I'm getting married soon. What is your pro tip for wedding's

1  2018-10-06 by ChipChippersonAMA


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Great advice snappy


Get a pre-nup.

I ain't no punk

Found the Belieber

Definitely talk to your wife about adding a third person for your wedding night. It makes the night super special and you bond over a shared experience. If she's not down you can always ask her to blast your butthole. Also a close bonding experience

It worked like a charm for my and my wife’s special day. The bull was especially surprised when I started blasting his ass while he was going to town on my wife. My wife was a sexy matadora, and the bull was, well, a bull, but little did they expect that I would be the picador ;)

"wife cucks me by letting the bull fuck her, I cuck her back fucking the same bull in the ass"


All balanced out

As all things should be.

Thanos capeshit posting, NO!

Thanosposting is forbidden here.

I apologize, small individual.

It’s the ultimate power move. Although I’ll be the first to admit that making her parents watch may have been a little too much.

Only if it's MMF.

Nothing says "I love you" like sucking a dick in front of your wife.

Hell yea

I’m going to puke now. 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

I'll be serious:

Pre-nup. Trust me on this.

Never go to bed red-hot angry. Talk it out so at least you both calm down. Be mad, but know it'll pass.

Wedding day: include your parents and her parents. Pictures, toasts, etc. This is a special moment, share it. They raised you both and assuming you have healthy relationships with them, it doens't hurt to include them.

Make sure no one is surprise proposing. One person at my wedding was planning on it, my best man and a groomsman dealt with that. I found out afterward that they allegedly told him if he so much as twitched for a proposal, it would be, "get down Mr. President," and he'd be under a couple bros (his plan was to pop the question AS THE BRIDESMAIDS WERE GOING DOWN THE AISLE. DUMBASS.). KNOW WHO ARE YOUR LIKELY IDIOTS AND BE AWARE OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM. This is your bride's special day and unless they receive her blessing first, you must put that shit down asap.

Don't think the cake thing is a war. She shoved a piece up my nose, I shoved the whole slice in her face. Only two people thought it was funny. Me and her dad. Be playful, be nice.

If you are doing a speech: Write your toast. Practice it and stick to tried and true. Joining of families, blahblah. Don't wing it. LEARN FROM ME ON THIS.

When she gets her wedding pictures back steal her phone. Replace her screen saver with your favorite wedding picture (no, not the cake one).

Congratulations and may you both have many wonderful years and memories together.

Any chance you remember your speech?


One in pink one in stink XXXDDDE

  • sent from my iPhone. Brett Kavanaugh.

It was a three minute stammer about our guests supporting us (da fuq) we appreciate them being there, and yeh.

It was sheer cringe.

Thanks for the advice and well wishes

Look at this guy over here lol


How can anyone be this stupid.

Rule #1 of attending weddings: don't 👏 make 👏 the 👏 day 👏 about 👏 you

You're right, getting married is pretty stupid.

Imagine being such a sperg you try to steal the limelight on someone else's wedding day by proposing.

Great bit of advice btw

Get out while you can tbh

Definitely invite all of your exes, especially the ones you're on bad terms with


Never back down from an argument. If you’re right then tell her she is wrong. Remind her if and when she gains weight. If her father’s political views are different from yours then it is your duty to change his views during the holidays. I hope this helps.


Also if she starts getting emotional just tell her she's acting like her mother

Getting married is for faggots. Can you imagine something more gay and beta than pledging to only one woman to spend the rest of your life with her?

especially if she’s 3D-PD ugh

It's your best man's job to keep you half in the bag. HALF. You should be too drink to get nervous and run away but not so drunk that you make a scene. This requires precise balancing from an experienced, high-functioning alcoholic. Choose wisely.

. This requires precise balancing from an experienced, high-functioning alcoholic. Choose wisely.

Then I'm in good hands lol



ask to see your wife's bussy lmao

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Have the priest replaced with a member of the dino cult so that you can be married properly.

Also don't try make you wedding unique, stick to boring traditions. Expect many will skip the ceremony. Good luck and all the best

Boring is good, boring means predictable, predictable means not too many things will go wrong.

Absolutely I was at a wedding mast year where as the bride was walking down the isle the groom shouted "fuck this" then danced down the isle to meet her and they both b boy danced to the alter together. It was the worst.

What the shit

Worst part was people seemed to enjoy it, I'm a lot less bitter and cynical now so I bit my tongue, also the stag do was Harry potter themed....

Don't get shot at like I did. #LifeProTips


  • don't reference any of your old girlfriends, even as a joke (also advise best man accordingly for his own speech)
  • also, do NOT ** under any circumstances ** get drunk before the speech

You’re allowed to say no.

Why would you do this to her?

At the last minute, walk away from the ceremony. This will assert your dominance and make your new wife stay with you out of desperation when you finally decide to come back.

My main man Chip! Way to go. Don’t give it all up in one night. Save your bussy for the honey moon.