[Bone Collecting] Human Skull Auctioned off as a Raffle Prize; Chaos Ensues

1  2018-10-05 by snallygaster


This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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Doot Doot

doot doot*

collecting skulls of others (including friends, family members, and local celebrities) actually used to be a popular European, especially German, pastime. E.g. Goethe owned Schiller's skull after his passing, it being somewhat of his muse he even wrote a poem about it called "Bei Betrachtung von Schillers Schädel".

It also used to be really fashionable among Catholics to own 'relics' of dubious origin way back in the day. It's kind of weird to think about how all of these practices were completely normal.

/r/hobbydrama is actually really entertaining, especially given that /r/drama has been virtually barren of drama over the past few weeks

ty for introducing this I'm in stitches over this post

That post is amazing!

"Should tampons be hand stitched or is machine sewing okay?"

Christ, those organizers were something else

The diabetes one had me lol'ing. "Should I just drop dead around dinnertime?"

Damn that's some hardcore roleplaying.

I have a lot of thoughts regarding the current state of drama, but I'll simply ask if you think we'll ever return to some semblance of the past.

but I'll simply ask if you think we'll ever return to some semblance of the past.

I'm not sure. It goes through ups and downs.

Yeah, there have always been ups and downs. Like you've pointed out recently, /r/Drama managed to come through Gamergate without experiencing any significant change in culture.

I guess it just feels like the very nature of the sub is changing. We are seeing a lot more screenshots of tweets, think-pieces, and really short reddit threads that don't have drama but are only linked to because "X sub/ideology we don't like said a thing". That's always been around to an extent, but it feels like the majority of the content now. Multiple times I've ordered the sub by top weekly posts and it's just bad. Comments aren't as funny now either. I don't know.

killing mean pings killed drama. hobbydrama is truedrama now.