‘Make them scared’ website posts uncorroborated sexual assault claims against male students

1  2018-10-05 by charlesgrodinfan


May Allah break the backs of all those who support these disease-ridden rodents.


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Cat Girls? Mircy Killings? What the fuck is even going on on that second subreddit? That is some straight up bizarre shit. The people there are extremely mentally ill. And look at your userpage. A naked dead girl covered in blood, and another one with a girl who has blood all over her mouth. You have severe mental problems.


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I don't see how this could possibly be abused

This reminds me of a thing a couple years ago where a university set up an anonymous reporting system and it got blasted by trolls.

I think it that was /r/MensRights in fact, either them or TRP. They decided to show their disgust with false rape allegations by making a shitload of them.

That's a dumb take. If you disagree with the idea of having an anonymous rape reporting shit that ruins people's lives it's better to abuse it to ruin the lives of the people who support it, and maybe get it shut down, than to do nothing and accept it being used against innocent people.

No one has an easy way to make false rape allegations > everyone gets false rape allegations > only males get false rape allegations.

Choosing the second option when you want the first, but otherwise it would be the third, is not compromising your beliefs.

Holy shit seriouspost harder you boring fuck

Why the Truth that i have Uttered upsets you so much? Are you a standard demon?

I know this from somewhere.

from being a moron probably, no offence

Oh none taken, I just have that standard demon line on the tip of my brain, but I can't quite remember what lolcow it was from.


He's still alive and well and unironically flat-earther it appears.

But of course.

Standard demon behavior. Knowing things they should not.

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the executioner, or the torturer that we expect our dinner, but from their standard demon behaviour.

stop pointing out what a fucking retard i am

Weh weh

It was actually /b/ and /pol/, /r/mensrights just posted a couple threads about it after 4chan had already sent hundreds of troll reports, resulting in some news articles saying they were behind it. Also I think there's a big difference between sending a plausible anonymous accusation against someone in an attempt to get them in trouble, and sending a ton of false reports about all the people who created the program, Shrek, etc. because you think it's funny and/or want to point out how stupid allowing people to anonymously report students for sexual assault over the internet is.


I remember he pinned me to the bed and whispered, "It's all ogre now" before rape happened.

They decided to show their disgust with false rape allegations by making a shitload of them

I'd say turnabout is fair play, but you probably have some dumbfuck leftoid shitpile post queued up about how fair play is white supremacism

I'd make a reply, but you seem to be having a lot of fun with the one you've made up already.

This is literally white supremacy bro, I say this as a Stalinist

i remember them saying "we abused it specifically to show how it can be abused and how its a bad idea" and they came back with "no you just hate women and want them to be raped"


What are you supposed to do with an anonymous report? How do you get to the point where you seriously believe you can use that information to make a rational decision?


You fucked that up didn't you?



So who are we ruining first?

OMG I can't believe these people think they can just say whatever they want on some anonymous website!!

Don't these people understand the harm thier speech is doing!?!

We need to do something about these god damn frozen peaces

Lawyers around UW are drooling right now with cash signs and "ka-ching" noises from all the money they're going to make from these lawsuits

I will pay 100 dollery doos to anyone who can create a credible accusation against someone they dislike at the college they attend.

I will pay 200 quatloos to anyone who can make a bogus accusation against an r/Drama mod.

/u/cdace secretly masturbates to mammals. He does not worship the dinosaur as he claims.

Based on my blatantly false accusation /u/snallygaster owes us all a fair and impartial investigation. And must interview every alleged witness. Also the witnesses can name themselves.

Even without having read them, I can collaborate all of these accusations. We must believe survivors.

Banned x2

I’m not really banned am I?

Banning is the wrong approach. The only way to fight false accusations is with more false accusations. Accuse others before they accuse you.

^ This guy rapes

Hey man, they raped me first.

I believe women, that's why I believe in Senator Collins decision.

Should've quarantined them

You lying sack of shit. Banned

Hey now, I said “blatantly false”


Notch raped me in a Minecon portable toilet. I will settle out of court for $200k


If you mispelled qualudes, then im in.

*Quaaludes... my dude.

Eleven Schrutebucks to the man who gets annarchist demodded.

It's probably really easy, just develop a pattern of not posting where you are on social media and taking excessive pictures, turn off googles/snapchat location history and whatever.

then you creep there profiles go to the same club/bar/party at the same time and claim they groped you.

Looks like Reddit got found out.

I'l bet my left testicle that 98% of the allegations on that website are false.


I think you underestimate the lengths of hat goes as "sexual misconduct" for those people these days.

Yeah true, a child can just brush up against a women in a store and she'l cry sexual harassment.


I honestly wish I was joking, cause this actually happened.

For the love of God just sue for slander/libel. If someone is accusing you of an act you didn't do, sue.

I'm not sure that the site would be covered by Section 230 immunity because they are actively soliciting the defamatory statements. Apparently courts have split on the issue.

Next week Kavanagh will fix that nonsense

What legal approach are you supposed to take? You can't use the constitution to restrict speech further. And Section 230 is clear as daylight. Is he literally supposed to just make shit up?

That's the benefit of having nobody above you to overturn

Lawyers cost money you retard.

Pretty sure you could find a lawyer who would work on a "you win, you pay" basis for such and easy case

I seriously doubt this site has a lot of money

Not really a cash cow

Which means a cease and desist will probably be enough to scare them off

lol the database of names is referred to as The List. I wonder how many are male feminists?

Best one:

Rambo Escobar

Additional information about incident: He’s raped cousins male and female, he’s a sick man. He raped his own family members. He should be deported!!

Type of incident: Verbal harassment

Additional information about incident: These boys had called to me as I was walking to class shouting. “Damn baby, I wanna suck on them nice tits.” and “Look at that thick girl god damn I’d fuck her.” I was wearing jeans & a t-shirt.

sure lots of hispanics in that post 🤔

I was sexually assaulted in a Sephora by Dasha Nekrasova in Richmond Va in 2012


Probably at Strange Matter


From the website:

Since I started this site, these are probably the questions I’ve received the most, and they are absolutely fair and warranted. I’ve struggled to answer them because I feel like it’s incredibly difficult and/or pointless to try to persuade someone in this matter when they’ve already chosen a side. I’ve chosen my side. I'm sure you have, too. You're not reading this to be convinced. You're either reading this to understand the reasoning of someone who would do something so reckless, so drastic, with so much potential for collateral damage, or because you agree with me.


I know this project will probably ruin lives but my beliefs are strong so if you don't have the same beliefs I'm not gonna argue because I'm assuming you're just as irrationally committed to feelings as I am

Mayo foids must go.

The truth is, there’s no way to win when it comes to sexual assault. Whether an accusation is true or false, people are going to hate the accuser for potentially being a liar. People are going to hate the accused for potentially being a perpetrator of sexual assault. For some reason, the scales usually tilt toward hating the accuser. I guess, when it comes down to it, if the two options are A) defending someone who actually did commit sexual assault or B) believing a liar who had some ulterior motive for tricking me into believing their accusation was real, I’d choose option B.

Nigga Like Just Reserve Judgement Until The Facts Are In Like Nigga You Ain't Even Gotta Make a Judgement Either Way lol

You're not reading this to be convinced. You're either reading this to understand the reasoning of someone who would do something so reckless, so drastic, with so much potential for collateral damage, or because you agree with me.

This is like doing cartwheels on the edge of the precipice of self-awareness, but still failing to fall in.

They'll shut down the moment one of the graduates gets denied a job because their name popped up in a search result for that site and they get sued into oblivion.

I think every time something like this pops up every feminist on campus should be false accused until the page is shut down.

I'm getting real sick of SJWs. They're as bad as Trumptards are except the Trumptards have no actual power.

No actual power

The president of the United States of America

Trumptards don't have power. Trump is in office, but his agenda doesn't have much to do with Trumptards.

He just tells them what they want to hear while often doing the opposite.

They're just rubes that haven't caught on yet.

Nazis supporting a guy who is BFFs with Israel

Truly the dankest timeline.

Trump doesn't have any power because he's too thick to realise his staff have "accidentally" forgotten to give him the orders to sign.

Yeah it's women and minorities who hold all the power and not right wing white men

How does it feel to live in this universe of persecutory delusions

Yeah trumptards constantly do shit like this

The site’s domain name was registered Nov. 29, 2017, with additional security so as not to reveal the identity of the individual who registered it

You mean they wanted to avoid online harassment for their name being associated with something horrific?

with additional security so as not to reveal the identity of the individual who registered it

Damn looks like some top-tier computer hacker explained WHOIS to them. Who writes this tard-drivel?

probably a russian

the website’s moderators attempt to protect themselves from liability or criticism by stating atop the list of the accused: “Please remember, just because a name is on this list does not mean the individual is guilty. All it means is that we have received an accusation against them.”

Uh-huh. Let's see how that plays out for them.


This but ironically

This but specifically white men. To say otherwise is kinda fucking racist.

Are Jews (((white)))

Ask yourself this question:

Is the skin white? If the answer is yes, they are white.

Sounds kinda suspicious but I don't really know enough about wipeepoos to dispute it.

They really need to read up on the saga that is peeple.

And bullyhunter.

That's what this is all about

In 1974 I was raped by The Jackson Five in order of biggest to smallest shoe size.

Hosting a site for slander


What could possible go wrong!


This will be turned into a college drinking game. Every time someone named Bob, Jeff, Steve, or Chad is named on this site then you have to take a drink. If they belong to a frat then that’s two drinks. If the assault supposedly happened in a frat house that’s three drinks.

Good ole devils triangle... I see you have played it too ....

Seems legit.

Wait can we report sexual assault claims against women without providing any proof as well?

Women can't rape, they don't have a penis, silly.

Have you reported this to the authorities? No


When will this rape culture end??!?

/pol's gonna assblast this website harder than catholic orphan boys

"Type of incident: Rape Additional information about incident: We were consensually making out (naked) and during this he put his penis in me without a condom and without asking. Later he denied this act and blamed me. Have you reported?: No" thot btfo'ed by nope it didn't happen

Make them Redpilled morelike.

I have compiled and condensed the list--to the best of my abilities--for easy observation and analysis

Of the 52 men on the docket, 2 have no confirmation of a report or not, 13 were reported and 39 were not. There is no way to corroborate any of the allegations recorded and no link to report a possible case of abuse.


I also find it interesting that, in their FAQ section, one of their questions is " What about innocent until proven guilty/false accusations/collateral damage, etc. " and the answer is " These questions are answered in more detail on our front page. It's worth noting that most people, by default, will be skeptical of the claims on our list, and we aren't finding anyone innocent or guilty here. We just post the information that's given to us. 'Innocent until proven guilty' specifically applies to American legal proceedings in a court of law, which is the only place someone can be "proven guilty." On the front page, they have a bullet point that states "This website is not a court of law. If a name is on the list, all it means is that we have received an accusation against them. If the name of someone you know appears on this list, take note and proceed with caution, but it does not mean they have necessarily committed a crime." Somehow, the information on this list is not considered evidence of guilt.


Yeah, I'm sure this list isn't going to turn into extension of the sex offender registry...



P.S. If someone finds an error I made, I will amend the table with the correction.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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