1  2018-10-06 by Fnhatic


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the South. Fuck the flyover states. Fuck a third of Maine. 2/3rds Nebraska. Fuck Alaska. Fuck the coal miners. Fuck the scared old people. Fuck 60% of white people. Fuck the non-voters. Fuck the electoral system that produces minority elected presidents. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the Federalist Society. Fuck the Heritage Foundation. Fuck Reagan's rotting corpse. Fuck Newt Gingrich who solidified this bull shit. Fuck Nixon for everything. Fuck Goldwater. Fuck Roger Ailes and Fox News. Fuck the rich assholes who fund all this. Fuck Evangelical Christians. Fuck pro-life Catholics. Fuck 3rd generation immigrants who vote for anti-immigration policies without a hint of irony. Fuck the Mormons. Fuck turtle man. Fuck his corrupt-ass wife. Fuck everyone who will be on the wrong side of history. Fuck the two illegitimate supreme court members now. Fuck the other 3 asshats on their too. Fuck Pence. Fuck the Kochs.

Vote with the intensity and anger one brings into war. Take every opportunity to make these assholes scared.

This but unironically

I agree, I thought that we were pro mayocide? This is gonna push back mayocide at least 40 years. If Abortion becomes legal and white males start going after gussy more, the birth rate of mayos is going to increase!

Well worth the salt on the left, but at what cost to the mayocide?

It's the other way around. Making abortion illegal would accelerate the mayocide.

It's not white people which get abortions.

No it wouldn’t I bet my left nut that the mayo birth rate would still increase if abortion were illegal. You have to remember black peoples make up a much smaller portion of the population and Mayos make up almost the same amount of abortion stats, plus if buddy is shunned or made illegal again some will start having disgusting heterosexual relationships and this, too, will lead to more mayo kids.....

And I’ve gone full retard arguing in ironically about mayocide on /r/drama...

It will never be above replacement rate. Look at Poland. Abortion is more or less illegal, gay marriage is against their constitution and they still have a birth rate of 1.3 or something like that. And the Whitest states in the US have also the lowest birth rate and abortion rate. It won't change.

But more mayos being born inherently slows the mayocide!!

Doesn't help that anyone under 35 got out of Poland as fast as they could when they joined the EU

This is a pre mde migrant post

Username confirmed.




When CAutists get more karma on /r/drama than CA you know that david-me failed as immigration officer.

How would you know, unless you're subscribed to CA too, because quarantined posts are invisible unless you are.

I clicked on "other discussions" you retard.

Click 'other discussions' in Incognito mode and see what shows up.


We're there to mock morons like you retard.

Oh shit your story changes faster than Christine Blasey Ford's.

I'm not the same guy you dumb motherfucker. Sometimes I wonder if there is enough crystal meth in the world to deteriorate an autismos intelligence down to your level. You are living proof that God isn't perfect.

Lol this reminds me of this pasta:

You have so little idea of what you are talking about that you have made other people dumber for accidentally having read your drivel. There is a pile of decomposing wet cardboard boxes in my driveway that has had a more intelligent impact on this conversation than you have, and they haven't even participated in it because they are, literally, slowly rotting pieces of inanimate matter. You are so off the mark in all things that, had you had done us all a favor and thrown yourself off a building instead of commenting here, you would have somehow managed to miss the earth and would be hurtling into to the depths of interstellar space, forever lost to the world -- no great loss, but one that would have been worthy of mentioning in history books simply because we would all be better off without you. It is a miracle of modern science that you haven't drowned in your own inarticulate drool, which is in of itself sufficient reason for us to abandon Darwin and take up intelligent design as the only possible explanation for why you're still taking up valuable oxygen. I can only hope that one day you do something remotely intelligent, like attempt to fly a kite so large that it drags you away from whatever cesspool of genetic waste you managed to pull yourself out of and across the ocean to some place without internet access. Have a wonderful day.

GET THE FUCK OUT! You don’t unironically support bussy(lmao) or mayocide!!I hope you get eaten by a 🦖 and turned into a steaming pile of dinoshit, you CAutist!

GET THE FUCK OUT! You don’t unironically support bussy(lmao) or mayocide!!I hope you get eaten by a 🦖 and turned into a steaming pile of dinoshit, you CAutist!

Shows the same thing.

I'm not subscribed to CA and the 'other discussions' button is completely missing. When I go to it and agree to the quarantine it shows up.

Yeah, you don't have to be subscribed. All you have to do is to go once beyond the quarantine warning and you will see it again.

Must be bugged. Did the same thing and no button.

I don't even see an "other discussions" on this thread

CAustist dont know how to use reddit lol

Honestly maybe relaxing the rules every once in a while is good for the ultimate radical centrism. I would hate for this place to become SRD.

I'm just pointing out that it's possible to make more karma with CA memes here than on CA.

Imagine if you could make more karma with /r/politicalhumor posts here than on /r/politicalhumor. Is that desirable?

I would say i look forward to seeing DDF defend his likely horrible ruling but they will probably talk about how a Dem SC nominee wouldve ban all the guns etc.

We need a purge. They are reposting low effort screenshots and shitting up the place.

You have to go back

You need to go to the white sea comrade



He’s a judge with a couple flaws

He likes beer

He slays thots

Maybe raped a girl maybe not

Oh look

They confirmed Kavanaugh

Mawed and Mauled by the Kavanaugh

He is gonna write down this in his calendar.

I so afraid women won’t be able to murder babies anymore. Sad.

Incel thumps Bible

It’s sarcasm dickbag

This sub is just mde at this point

Not enough beer

I liked beer. I still like beer.

Think I'm done with this sub

Why is shia upset