the r/politics meltdown continues

1  2018-10-06 by dynamo3g


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


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OK now this is I AM IN TEARS RIGHT NOW 😎


Ben Shapiro SLATHERS bussy butter on libtards with his NIPPON blade of FACTS and LOGIC

I don't understand why people downvote the funny stuff especially on a non-competitive subreddit like /r/politics

this isn’t me downvoting

ok. I realise you got this from a /r/the_donald poster. I think this could be reposted in a crying subreddit as absolute evidence of vote manipulation. /r/the_donald posters sitting in and mass downvoting probably with a bot assist

yeah for sure. i just saw it on r/all and thought it was applicable here, since watching any group of people meltdown is hilarious.

Lol, voting on this site has always been "me likey" vs "me no likey".

I think you're putting too much thought into it.

I rarely downvote. The only time I do is when someone is being a malicious prick and it adds nothing to the discussion. Like "I hate kitty cats" or something.

The only time I ever downvote is when it would be funny to do so. Like when someone cries about getting downvotes. And so should you.

Waah I got 3 down votes

You have to be a man-baby to downvote someone who's already past -3 karma.

But it's funy

The people who screenshot this sort of thing say to themselves "Oh boy, I can't wait to show people what comments I disagree with!"

It's conservitard virtue signalling

Downvoted for downvoting

i'm not the one downvoting, this is taken from another sub

Lazy fugee

He's an incel-fugee

Imagine not using the in 2018

Make your own OC instead of mooching off pedes then

Effort is for losers though

Reposting T_D content is for even bigger losers

Maybe, I don't go there so I'm not in the know.

dae drumpf bad?

dae T_D "memes" are low effort garbage

everything frumpf bad, me hate trumd

The right can't meme

I think it's more reddit and other normalfag sites can't meme

Le mde amirite? Total high brow content here only.

Can /r/ politics refugees fuck off. "d-don't make fun of us for M-meltdown"

Reposting from T_D


r/all tho

Even worse

It's only on r/all if you subscribe to it



ok, this is epic

downvoting the salt


wasn't me lol

Still not acceptable.

They're already starting the "IMPEACH" meme again, it's like when kids learn a new word so they throw it at everything

This has to be one of the best timelines

lol @ the downvotes, you carehard.

r/poltics is literally worse then t_D

there are more anti Kav posts then there are pro trump posts on T_D

can we officially brand them as the other T_D yet

It's almost unfair to call them r/politics like it encompasses all political leanings. The posters there are clearly one sided and horrible to talk to. Hell even td has asktd where you can, if you're not throwing a fit, get some answers.


OP, I would be banned from r/Drama if I told you to do what I sincerely hope you do.

Im not the one downvoting

Like imagine furiously reading /r/politics and downvoting every comment like an autist tard

Imagine that being a satisfying afternoon for you

lol its just like nov 16

they were just beginning to pretend they never spazzed out and melted down too

God I love this fucking country so much