A bad cop finally got charged with murder. Knowing Chicago, riots probably will still be happening.

1  2018-10-05 by Pewkie


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Cat Girls? Mircy Killings? What the fuck is even going on on that second subreddit? That is some straight up bizarre shit. The people there are extremely mentally ill. And look at your userpage. A naked dead girl covered in blood, and another one with a girl who has blood all over her mouth. You have severe mental problems.


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When the guy who got shot has a name like "Laquan" I would've let the cop off with a warning, and maybe a cash bonus.

CA refugee, you don't belong here. You have to go...

Go back to cringe anarchy you neet, virgin, racist. Your dad probably hates you and wishes you were dead. Your mom should have done the right thing and aborted you in the third trimester.

Eat my fucking shit.

You seem mad, bro.

You seem like a neet

What is that, fuckwad?

Nice a chapo tard fighting a Ca tard.

if you imply im a chapo tard again i will fuck your mom, get her pregnant, and have her abort the fetus

I would've

This is going to stay hypothetical, you'll never be in a position of authority higher than looking after the keys to the gas station toilet.

Drag her!

If you only knew.

Like what, you're in charge of two toilets?

Tell us where the black man touched you boy.