Are Chad memes literally promoting incel culture? One commenter from /r/humansbeingbros thinks so.

1  2018-10-07 by TheSomaCruz


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Did I say one? I meant a lot, and by commenter, I mean virgins.

Virgin Complaining about a meme vs. Chad Loving the meme.

Incel akbar! Incel akbar! Incel akbar!

beta af tbh

Incel "culture". Lol

He's correct.

If a million people see your meme and there's the possibility that there were a handful of whackjobs as part of that million it must be erased at once and the format retired permanently. Just throw that problematic baby out with all the icky bathwater or you'll find yourself deported to the wrong side of history again.

They're both idiots.

Chad in the 'virgin vs' meme is supposed to be the asshole in the scenario, somebody with blatant disregard for other people.

But success. Really the underlying issue criticised in Virgin vs Chad memes is the society in which the assholes thrive.

we live in the society

Am a Chad, can confirm am an asshole with blatant disregard for other people, and I still get pussy on the reg while you sit there on your computer masturbating to some stupid hentai game on 4Chan or whatever.

Meme's are a lot more than silly internet jokes. You should be responsible for the ideas you propagate, even if you don't take them seriously yourself.

literally what???

New pasta

New Snappy quote.

Most memes don't commit mass shootings

If memes could kill

You know who else loved memes? Hitler!!

The chad meme only resonates if you meet people that are “chads”

Ive met two but they were named Matt instead

Also lul at “incel” culture

Each Chambers like subreddits are what create incels. If they didn't have each other they'd be force to go outside and socialize or off themselves like Anthony Bourdain.

