Peak gussy

1  2018-10-06 by Sips_enthusiast


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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This is what happens when you let roasties think their opinions matter

We need state-fundated and mandated labiaplasty surgeries for all roasties.

What’s a roasty?

This but unironically

ignorance is bliss. I remember my life before I took the roasty pill. do yourself a favor kid and just turn back now

A woman with huge pussy flaps.

Holy shit. Some headline writer needs a raise.

This reminds me of the scream day planned after trump won. Can I get off this ride yet?

"Reeeeeeee" - gussy probably

These are literal witches and harpes

Maybe centuries ago we were right to burn these witches

Impotent rage is the best.

There were plenty of reasons not to confirm Kavanaugh. Support of torture, ignorance of due process, being lax on police brutality, numerous perjuries, gambling, blatant political bias, temperament, etc.

But white women made it all about whether he tried to rape a single woman decades ago. Now that's the only thing that matters. If you haven't raped, you're AOK despite everything else.

White women are wreckers. Until we come to grips with that by completely dissolving the insane deference we give them and ignoring all their whines and "problems," this country cannot move forward.

White women have always made everything about themselves, not realizing that nobody really cares about white women's "problems." The only time they actually get what they want is when men agree with them anyway or they put women of color down to ingratiate themselves to white men.

Luckily the mayocide will sort out the white femoid menace.

Not to mention Kavanaugh thinks a President should be immune from all crimes while he's in office.

Nobody hurts Daddy

Im actually pro rape now and I hope he did to it and got away with it. incels upvote this

All women are like that, not just the white ones.


Support of torture, ignorance of due process, being lax on police brutality, numerous perjuries, gambling, blatant political bias, temperament, etc.

About 3/4 of Republican Americans support torture. They don't give a shit about due process and they're a bunch of cop fluffers. They want a biased person on the bench. Temperament? Hah, how did we end up with Trump. No Republican Congressman was going to lose face for pushing through a dude with what you say are the real problems.

Also, I'm sure that serious publications have written real articles about his other issues and like three people clicked on them. This is what happens when the news figures out people want to be entertained instead of informed. Scandals and spectacles.

This is what happens when you let gussies and their beta orbiters do all the heavy lifting for you. It's sending your mom to talk to your teachers when you're being bullied writ large. You get what you get. No one was stopping anyone from traveling to DC and screaming at Congressmen about torture, or staging a protest. Or, did you want women to do that too?

why does the ugliest gussy scream the loudest?

She’s filled with rage that she can’t get chad’s easily as stacy.

a bunch of ugly mayo women

twig arms soyboy in the background

Every fucking time

Probably a male feminist.

Weird way of spelling rapist but okay.

Thats like the standard way of spelling it

Wrong, not all rapists are male feminists.

Are female feminists any better? I'll guarantee most female feminists have raped a man or woman at least once.

Rape requires having societal power over the victim so women can't be rapists.

I guess feminists can use this to dodge being held accountable when they rape men but I don't see how it applies when they rape other women. Take Hillary for example. By feminists' own standards could Huma meaningfully consent to Hillary's advances when she was a 19 year old intern?

Look at that mother fuckers arms. They are so fucking long. Lizard people confirmed.

Him and I, we share the same face when looking at the primal scream.

holy fuck femayocide NOW NOW NOW


True autism.

Can you imagine a world where the entire human population is capable of holding an interesting conversation? Vote against gussy today, and you might just live to see it.

How is anything a bunch of childless porky spinsters do "primal"? They are the female equivalent of failsons, purely a byproduct of cultural movements which enable their bad habits?

porky spinsters

Stealing this.

Feels like I'm back to November 2016...

Truly, a golden age for salt miners


Literal REEEing.

incel shitposting. Not even drama

Wealthy Women with too much time on their hands throwing a collective temper tantrum isn't drama? I beg to differ.


Maybe "primal screaming" a bunch of made-up shit isn't the best way to convince people you're all victims.

Are they aware that the senate is not situated in Trump Tower?

Which periodical was that.

I like to mine dramacoin in the comment section of places like that