Two users get into a massive slapfight spanning 130+ comments and three subreddits.

1  2018-10-05 by Ghdust2

So for context the OP of the first post has been frequenting /r/TooAfraidToAsk and making tons of submissions often posting variations of the same question and responding to people with a degree of belligerency when he doesn't like their answers. One user on /r/Tooafraidtoask calls them out and the two start a viscous slapfight. Tempers flare when the other user tells OP to kill themselves and the OP then goes into the other users comment history and starts calling him out in random subreddits.

Link to original thread:

OP follows user to /r/smokerhate:

OP follows user to /r/cigarettes:


Holy fuck. Now this is the good shit.

We can wait for him on that questions sub and invite him the old fashioned way. I think I might, he'd be great here. He could just ask his questions here.

I think he’d fit in nicely with his questions.

We’d even answer them is the hilarious part.

Celebrities don't follow trends, they make them. They are god tier compared to us lowly plebs. Miley invented twerking and now see how big that's gotten? I can't remember who invented the homemade porn, but it was either Kim K or Paris Hilton.

Yep, drama generating machine right here

Then we'd finally have a legitimate autist! Now I feel like one of those semi-cute girls that has to have a gay friend or they won't feel fabulous.


Man I so wish we still had pinging.

r/smokerhate is like r/incels without the lulz. I can picture the manlets in smokerhate squealing because deep down some chad must have smoked a thousand cigarettes and blowed smoke in their bussy

Smokers are cancer and it shows in their lungs. The best thing about them is that they die early.

Lol, butthurt little baby. Did someone fuck your wife and blow smoke in her cunt?

Nah they just smell bad and have nasty teeth


Downdooted for preaching the truth. These are hard times brother.

If you want updoots, show bussy

Lost it in Nam

I think they're just incredibly lonely and desperate for any kind of social interaction even if its just posting endless questions to reddit