16 Candles of rape

1  2018-10-05 by TipsMeme


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Damn snappy chill

How do I register?

Just be an incel



But how?

Horse shoe theory applies to sex.

Incel just means they can't get laid doesn't mean they won't get it by force

But they won't be celibate anymore though

Isn't that the end goal or do incel want to be incels

It's nice to see the term rape being watered down so hard by the people pretending to be outraged 24/7 that soon the majority of Americans eventually will hear "HELP! IM BEING RAPED!" in the distance and think "Ah man, they must be having someone lightly splash them with water or teabagging them in smash bros."

Right? And what we're really seeing is the same gaggle of born rich dudes who all hire, cover for and look out for the interests of each other. People who think Trump is some counter-culture hero sticking it to the deep state are idiots.

By deep state, you mean the Juden right?

I don't know, did you see any of the like two Jewish Republicans fluffing Kavanaugh?

Literally everything is about Trump with you people. You live him, dream him, tug your tiny dicks to him.

Insane how roasties chimping out about the clown Trump nominated for the supreme court could have anything to do with Trump. You people and your 'durr, why are people talking about the President? They must want to marry him'. 🤤

foids are a meme gender after all. rape is code for im not being fucked by chad but this beta has cash

Let me explain to all the men why YOU should care, perhaps even MORE than the women, right now. And I have no political correctness to pad this with.

I believe all men know that it's true there is some violence and perversion in all of us, in some of us moreso. And yet MOST of us aren't out there raping and perjuring. We're putting heart and soul into overcoming our genetic or cultural disposition into being hardworking, moral, even heroic people.

And then comes these fucks who waltz in and rape our women and children before us. As a man, every moment of your life you're pressured to be the protector and provider for your family. If we get even a slight pass for our darker nature, it's because we also fight the wars, do the dangerous jobs, and sacrifice our average lifespans.

So for that sacrifice, if you let these fucks in to rape your wards, and take your money, and yoke your freedoms, then you have failed your duty. They're taking what they want. YOU are being RAPED.

Even then, most rapists aren't brazenly bragging about their conquests in broad daylight. But these elite fucks are. Not only are they RAPING you, they are LAUGHING at you. This is why Dr. Ford said it isn't the sexual assault or the violence she remembers most traumatically, but the 'uproarious laughter'.

It's that laughter that tells you that you're not even human enough to be considered in their sins. They are laughing at YOU, your RAPED family, your RAPED livelihood, your RAPED duty, and ultimately the rule-of-law itself, wherein lies the identity of this nation, and its ability to protect and provide for YOU. You're a confused beast gunned down in a game you didn't know you were losing, like Laquan MacDonald, shot while dying with evidence rewritten.

So every man who has put any work into not being a degenerate rapist, who has had any conviction and responsibility for anyone around them, should be taking this assault as a literal and metaphysical RAPE. Roofied on fake news and existentially RAPED, are YOU going to stay silent for 32 years about it?

The best pastas are the freshest.

whoop whoop, its a struggle snuggle rave

I'd go to the rape party.

Hol up

Yeah, since when is Oni attracted to post pubescents?

I like girls of all ages as long as they're cute :)

I know, she's a mayo, still I have a bit of a thing for redheads.

the Tea Party changing name to the Roofie Party

Shit, I shouldn't have unregistered. I'm going to miss out.

Today’s just gonna be one of those days isn’t it?