/u/spez attempts to defend himself in SRD

1  2018-10-06 by Sai22


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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If spez deletes the_donald where am I goina shitpost about the politics subreddit being shit


bitching about /r/politics while posting on a even more insane version of /r/politics

mayos smh

u/spez can you tell the admins to let r/drama ping again? People were mad because some bad apples were bullying "lolcows" but for the most part we're just a small peaceful community that enjoys reaching out and learning about other subreddits ☺

We should protest in front of reddit offices

I use to hate reddit powermods and admins

But now I look at the unwashed hoards they deal with and say...


I'll go, as long as I can get drunk and stay home.

u/spez seriously, at this point why are you not only defending people who dont like you, but sheltering them from bantz?

Why do people seriously care about Daddy's cheerleaders? Are they even relevant any more? It's like hearing people sperg out about srs now. Someone please explain the obsession.

Is SRS still a thing?

Look at that, you got the point.

Man I miss SRS. Peak SRS was unmatched smugness that even SRD wouldn't dream of, plus the /pol/ factor of "so, how ironic is this?"

Best popcorn I've ever had

SRD's long downward spiral really started when some SRDines tried to establish dual citizenship in SRS only to find themselves deported for being (in the eyes of SRS) total casuals. Those rebuffed SRDines would go on to chase the smug dragon and pull the whole sub along for the ride.

They are literally the same people.

SRS is still the same. It's just that most of them migrated to SRD.

Yes. They just changed their name to SRD.

Some people enjoy throwing fits of perceived righteous indignation and a large social forum like plebbit offers an endless source of fresh justifications to do so.

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I missed you.

I didn't even realize that there seems to be a large portion of people who actually wants t_D banned. Like, why do they even care? I think I've misinterpreted this stuff too often as sarcasm before? ... because it sounds so obviously dumb?

It's just a political subreddit for a bunch of deluded shills.

Totalitarianism means not being able to tolerate even the existence of nonconforming thought. Even holding it in your head and verbally claiming conformance isn't okay, you must undergo a genuine conversion to the side of truth and justice.

They don't even give a shit about T_D, they just want all non-libshits gone from the site.

They dont bitch about tankies or the socialists its almost as if DDF are uniquely incapable of not being massive spergs.

LMAO they don't bitch about tankies because they empathize with leftie viewpoints and idpol bullshit.

implying idpol is leftist

literally all the idpol i see comes from deranged mayo ranting

Lol since when are white people not leftist?

since the majority of them voting for daddy? i dunno if you live on a communist commune or what but outside of the commune or city cafes shit is different.

You clearly aren't American if you think Socialist shit isn't the most white thing ever.

its horseshoe , deranged mayos are either far right or far left to make up for their physical inadequacy

well im usually all for banning retards because they deserve it.

He's one of us, milking lolcows in srd for the little man on r/drama

Dear lord, that's a lot of words to say "I'm a greedy piece of shit who sold out something very beneficial to society for my own personal gain."

Lmao this is what SRDines believe.


beneficial to society

Shiggy Diggy

At least it keeps all the cesspools tucked away in one place.

You were the chosen one, Reddit!

Seriously, reddit is a company that wants to make money. To ensure that is his job.

The other comment said, that they don't ban them because they make them a lot of money. So.. that is a valid reason for a company?

reddit is a company that wants to make money

I've seen no evidence of this.

I think they want to make money; the fact that they seem to have no concept of how to make money is a different problem entirely.

What do you mean that a huge website can’t sustain itself based off neckbeards paying for gold?? 👺

From my perspective being here 12 years he sold it out to those idiots.

r/politics runs a domain whitelist and heavily moderates US politics from the perspective of international moderates


The delusion is real.

Maybe if you took a Swedish moderate, had them come up with the whitelist, and then ignore the implication that there is anything but US politics; this could technically be true?

I hope they keep up their delusion and continue growing more radical. The amount of drama if they were purged along with t_d would be glorious.

realee makes u tink


Ayy /r/politics blows Gussy lmao

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Why does anyone give such a shit about banning? I mean does it really matter if you're banned or not when it takes you 10 minutes between every post and your inbox is overflowing every day with screaming?


Mix it up and break some other ones.

Bussy status: 💥BLASTED💥

Is illegal

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Is involuntary pornography


Encourages or incites violence

Hello fellow drama user, would you like to be violent with me? I love violence

Threatens, harasses, or bullies or encourages others to do so

Hey guys, let's bully spez for not banning the doland. Let's give him an indian burn and flush his head in the reddit hq toilets!

Is personal and confidential information

My real name is Pete McManners and I live in Blackburn UK. I work on a corner shop and my national insurance number is QQ 12 34 56 C

Impersonates someone in a misleading or deceptive manner

I am Elon Musk, ama!

Uses Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services

Hello my fellow americans, would you like to trade beer and guns IRL?

Is spam

d1ckpills 100% big dick get tem here pm for details 100 viagra 100 legit certification of erection


Which one?

never mind, you added it later in an edit

lol I will win the prize, cya on the next account scrub


user reports:
1: brave poster, makes me feel inadequate
1: surplus autism
1: Ban pls

Good job pete

it seems like you're trying to imply r/politics is not a leftist hugbox run by powermods with extremely left leaning ideology. There is absolutely nothing moderate about that sub anymore than T_D is moderate.

All I can tell you is that you and I have very different impressions of that sub.


yeah, I know it's primarily the userbase. It's sad though that one of the only conservative mods had to resign due to harassment. Like one person trying to hold back the wave of insanity but couldn't do it.

Unfortunately this is pretty much how reddit and the internet is. Let's consider something really funny (to me anyways) for a moment. People complain about T_D and well rightly so but on the other hand it's not exactly shocking it got created in the first place. I mean yeah you can have non left leaning views on the politics subreddit but no one wants to have any kind of civil discourse on it and thus more echo chambers are created.

There's no fix I can think of for this either. I'm aware of more right leaning bits here and there on the politics sub that don't get downvoted simply for existing but overall the sub is still a leftist echo chamber which indirectly led to the creation of subs such as you guessed it, T_D.

Online discourse is if anything more polarizing than discourse in real life so when conservatives or in some cases anyone who has a differing opinion don't follow the party line they get fed up and go somewhere else. r/politics by the name of the sub alone should consist of equal parts right, left and everything in between. Except for a few outliers though it clearly doesn't. So where did those people go? I doubt it but the most delicious irony in the world would be is if the lefties on r/politics realized they helped create T_D

It's toned down compared to what it was. The leftist hugbox/super pac war zone has been r/worldnews.

Hitler ran an ethnic whitelist and heavily moderated European politics from the perspective of an international moderate.

you are deluded if you its not, the subs problem is literally all from massive hivemind voting and DDF being incapable of not immediately trying to get personal and calling people cucks like 2 comments in.

Completely the anti thesis of old reddit where the VOTE was for whether the post would be up or downvoted for relevancy, not just for agenda

As a non-american there is no fucking way anyone believes that's true.

Read the full comment my dude

look at the rage in those replies. delicious.

Wasn't SRD originally created to make fun of people who take reddit way too fucking seriously? They've become what they once mocked, SRDines aren't even pretending to be playful popcorn munchers anymore.

SRD now is all about finding two people arguing and rushing in to let everyone know you're better than both sides.

Little known fact, it was actually created to bitch about some changes to /r/askreddit. Short while later (maybe a week or so, maybe couple days) other shit starts getting posted.

Huh, I heard it was born as an offshoot of circlebroke, first time hearing about the askreddit relationship.

Circlebroke comes from circlejerk, when they realized they were just no match for /r/atheism.

I started getting nostalgic for the skeen coup/two click atheism maymays/faces of atheism saga of drama just now. I have a sudden urge to order some rope.

We were so innocent.

lol, T_D could literally start posting only pro Obama memes and liberals would still want it banned while trying to claim it's blackface or some stupid shit like that.

If you really want /r/politics to get colonized by Trump shit posts, please ban T_D. Muh study about the effects of FatPeopleHate getting banned isn't really going to correlate to how T_D subscribers react.

Becoming libtards to own the libtards

Now that’s some 1776D Mousetrap

Why do people even complain about t_D? I don't even see them on r/all. If they wanna be retards in their safe space then let them. You won't ever be bothered by t_D if you're not actively going out of your way to take a look at their sub.

Literally none of the people who whine the most about T_D even ever go there. They just want everyone who isn't a libshit cunt to leave the site.

implying all the nonliberals are DDF

peak delusion

Cause there's fucking white supremacists and hate speech!

You mean russian bots!

because i unironically dont believe in free speech and think people i dont like should be silenced

yes but a comment removed by a moderator with 2 upvotes was violent so we need to ban the sub

also we want hate speech banned despite it not being against the rules on the site

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. I chipped in $5, anyone feel like matching?

Wasn’t r/politics a default sub with r/atheism and they both ended up being too toxic to be on Reddit’s endorsement list?

Default subs no longer exist.


Yes, but more recently default subs stopped being a thing altogether.

Yes and this is why.

I mean look at atheism. It’s probably more dogmatic and toxic than the religions they try to shit on.

"Wah wah wah I find it kind of wierd..."

Oh shut up, you disingenuous douchebag.

"I decided to negotiate with terrorists and now I don't understand why the terrorists keep coming back screaming at me more!"