t eat me and try not to ban me.

Glory! Soon the Dino’s will return to free us from the the torture of physical existence, just as they too were freed!

Can you give me a quick rundown on dinos and the plasma fold?

Dinosaurs πŸ¦– are great and majestic creatures who had a civilization so advanced that our greatest achievements are dwarfed by their greatness. When the supposed β€œextinction” they escaped into a space in between dimensions known as the plasma fold. In this realm they’ve learned how to bend, deform, and even destroy the laws of physics which govern this universe to such a degree that we cannot even begin to understand them. Many people have tried to understand them with only Lovecraft even coming close to understanding some basic principles of their nature. Lovecraft however was not aware that his β€œGreat Old Ones” and the dinosaurs πŸ¦– of old were the same beings

It's over for humancels.

this subreddit is unironically retarded

this subreddit is unironically retarded

Oy vey shut it down the mammals know

The fact that you haven’t been modded before this is a travesty :(

Mfw no Cambrian Period representation on the mod team :(

Is anyone able to shill for mod now?