Mayo women are CANCELLED y’all 😎

1  2018-10-06 by HavnFunOnTheInternet


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Woman's suffrage was the biggest mistake in human history. Giving gussy any power in society will eventually lead to it's downfall, especially when said gussy is of the mayo species.

This kind of statement only further entrenched white women within the Republican party

To be honest, I'm actually kind of impressed that they've managed to successfully convince people that the SC appointment is a women's issue instead of a partisan one.

default 50% of the population is already convinced everything is a women's issue

MFW y'all think internet memes and ur little university culture represents anything to with how society really works 🙄 Have fun with that, kiddos.

Well if they undo roe v wade, yeah its gonna be bitches that feel the burn on that.

Raw doggers like myself also concerned

I think they are jealous of our raw dogging thats why they want to take away the raw dog.

Hard dick warriors like you and I have to keep on blastin, regardless of the bible thumping in Murica

it's over for rawcels

Eeesh another mdefugee.


They arent going to undo fucking Roe v. Wade, its been established law for 55 years, this is pure fearmongering for people with a Handmaid's tale fetish.

What they may undo however is mandated federal funding for abortions and access to birth control, because A. Nobody should be forced to pick up the tab for a woman's wild sexcapades and B. Forcing religious folks to indirectly butcher babies via taxation is outrageous.

If you arent a complete animal you should at least have enough atonmy over your own body to not accidentally get pregnant and pass responsibility off to the rest of us.

I'm actually pro abortion and birth control because retarded people tend to have retarded children that are raised by the state and the cycle of irresponsible, expensive useless fucks continues ever onward.

They arent going to undo fucking Roe v. Wade

And even if Roe v. Wade was overturned, all that actually means is that states can prohibit abortion. It wouldn't make abortion illegal - it would only allow states to make it illegal.

California (to give just one example) would absolutely not outlaw abortion - no way, no how. So all that really happens if Roe v. Wade is overturned is that maybe Utah would outlaw it, and all that means is that a woman who wants an abortion has to hop on a bus to California.

I'm actually pro abortion and birth control because retarded people tend to have retarded children that are raised by the state and the cycle of irresponsible, expensive useless fucks continues ever onward.

Same here. If there was a safe, 100% reversible surgical contraceptive you could take all my tax money for that shit.

Yeah, the ability of states to make it illegal is huge goddamn deal if you happen to live in a state where it’s outlawed. This is shitty point you’re making.

The influence of Roe vs Wade extends far beyond actual written laws. It is a rallying cry for the left, if it was overturned (i don't agree with people saying it would never happen). Roe vs Wade is very well known. And socially it would create an hard split that would among partisanship (it can always be more partisan) and possibly even gender.

I doubt there'd be much of a gender split, a lot of women are pro-life as well.

I actually think that our society would be better off even if it wasn't reversible.

Yeah because the federal govt cant make laws regarding abortion lmao

This is fucking retarded. My taxes pay to help lots of people who I think do shitty things and lead shitty lifestyles.

Miss me with this women are whores bullshit.

Your naivety is showing.

Your incel is showing.

What does questioning the efficiency of central planning, entitlement program and taxation have to do with incels?

Arent you a happy little drone, throwing your money away like a fool for the benefit of politicians so they can maintain the nanny state and bottomless social safety net which includes smart phones for some reason.

You are the literal definition of an NPC, you feel good because they tell you to feel good, you feel righteous because they tell you that you should feel rightous. You love big brother because ignorance is truth in your mind. Words cannot describe how pathetic you are.

Out! You have to go back!

Oic, you have brain damage.

Unironically rageposts on gaming subs and in the Donald, calls others brain damaged.

Mad enough search post history. To be expected from someone with such a bad argument and such a very low IQ.

Hopefully you enjoy the warm embrace of big brother you pathetic naive fool. This argument is a waste of my very big brain capacity.


I could never have a high IQ like you and tp Daddy. I'm just an NPC (nonplayercharacterforthenewfags) in your PC (literalubermensch) world.

Finally you're starting to get it.

Yeah but what about us who wanted to be aborted

Lol you got owned and are now going the “ur a nazi” route

No. U.


Central planning? Do go on...

Woah we really do live in a society 🧐


His point is at least better articulated than yours. You only swear.

Hey, I don't want those people to get my money either, which is why I support the mayocide through fentanyl.

A fentanyl farmer eh.

Remind me in 2 years

Mderefugee incel confirmed

Did ya read the last paragraph...

If you cant identify an r/incel/mde cross post you might be retarded

I'm posting on r/drama and you think I might be retarded?

RemindMe! In 2 years

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I'm with you only would go one step further. I think the state should step in and MANDATE the abortion for stupid fucks. If you have no means to support it, you get on fuck up. After that we abort them all until you show you can support what comes out of your vag.

This but unironically

Nobody should be forced to pick up the tab for a woman's wild sexcapades



Imagine wanting less fucking in 2018, literal faggotry

Wtf is Roe vs Wade?

I'm not american and I assume you aren't either, but it's the burger version of legalizing abortion. Since they can't be normal and just pass a law, it had to be a case, roe vs jade, reaching the supreme court.

It’s a METOO issue and it’s shown that people don’t believe survivors

yea i feel like the people outright dismissing the accusations haven't ever been to a social gathering.

rape culture is a thing in the US, even if certain people do a poor job of convincing the general population and instead make it seem like a ploy to destroy white men

rape culture is a thing in the US

People, especially men do not want to believe this though. They are keen on insisting that rape culture only exists in third-world countries and because they lack any intrest in actually learning what it implies. They rather go on about how bad women are treated in ME and how everyone hates white men

Rape culture isn't a thing just because some people tend to believe the accused. If we live in a rape culture, we must also live in a false rape culture because so many people automatically believe the accuser. You really are quite dumb.

To Kill a Mockingbird should be required reading for these people

I have yet to see any proponents of rape culture theory apply their logic to any other category of crime. If they did, they'd have to admit we're living in a

  • theft culture
  • murder culture
  • burglary culture
  • verbal assault culture
  • DUI culture
  • hit-and-run culture


And then they'd realize the absurdity of taking criminal behavior, gendering it, and then trying to establish dubious causal links between the behavior and fuzzy, 10,000ft sociological abstractions.

The root cause of theft is male entitlement and the expectation that society exists to exclusively serve them. In addition to patriarchy, capitalism contributes to theft culture by conditioning young men to seek instant gratification without considering the lived experiences of those around them. Perpetrators of theft culture are often shielded from legal reprocussions by those around them, who often place the burden of proof on the victim.

Hit-and-run culture offers more insight into how privilege operates to shield men from the consequences of their actions at the expense of the victim. Blah blah blah

Lol, from the rape culture Wikipedia page:

Rape culture is a fluid and always-changing entity that is socially produced and socially legitimated, so throughout time and place its definitions will change. Reasoning about rape and rape culture is also influenced by gender and heterosexuality norms, and therefore is also changing through time and place.

In other words, rape culture is literally meaningless and gay people can't rape cuz it's a straight problem. Or something.

Could be some people support the idea of due process and innocent until proven guilty.

Haha nice try NAZI, too bad it's a JOB INTERVIEW so due process doesnt matter, try again sweaty

Its just a job interview. Not like the entire world is being made to think he's a rapist. Why so mad bruh

Lol men are so emotional 🤣😂🤣

Educate a non mutt here, who is actually in the right? I've been rooting for Kavanaugh since going opposite of r/politics is usually the way to go, but I don't even know what happened.

Did this guy buy a hooker, pizzagate a baby or rape someone or what? Also what is he runnig for? Senate? Governor? Some kind of judge?

Did this guy buy a hooker, pizzagate a baby or rape someone or what?

He's alleged to have forcefully raped a girl at a party and then got caught lying about having never gone to parties in high school and he also twisted some witness statements in his favor (Many alleged witnesses say they do not recall the night in question and Kboi turned that into they say the rape never happened)

That's not at all what was alleged. He was alleged to have held a woman down, covered her mouth, and groped her. No rape accusation.

Meh close enough. He's a Republican so you know he's either raped somebody or is secretly gay

secretly gay.


either raped

Lol no

or is secretly gay


And more credible evidence shows that he organized gang rape parties and throws ice on people.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means

he organized gang rape parties

Ah, well, who hasn't every once in a --

and throws ice on people.


that people don’t believe survivors

Has Ford provided any evidence at all?

Yes, she said that she has witnesses and her therapist’s notes.

That's not evidence. She claimed to have witnesses.

That’s evidence

That moment when you realize you took the bait

Evidence is what is produced

None of her witnesses can corroborate and her therapist notes contradict her testimony. She also refuses to turn them over to the judicary committee.

The real answer is no but it's fun watching everyone bend over backwards trying to make evidence happen

What kind of retard do you have to be to believe that women who knowingly allowed a sexual predator to prowl for 30+ years have any credibility.

You could at least link to the drama in the replies.

This sub won’t let me post links to twitter

How does it "not let you post links to Twitter"?

This is my other account since some mod decided to ban me... I do t know there’s an error when I post twitter links on my phone. Maybe I’m retarded

you are

Confusing r/drama for SRD REEEEEEEEEE

The implication that women have agency.

White women, who have no ability to make decisions separately from white men, have often served as just a brainless puppet for males.

I've noticed that you can basically be racist, sexist, or any of the other -isms and get away with it as long as you explain how your target is doing the bidding of the white man. Similarly on the other end of the bird you can turn people against anything by associating it with Jews.

Anyway: Horseshoe theory fucking confirmed AGAIN.

Horseshoe, more like basically a hoop.

And us, the radical centrists, standing in the middle, just hulaing away...


Now let me tell you about the messages the moon-people are sending me through my teeth

You can't cancel something that never started sweaty 💁💁

Obama got 96% of black people to vote for him.

Clinton got 47% of women.

smh there really is no one who hates mayo women more than other mayo women

The greatest miscalculation in us history. After Obama they assumed they would get like 93% of the female vote. Not realizing almost half are Republican, and 90% hate other women with power.

Thats too many women for the Clintons to kill- erm accidentally die!

literally just a race thing. Dumb mayo women are more likely to vote Republican, big surprise.

People don't like that you made fun of mayo women. DROWN DRAMA SO THE RATS FLEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Clinton got 47% of white women.


She didn't even get the majority? Source? I want to see this.

While Clinton won women's votes overall, most white women — 52 percent — voted for Trump, according to exit polls. And more than 6 in 10 — 61 — percent of white women without a college degree backed the president.


Somehow it's not sexist to imply that Collins is incapable of making this decision herself??

This is your brain on idpol

This is their idea of feminism

They weren’t saying she was incapable of maintaining a decision herself, they’re calling her an idiot for making that decision

It's clearly showing that men (Trump) suckered her into voting to confirm Kavvy because she's just a dumb white woman. Come on this picture can in no way be spun to not be sexist.

How is calling a person dumb implying that everyone of their gender is dumb

How is calling a person dumb implying that everyone of their gender is dumb

Ask the leftoids who think that calling Soros an asshole makes you antisemitic.

Or calling Hillary anything but positive adjectives is sexist


Everything negative ever said about a person is an indictment of the entire group of people they belong to.

I'm calling you an idiot for writing this post.

Are you illiterate and just going off the picture?

Any woman who doesn't copy our political beliefs exactly must be copying men's politics exactly. Under no circumstances could a woman actually think for herself.

anything a woman does, no matter how much it negatively affects women is feminism

libfem cuck retard

Daily reminder that white women were the prime beneficiaries of slavery.

White "people" are so gross all around

It's only ironic racism guize

No I'm completely serious

I am continually impressed by the different ways the left can call someone a house bigger without actually saying it.

Until some of them like Bill Maher actually do say it lol

Bill Maher and his fucking face. Honestly it turns me on a little

The art seems like courtroom art. I like it.

Not wrong tho.

Kinda like the fatty in BlacKkKlansmen

Those tiny hands.

And of course Shannon Watts hasn't noticed she's white as hell.

Ah but it's okay if you're a woke white woman.

Bitches are always getting told what to do. They are weak and stupid.

go get em smellfarts lol epic

I speak the truth homie

More like leak the truth.




Boof the truth.

Mayos are [nasty thing]


Shannon Watts... Mile Bloomberg's gun grabbing foot soldier.

Becky gonna Becky.