What u/YameteOtosanItai does when he's not jacking off to Chinese cartoons or contemplating keeping himself safe

1  2018-10-06 by Momruepari


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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says the literal NPC. go fuck yourself snappy

Looks like snappy hit the nail on the head

Takes one to know one.

Tbh, I chuckle more at your watermark than your actual memes.

I only make the best watermarks.

As expected of Mr.Ruepari

Stop watermarking you dogshit

The watermark is the cherry on top, you uncultured trash.

I will brand your ass cheeks with my watermark

You're going to brand your ass with me? I like how you use the possessive case too. Hot. :)

Fuck yeah babe :)

Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl (かしまし ~ガール・ミーツ・ガール~ Kashimashi ~Gāru Mītsu Gāru~) is a Japanese yuri manga series written by Satoru Akahori and illustrated by Yukimaru Katsura. The manga was originally serialized in Dengeki Daiohbetween the July 2004 and May 2007 issues, and later published in five bound volumes by MediaWorksfrom January 2005 to May 2007. The story focuses on Hazumu Osaragi, a normal, albeit effeminate high school boy who is killed when an alien spaceshipcrash lands on him, only to be restored to health as a girl. This results in a same-sex love triangle that Hazumu finds herself in with two of her best female friends.


miss me with that gay shit

watermarking your actually decent meme

t. normie

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a girl as you once again type your little "finland isn't real" quip. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's okay, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on reddit posting about a nordic country. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a "finland isn't real" poster. A pathetic unfunny "finland isn't real" poster. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because everything you say is "FINLAND ISN'T REAL FINLAND ISN'T REAL EASTERN SWEDEN LMAO". You've become a parody of your own self. Amd that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

lol wut

Finland is west Russia.

Umm, anime isn't Chinese desu. It's Vietnamese. So kawaii!! 😸✌🎀

Patrician predator choice.

they're too small for me. For a more accurate meme make one about me impressing cute, cool 14 year olds with my vinyl collection of The Smiths records.

.... yikes ....

jealous because 14 yo gussy isn't legal in your jurisdiction?

Thanks bae