1  2018-10-05 by Starship_Litterbox_C



"as gay"

This was a cloture vote.

PSA: Salt mines (from whatever side) won't be opening until tomorrow. Expect an uptick in REEEEing from /r/politics today though.

Expect an uptick in REEEEing from /r/politics

how much louder can the REEEEing really get?

Donald Trump's reelection.



We need to hunt down all meme magic practitioners. Their vile, arcane arts have done too much damage.

Theyll be open early at around 3 today when collins releases her statement

Doesn't McConnell have enough votes anyway? He had 48 before the other two joined in. If it's a tie, Pence will break it.

Collins and Manchin would both have to change their votes but Manchin might not want to be the deciding vote

Manchin and Flake said yes for Saturday's vote. Even if Collins splits it's 50-50. Plus Pence and he's in.

Manchin isn't going to suck up to the #resist crowd when he reps a state that went 70% Trump.

Manchin will absolutely lose reelection if he votes yes. Losing the base will tank him.

WV voters don't give a shit about "the left" except in the damaged brains of CTH listeners. They'll like him more for being bipartisan

Sure there aren't many lefties in WV, but they can hurt him in other ways like by not donating. It costs a shitload of money to run a successful campaign.

The Manchin vote was probably decided by the Dems themselves, more important to keep a D seat for Senate leadership

Dangerous play in an post-Daddy era where the public issues a pretty strong rejection of the machinations of party elites in favor of emotionally driven voting.

Yeah but you know how good the Dems are at figuring the pulse of the people

Manchin will absolutely lose reelection if he votes yes.

Hahaha, wow.

You seem to be under the impression that the democrats really think/care about the result of this vote.

Let me put it this way - Trump getting a SC pick is a foregone conclusion. This was always going to happen no matter what. They have the votes for it.

Out of the list, Kavenaugh is actually the one the dems like the most.

They are not mad about this because they never figured they actually could stop the nomination. Everything in the press for the last week has just been theater to rile up their base before the midterms.

The elites are probably fine with the confirmation, but it's not always easy for them to control the public reeeeeing they trigger

I don't think you get what I'm saying here. Let me explain better:

There are one of two scenarios around Manchin's vote:

1) He cleared his vote with Schumer and got approval for it prior to announcing.

2) He was told to vote this way by Schumer.

In either case, the reason is clear - Manchin holds a blue seat in what is currently a very red state. The idea that they will allow him to be "primaried" is ludicrous as they don't want to lose his incumbents advantage.

I never even implied he could be primaried since the time for that already passed. I think this will make him lose in November. My argument is that the Dem elite is hopelessly out of touch and that this will backfire on them either directly in the WV primary or by depressing voter turnout in other states.

Someone needs to sticky the suicide hotline in there

If he's confirmed, 30+ years of darkness. If he loses, streets are paved with liberal bones. I think I'm going to go into hiding.

What do you think he and his friends do when drunk

I've heard they boof, ralph, and play Devil's Triangle, but really that could mean anything.

I too prefer boofing as my main ROA. Have you ever boofed MDMA? Shit is awesome

Bot whore

показывать прикладом

Het, no rossiya speak here. This is an american forum only!

Remember, no Russian.

Lmao even our Russian bots are fake.

show your butt.

Thing is though, you've translated it as "show your (rifle) butt"


Imagine if the Republicans didn't lose a slam dunk Alabama senate seat. We wouldn't have this drama.

I cant imagine im an NPC /r/politics poster

We might have Sister Amy Barrett instead.

One unwary weekend, a Korean American college female went clubbing downtown. She met a White male. He offered her a ride home, she accepted, and then he forced himself into her room and raped her in her own bed. All the while, he grunted the words "China doll," "Asian whore," and referred to her genitals as "sushi."

You got some fucked up fetishes, kid.

It's from the first paragraph of a Feminist academic paper (direct quote, no changes made).

The paper is titled, "White sexual imperialism: a theory of Asian jurisprudence".

Holy Titty-Fucking Christ, you're serious.

What the fuck.

fuck this, mao was right, you guys need a cultural revolution and send every pseudointellectual liberal arts peddler to go work some fields

He got up from bed after their fierce sex, but was stopped by a hand gripping his wrist, "Not going so soon, are you White boy? That was a better fuck than I've ever experienced from any Asian man."

He looked down at her flushed face, and he knew that she was the one for him. "What about Hapas? Our love is forbidden, and they have agents everywhere."

"Let me handle those dorks, baby." she smiled, "Just come back to bed and call me your dirty little chopstick slut again."

This steamy romance gave me the vapors.

this is just paragraph 2 of "White sexual imperialism: a theory of Asian jurisprudence" before the author had to give herself a break from writing for an hour

Yeah, Googled it from your other comment. It was beautiful.

OwO who's this UwU this is the cutest laugh :3

Sue Lyon in Kubrick's adaptation of Lolita. Unfortunately it is unfaithful to the novel in which she is only 12 while Sue Lyon was 14 when it was filmed.

If I had a daughter, she would be pure and excellent like this. And I would sell her into marriage for oil-rich land!

Guess Manchin is off the DNC Christmas card mailing list?

He hasn't been on either for years.

Manchin and collins are both voting yes.

Manchin will have to sit in the time-out corner with no desert or TV for a week.

The absolute madman. Who would think that a guy who runs a reality TV show could be this good for dramacoin.

Also, if you live in the US then NelsonMuntz.jpg

does this mean he's a fellow bussy lover?

Let's just say Kavanaugh is a predator, but not for the laydays 💪🏻

Brett boofed Mike's cock during a game of devil's triangle.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he being nominated? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Kavanaugh to be MeToo'd and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought his nomination was polling badly in DC???? This is so fucked.

I hope he goes after roe v wade. The drama would be crazy.

Its too bad it will be awhile before he gives corporations some new absurd right to fuck people over and DDF cant explain why its a great thing.

Why wouldn't it be a good thing? Corporations are people too, remember?

I need to fire up r/all as my popcorn is cooking for all the mayo tears

Fag if true