/r/politics unironically stickies a Buzzfeed conspiracy theorist AMA

1  2018-10-05 by Shinlo8


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Alright. This bit is _too_ good. I call bullshit


Snappy is literally more sentient than all the /r/politics NPCs

Just an FYI DDF, just because you don't like reality doesn't mean it's a "conspiracy theory."

That whole meme died after like 8 people were indicted for lying about contacts with Russia.

Please point out on the Statement of Offense where the scary Russians touched you collaborated with Trump.

It's like you people will believe whatever a journalist professional high school essay writer tells you over the judicial system and law enforcement.

I mean, didn't Trumps kid show up to a meeting with a known Russian actor that promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, even telling him that this was part of her government's support for his father?

Let me guess, Trump didn't know about that meeting? You understand that what he did, was in fact collusion, right?

If you're going to seriouspost at least make it funny or clever.

That's exactly what I thought.

How about you respond to me first instead of throwing out a whataboutism.

I did respond to you. I then talked about how Trump JR very clearly colluded with Russia, and there's no way daddy didn't know about it.

Please point out on the statement of events where Manafort colluded with Russians.

Actually, I don't trust you to read more than a headline anyways. Have a Good Friday

I don't care about cuckfort. Did Trump JR meet with the Russians in search of dirt on Hillary Clinton and then lie about it?

Cuckfort however, has a long history of working for the ruskies. He even put a Russian puppet in charge of Ukraine.

You didn't read the statement of Offense.

Color me surprised.

no way man! these click bait fake journalists totally have been sitting on BOMBSHELLS! just wait till the mid terms 🤬

It's literally the perfect inversion of the Q larpers who believed Trump is sitting on a pile of TOP SECRETS that he will use to indict half of the Democratic party... in three months...

that’s why radical centrism is the only choice.

unless trump has some of those deleted emails....if that’s the case lock her up and build the wall! coal mining is the future!!!


Honestly cares about climate change.

Nah, don't believe it.

lol do you still believe the russia meme

i always enjoy when stupid people say that buzzfeed is actually good and they just do the stupid clickbait to support their totally real actual news thats real!

i always enjoy when stupid people say that buzzfeed cant ever diversify and they just do the stupid clickbait and didnt hire a pullitzer prize winning journalist.

unironically calling things fake news


theyre a trash site run by hipsters that has no place even attempting to do real journalism, let alone claiming they already do

anyone who takes anything theyve ever said even remotely seriously is worthy of contempt

pullitzer prize winning journalist to head their news team.

lol pretending that means anything at all now

basic capitalism

theyd prob be more trusted if they knew much about capitalism and customer retention

say enough to not have to explain that "no were not actually a shit outlet" every time they describe their business

theyre a trash site run by hipsters that has no place even attempting to do real journalism, let alone claiming they already do


lol pretending that means anything at all now

I like how half of DDF responses to anything criticizing them or not being literally breitbart is "ITS LIBERAL DEEPSTATE GARBAGE NOW" literally no difference between them and the average /r/conspiracy poster.

say enough to not have to explain that "no were not actually a shit outlet" every time they describe their business

Holy shit you actually are retarded the point was never that they werent a shit outlet i know this goes against basic conservatard thinking but things can actually change.


yes unironically theyre shitty evil people have you even been keeping track

I like how half of DDF responses to anything criticizing them

its not about me its about the hilariously low standards for pulitzers nowadays


just because you for some reason cant recognise simpsons style superliminal propaganda doesnt mean everyone else is that willfully ignorant

Holy shit you actually are retarded the point was never that they werent a shit outlet

yep, buzzfeed, respected journalists and always have been

thats realistic

but things can actually change.

they havent though

recognise simpsons style superliminal propaganda

this is hilariously ironic considering you pretty much are parroting murdochs outlets tell you to, but no its the the whole rest of the world out to get you, let daddy murdoch tell you the truth.

parroting what murdochs outlets tell you to

lol what

but no its the the whole rest of the world out to get you, let daddy murdoch tell you the truth.

you know that rejecting mainstream leftist jew propaganda doesnt mean i just suddenly like right wing jew propaganda right

like its possible to know its all full of shit

why are you so motivated to defend buzzfeed, whats a good thing theyve ever done that warrants it

leftist jew propaganda


unrionically saying neoliberals are left wing

peak burgerstani

lol yeah leftist jews doing propaganda is such an outrageous idea that its been a constant theme for decades around the entire world

must be an anti semitic canard amirite

unrionically impyling neoliberals are left wing

where youre confused is assuming retard american "leftists" have agency and arent just pawns doing the work of faggot bolsheviks

the entire american political apparatus is a communist construct except for donald trump, thats why theres so much propaganda and pushback

also how many times do i have to tell you im australian jeez

also how many times do i have to tell you im australian jeez

dont have to live in burgerstan to be burgerstani, they spread it through incel propaganda.

lol yeah leftist jews doing propaganda is such an outrageous idea that its been a constant theme for decades around the entire world

must be an anti semitic canard amirite

"Heaps of retards believe it so it much be true

the entire american political apparatus is a communist construct except for donald trump, thats why theres so much propaganda and pushback

yeah this is so retarded i dont even know where to begin so ill just say this : "Communism is when the government does things" ~Karl Marx

"Heaps of retards believe it so it must be true"

hmm i wonder who owns literally all of americas media

"Communism is when the government does things" ~Karl Marx

lol no its been infiltrated for decades

the red scare was real, america lost the cold war and mccarthy was right

the alphabet agencies work as the defacto rulers

trump being elected fucked up their decades long plans, thats why theyre so hysterically trying to stop him

and he got elected because autists on the internet got sick of faggot shit and thought itd be funny

I hate buzzfeed because they included a picture of me in one of their lists about buyers remorse so now when that list gets recycled monthly by other shitty sites I get a slew of people on Facebook posting it to my wall saying "look Petty_wop, you're famous, LMAO". Fuck buzzfeed

Bannedasaurus 🦖🚫 for serious posting


Buzzfeed News

Imagine being an even less credible news source than VICE lol

Wow you’re angry.

wow you're an obvious fugee if you are unironically coming to the resident aussie DDFs defense.

It's ok to be mad sometimes.

its not okay to unrionically post in goobergator central, are you trying to (((RISE UP))) on me?

Well now that you expect it I'm not.

Abandoning your radical centrism because you're defending buzzfeed.

You do you.

implying the reeeing about buzzfeed isnt majority from DDF who get buttblasted whenever they wrote stories about him or get exclusive like the steel dossier.

Implying that modern journalism isn't about getting clicks with incendiary headlines in order to earn money through advertising.

Implying getting "the exclusive scoop" on an unverified dossier means you're a legit news organization and not because legit news organizations wouldn't touch it at first.

Implying you're just buttmad because Kavanaugh's about to be confirmed and you decided to cope on Drama instead of a politics sub.

Give me a break man, lmao. Take the chance when you have it to go console the Stacey who won't fuck you and maybe she'll be too drunk to realize what's going on.

Implying you're just buttmad because Kavanaugh's about to be confirmed and you decided to cope on Drama instead of a politics sub.

i could care less about femoids soon requiring burkas

Implying getting "the exclusive scoop" on an unverified dossier means you're a legit news organization and not because legit news organizations wouldn't touch it at first.

still running the "FAKE NEWS" on the dossier despite large parts of it being confirmed with none of it been proven fake?

Implying that modern journalism isn't about getting clicks with incendiary headlines in order to earn money through advertising.

so you admit they are proper journalists, headlines dont mean shit its about the actual article only mongoloids bitch about the headlines because thats all they can read

I'm not coping, ur coping

unironically thats what you are but what am i

clean your room.

If your "sources" weren't all second-hand I might consider them but I'm pretty sure you need to return to your Chapo shithouse.

he makes fun of goobergate he must be a socialist

literally never posted there but i did post in /r/neoliberal 2 hours ago, a known den of anti gamergate communists.

Good lord, no one gives a shit that /r/drama is your personal Breakfast Club for sad trannies and lonely shut-ins, no matter how hard you try to push this “everyone that’s not an IRL depressed diaperfur is a refugee” storyline.

Take your “boo outgroup” clique faggotry and fuck off.

good work pede you showed that libtard sjw, they targetted us gamers and we will make them regret it!

Wow you’re angry.

Lol you are so mad 😭😭😭😭


You don't understand anything here, go back to r/politicalhumor

Buzz feed arent good. Their journalism is of the lowest possible order and its _always_ with an agenda and _always_ hugely biased.

You want factual, good reporting? Reuters.

The Worst Thing About Buzz feed Is Their Shitty And Incorrect Capitalisation Of Each Word.

You are arguing with the biggest retard here. Trust me it's not worth it.

If you make an entire brand off of poisoning people, you can't "diversify" into fast food.

Some guy got really upset the other day when he tried to tell me how many awards BuzzFeed News has received, and I pointed out how awards don't mean anything because Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize while shredding brown kids with drones. Milked that cow for a while.

Or henry kissinver getting that prize when we were still in vietnam

Lol trump getting paid illegally is in no way a conspiracy you fucking dumbass

Trump supporters are the dumbest people on earth. What a stupid thread you tried to start. Lurk more.

You are an oaf lmfao

Can they go any lower?

Buzzfeed != Buzzfeed News

The latter should really change its name to avoid being associated with the former.