Fuck you, TMoR.
1 2018-10-05 by DeathByDragonDildo
Fuck you TMoR. And you, AHS, CTH, IncelTears, LSC, MarchAgainstTrump, Fuckthealtright, cb2, and all your other shitty sister subs that can't help yourself blatantly and massively brigading lolcows with downvotes so they don't bother replying, and whining so much that their subs get banned. Most importantly, fuck you for getting pinging banned. You're why drama's fucking boring now.
That is all.
1 rationalhuckleberry 2018-10-05
And fuck you MDE!
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2018-10-05
MDE may never die, but being banished to Voat is a fate worse than death.
1 Cdace 2018-10-05
Beautiful! This is what I wanted to see when I ran for mod!!!
1 Alicesnakebae 2018-10-05
Go choke on a doggie dildo nerd
1 DeathByDragonDildo 2018-10-05
No need for my doggy dildo anymore I got my XL horsecock.
1 VidiotGamer 2018-10-05
Gentleman of taste up in here.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2018-10-05
I Donno top minds is alright, they have pretty fun feuds with conspiracy subs
1 DeathByDragonDildo 2018-10-05
TMoR's problem is their mass downvoting of lolcows to the point that their posting get restriction.
1 watermark02 2018-10-05
I've literally just stopped caring and now I just insult white men all the time because it makes you guys mad, but especially because it's racist. Fuck white men.