The bad judge man won :(

1  2018-10-06 by caliberoverreaching

Frumpy orange man wins again



Man with 0 chance of not being confirmed is confirmed 😮😮😮

This is actually the best outcome for the left strategically. Like imagine if they had actually blocked it, and blocking him stoked right wing outrage and eliminated all of their chance of taking the senate. Imagine they actually lose senate seats. Then Trump is just going to ram through someone further to the right, and suddenly you look pretty damn stupid. And then RBG dies in 2019 and Stephen Bryer retires and suddenly you are looking at a supreme court that is just one gigantic right wing circlejerk with no opposing views at all.

Let this one pass. Try to retake the senate. Then use your majority to pressure Trump into appointing Anthony Kennedy like moderates in case any more vacancies arise. If the supreme court actually does all the scary things you say it will, the legislative branch has an ultimate veto over judicial activism in the form of increasing the size of the court. But that is an absolute last resort. Really you shouldn't even be talking about it at this point.

Also if you have to use it don't be greedy like Roosevelt. Like increase it by one or two seats, and appoint Anthony Kennedy moderates. Roosevelt got into trouble because he tried to increase it to 15 and he was just going to pack in a bunch of liberals. And ultimately it wasn't even necessary. Do the minimum necessary to preserve the rights you consider absolutely necessary, remember that setting this precedent is going to give the other side precedent to do the same later if they feel aggrieved, and you are not going to control the senate forever.

even tho I agree go back to r/politics lol

Tell that to everyone just posting that he was confirmed and not the reeing about it smh

this is /r/politics now. As is every sub.

This sub is politics now, but it definitely isn’t /r/politics.

That’s true

We're retarded but not THAT retarded yet

We’ve been that retarded ever since this sub became 100% agenda posting. The MDEfugeesnutz have won.

Ben Shapiro ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS libidiot college student

Or you retards spamming MDE all the fucking time may have ruined it...

Incel refugees were always a bigger threat than a bunch of nerds with offbrand /pol/ memes, yet we let incels in free of charge

Implying that there’s any difference at all.

I noticed it too...😭😭😭

Agenda posts I don't mind as much as how serious the comments always are. Soon, the smug tone will be the same as on SRD, with the only difference that both sides are represented.
The irony of my post doesn't escape me so dude bussy lmao

Idiots discussing the cultural zeitgeist smdh fam

I see your point

actually no wait, that's retarded because this sub continuously makes fun of anybody who cares even a tiny bit about politics. So you guys gotta pick one.

This is why amerifats should be banned from sharing their boring opinions with the world

This but unironically.

Dirty capeshit tragic geeks have been pushing their shit on you normies for nearly two decades. Now we political junkie geeks get our turn. Politics everywhere. Suck shit, normies.

Daddy blasts ur bussy rent free every day it seems

Are you kidding? I love this shit. Terribly selfish of me, but it's the truth.

I mean, it's terribly tragic that Trump is doing substantial harm to the reputation of the USA, and it's a little alarming to think he has the launch codes, but he's just a steps back in humanities constant cycle of five-steps-fowards, four-steps-backwards, and watching you morons apologize for Trump is so fucking funny.

I mean, the 'good timeline' is obviously the one where Bush v. Gore went the other way, but I guess we're all stuck here.

i apologize for trump

Nice projection sweaty

Also go agenda post somewhere else fag

One month old account

Suck my dick newfag, or come back with your real account.

Lol you care about accounts and age

Peak soyboy redditor. I like Beer and kav did nothing wrong.

I mean, he's a disingenuous, partisan drunkard, but those aren't crimes. Just qualities unbecoming of the dignity of SCOTUS.

Oh, that's right. SCOTUS doesn't have any dignity. See: Bush v. Gore. Oh well, carry on.

I mean

Man you are the best find for unironic peak soyboy posting in r drama of all places

Honestly the worst thing about him is being a Catholic

Court should be anglo saxon or germanic protestants only, as our forefathers intended

Catholics are pretty fucking bad. Old celibate men writing thesis on the evils of contraceptives. The arrogance boggles the mind.

Also, serious question, why am I a 'soyboy'?

Is it for being mad that a manchild is president? (It is pretty funny tho.)

I bet you use “yikes” unironically irl too

Oh good lord no. I'm getting second hand cringe just imagining someone else saying it.

You type like one two periods and shieeet

Grammar isn't that fucking hard. I can do it, and I'm moderately high right now.

Lol you fell for the bait



he's saying the dems can retake the senate, which is pretty much impossible. the only chance liberals have is taking some seats from the house which means republicans don't have majority there anymore.

Dems have about the same chance of taking the Senate that Trump had of taking the presidency.

no, youre actually retarded and the probabilities there are completely different

Ugh, you are such a dull new face. Pls go back.

man thats optimistic

This is actually the best outcome for the left strategically


I mean, Democrats, and even some independents, are pisssed about this.

Sure the Republicans have successfully stacked the Supreme Court, and that's a big deal, but expect a lot of angry blue voters these midterms.

The Republicans will never be able to deal with this strategic retreat.

Ok this is how Bernie can still win


In minecraft

This but unironically

This guy politics

imagine if they had actually blocked it, and blocking him stoked right wing outrage

They already did stoke right wing outrage. Check polls from the past few days. The enthusiasm advantage has vanished completely. From a 12 point lead to less than the margin of error.

You think republicans are going to forget this circus shit they pulled? Not a chance.

What circus?

You know the painted whores and their memory lapses

The Republican base is so thoroughly inbred that they likely suffer from short term memory problems

How did orange man win?

Because of Russia duh.

The inbreds like he said

This is true

"Dear subhuman filth..."

Forget? Do you have any idea how short a news cycle is?

I mean republicans pulled some circus shit too by blocking garland cuz ‘Muslim obammer, and doing away with the 60 vote approval requirement that helped to be sure judges weren’t partisan hacks.

The only difference is democrats are a bunch of soyboys that can’t seem to grow a backbone or be bothered to vote.

Muslim obammer? No, they were merely following vice president biden's sage advice :)

Didn’t Harry Reid have to implement that because republicans would literally not vote on single Obama judicial appointment because they were so bussy blasted about the ACA and Dijon Mustard?

I didn’t care for Obama or many democrats, but don’t act like Republicans aren’t just as big of not bigger pieces of shit.

None of this shit will matter anyways when the dinosaurs 🦖 🦕 take over and consume us all!!

The best outcome for the left didnt involve a majority conservative supreme court

legislative branch has an ultimate veto over judicial activism in the form of increasing the size of the court

Thats not a veto to judicial activism, it would almost certainly be more judicial ativism just in the other direction.


Don’t worry, next week it is gonna all be about how it is Hilary’s fault, and that filthy Muslim Obammer all over Fox News.

With the Democrats not having power, conservafucks got complacent and couldn't remember why they were sick of libshit nonsense.

Now they remember literally only a couple weeks before the polls open.

The best possible outcome after they already riled up the republicans? You could argue that. Or maybe it would have rejuvenated the democrats who are surely getting sick of screaming into the wind. From the start though? Mild resistance for their base before rolling over.

Their chances of taking the senate evaporated when they tried this. The seats up for grabs aren’t normally ones that they take and they lost points in the polls in key demographics. They were deadlocked in two states and now they’re probably going to lose them.

They were never going to take the Senate. Are you getting your chambers mixed up?

Anyway, a month might as well be a year. In two weeks there will be some whole new controversy.

Their hope was that Kavenaugh would be held up until November and it would be a referendum on who gets the SC choice. There are 9 republican seats being voted on and the hope was to flip at least 4 with a focus on Arizona.

But you are right in that this isn’t really the year republicans are very vulnerable. In fact they may even take Missouri and some mid west seats.

Exactly. It was a profoundly dumb hope, anyone could have predicted that this wouldn't be a smart electoral move. And they didn't even have a good chance of blocking the guy.

They were never going to take the Senate in the first place.

It was possible. Just very unlikely.

The hope was to stay this until November and use it was a referendum on trump. They have an ally in the senator from Alaska who basically just stabbed the republicans in the back who’s expected to move to moderate independent while they won the special election.

Republicans have 9 seats open while Dems have like 12+ so they’re really not in a good place at the moment. They were hoping this would energize their voters and disinterest Republican voters.

Donation matched $27

Best outcome for the left strategically is the lifetime appointment of a conservative judge in exchange for a bump of enthusiasm in a single midterm election which absolutely totally definitely didn't include a larger bump of enthusiasm of the right

It's possible to pack the supreme court without committing political suicide

USDA Prime trolling.


I recognize this logic! You're one of these hodlers who always explains how the Bitcoin price collapsing is actually good for Bitcoin.

lol no. The right wing is furious and the dems are going to get RAPED by the GOP in november.

You do realize the GOP is a dying minority in this county, and has only won the popular vote for president in 1 of the previous 5 elections? The problem is democrats are a bunch of pussys and don’t vote, while gramps and Cletus are at the polls every chance they get.

blocking him stoked right wing outrage

We're already outraged, the literally evil tactics of the democrats turned off a lot of people, Trump's approval over all went UP during this.

And if you don't know what I mean by evil, trying to destroy the life of a good man is generally considered evil.

This doesn’t sound very radically centrist to me 🤔

I like gussy too.

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You’re overthinking this. Literally all you can say is that this wasn’t a fight worth dragging on into November.

give it six months and nobody will even remember his fucking name lmao

Had just one person that was said to also be at the party corroborated as such I guarantee you kavanaugh would have been indicted at this point

Wow, what are the chances?

The important part is that they started a conversation.

You know, a conversation about how fucked up false rape accusations are. But a conversation none the less.

That started when a metooer got metooed by the kid she slept with

Pls be gentile

48 to 50

Typically the side that proposes the legislation or appointment is out first. 🤔

But both sides are the same

Murkowski withdrew her no vote. "Out of respect for another senator who was going to vote yes but is walking his daughter down the aisle"

So the vote would have been 50-49. But it is 50-48. What a load of tripe. After all that crap about Murky she declines to vote.

Murkowski is a mayo. No other expectations except disappointment

Women are now offically considered objects and therefore rape is considered theft, making it offically illegal in the USA.

Rape was much less of a problem when it was just considered a property crime.

This, but unironically


11th-dimensional Mall Madness

I feel betrayed

been browsing r/politics and it's favorite astroturfing sister sub r/bestof

The REEEEEing is so bad it's actually gone from hilarious to straight up chicken little the sky is literally falling pathetic.

Hope ya'll enjoy your weekend, apparently come Monday the US is going to just spontaneously explode.

/r/BestOf: this is why this random redditor who copy pastes blocks of text on every /r/Politics thread knows way more than the FBI (which, btw, were supposed to be the real patriots because of muh russia)

The fbi just beats off all day

/r/bestof is great because they put the source sub in the title. You go to their front page at any given time and there's 3 or 4 submissions from /r/politics. It's hilariously obvious what the sub's leaning is.

The economy is booming, gun violence is still declining, rapes are at an all time low, teen pregnancies are at a low, the internet is producing near infinite entrepreneurial possibilities, but because the evil mean icky totally gross red tie Rethuglican men are in power right now, everything is going to shit and it's totally not social media echo chambers and constant apocalyptic headlines inducing histrionic shitfits.

People that unironically use rethuglican or demon rat need to be euthanized with a mass shooting grave

Huh? I understand /r/politics but what's wrong with... oh, lol.

The comments in response to that BestOf submission are all very reasonable.

> reading comments that aren't root-level


From the linked bestof thread

As long as you are not fascist, you have no reason to worry

Yes Comrade this is a good strategy.

Just never ever make any error or the secret police will come and get you

Hope ya'll enjoy your weekend, apparently come Monday the US is going to just spontaneously explode.

That would be the best outcome for everyone, honestly.

I guarantee you that next to none of the people losing their heads actually cared about the MeToo aspect of Kavanaugh. Remember, this is Reddit, which is one giant sausage fest. They just wanted to see the Republicans lose. I sympathize, I think Republicans (and people who own POW/MIA flags, and morbidly obese Facebook wine moms who think Q is real) are unclean, but they don’t realize that this wasn’t a fight the Democrats were going to win.

Maybe, just maybe, someone in the Democratic Party’s decisionmaking apparatus will learn that catering to woke hashtag activists is a losing strategy, that even most women aren’t going to base their vote on a MeToo blowup now that the movement is a year old and stale, and abandon it. Of course, they’d also need to have the courage to share this realization with someone, so I doubt it will matter.


3 of top 4 posts have "Kavanaugh" in title


This Supreme Court nomination vote brought to you by Anheuser Busch™

gussy btfo


"I'm in tears right now. Never in my life have I felt so threatened and betrayed by my own country. I am very sad for my kids today, but especially my daughter."

Is her daughter planning on falsely accusing someone of sexual assault🤔

Maybe her daughter was next on the list of SCOTUS candidates.

cool now put the wrinkly valley girl sounding woman in prison for making it up

Memory holed faster than anything yet i bet.

Mitch McConnell: One of the most successful politicians in American history. Longest serving Republican ever despite being hated by literally everyone. Major political victory after victory.

Reddit: lmao he looks like a turtle tho. fuckin got em'. right guyz?

His ignoring Obama's nominee for 8 months will probably go down as one of the greatest/dirtbaggiest political maneuvers in history. But I bet he has wet dreams at night over how he single handedly had secured a conservative supeme court for the next 30+ years.

What's so funny about that is, everyone autistic screeching over Trump made it so no one even fucking talked about them blocking for that long.

When people first realized he was going to do it, I thought there was no way in hell they could get away with blocking for that long. Then Trump came, and it was like you didn't hear shit about it, until Obama was out of office, and Gorsuch was up to the plate.

People will learn about him in history books like yes some sort of asshole Henry Clay.

I bet the sentence in history books about Kavanaugh will straight call him a rapist.

I honestly think is what we're seeing.

Lol. Peak notmad.

The man is simultaneously an absolute legend and one of the most unfortunate looking men in public office, Daddy not withstanding on both counts

Repubs should be cleaning Cocaine Mitch's balls with their tongue. TWO (2) (0010) Supreme Court seats.

Wow ur so smart to post in binary

U must watch rick amd morty to have such an iq

I understand all the subtle references, too.

die mayos

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, I AM IN TEARS RIGHT NOW. Fucking conservashits i've been screaming at the tv the past hour i don't know what to tell my 3 year old son when he asks why i'm upset.

My 3 month old was watching this on the TV and said "Mommy why would people forsake their morals and vote for the scary man?" I didn't know what to tell her. This is breaking my heart!

Lisa you are killing me.

My 3 month old felt a disturbance in the force, as though millions of autists ree'd in unison, then turned to me and said

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

(Thank you strangechicken for a high quality pasta.)

This but unironically.

ITT: lefty outrage Meanwhile in the real world: things going their way cause most people are clever enough to not hatebreed/hotly discuss politics on the internet.

This thread is a bunch of people laughing about liberal salt, dude. At least post this low-effort shit on a more germane sub.

Literally shaking right now.

Now women may not be able to kill unborn Humans. Sad.

Orange man bad