Military experts on /r/Drama fight over whether soy-drinking hashtag warriors or hillbillies from flyover country would win the next American civil war

1  2018-10-07 by dongas420


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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*laughs in Chinese*

Implying the Chinese could build a functional navy to reach America with

I thought you guys didn't have emotions or some shit lmao how can you laugh?

Accusing someone of rape and putting them through weeks of abuse because some slut who works for the CIA and has no evidence and no witnesses wants that sweet 1m payout from the democrats is a little bit more than inconvenience.

If she wasn't a plant then she wouldn't have dropped the accusation the second the vote passed. What happened to wanting to seek justice? Oh right, she cashed out.

This is also from cuntymcCcunterson in the same thread making it pretty clear that’s he’s not playing with a full deck of cards.

Team blue consists mainly of wealthy cities which will be starving within a week and the average resident is obese and effeminate with an utter hatred for firearms and being outdoors.

*googles obesity heat map

Is CO a dead zone for McDonalds?

Wrong, both will be drone striked by Chief Martial-Law Administrator Mattis

Wouldn't that put them on the wealthier "team blue" then? 🤔

AlveolarPressure what the fuck are you smoking?

Implying the worst case scenario is the local police just hose down angry protestors with rubber pellets and water