Is this real ?

1  2018-10-07 by i_wish_i_was_dead___


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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bitch already earned $8


$10.09 now. lol

It’s probably just so people can make mean comments

They started donating a penny to tell her to STFU - so she raised the minimum to 50 cents 😂

Lol yeah. People are donating half a dollar and then asking her to shut up.

Sounds like a perfect strategy to make a little extra money to me. If the Trumptards fall for it, I love it.

Man, she has made 11 dollars in 1 day. The fuck is that gonna get her? 2 big macs?

I know a lot of people who lived their entire lives being told there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and y’all just gave this girl two. It’s a win for her.

Hmm. True

11 dollars for one shitty tweet seems alright to me

LOL people are paying her just to sperg at her

This is a brilliant business model

As a cis white male of substantial wealth and privilege, it is my duty to share my riches with you. Naw, just joking. You gonna really need therapy after the GOP sweeps the midterms and Trump wins again in ‘20. MAGA MAGA MAGA TWO SCOOPS

Don't tell me...let me guess. You're also a Nigerian princess on the side. Snort!!!!!

“Some among you do not ever abandon begging. Finally, on the Day of Resurrection, that dishonourable person will meet Allah with no flesh left on his face.” (Muslim, Zakat, 103). “Whoever continues to beg people for their property in order to accumulate much property, surely asks for a piece of fire…” (Muslim, Zakat, 105).

If you don’t feel safe in the West then Go back to the Middle East where you will be beaten to death for expressing your opinions.

You are such a snowflake bitch. Kavanaugh is innocent! Ford is a lying psychopath!!! Go back to the Middle East where you will experience true oppression you ungrateful cunt. TRUMP 2020!!!!!!

I am L I T E R A L L Y shaking. Shut up and buy a couple of gumballs you fuck lmao

Use this to go back to your own country and stop bitching about ours. MAGA

You are psychotic prividged subhuman and you deserve every bit of fake misery you create for yourself.

Stupid bitch

Here ya go. Now S👏🏻T👋🏻F👏🏻U👏🏻 MAGA, puta.

Each one paid 50 cents

I like beer

She's getting dabbed on in the comments

Dab dab dab dab dab

She’s getting dabbed with money. The irony is strong here.

"Muslim woman of color"

That color is white, bitch.

Islam is a different race smdh

seems a little on the nose

Minimal wage in USA is bad? Many people would unironically kill to be in States and get that wage.

She is oppressed by democracy and capitalism, shhhh.

It depends on the specific location and cost of living.

beautifully low effort autist-bait. 10/10

I need money too . help me :| I don't have any way to receive that money.

It's essentially a

I'm not white so fund me because

*** shuffle cards

I'm shaking and work minimum wage

Cards against humanity should make a "leftist bullshit" expansion pack

The creator is a rapist after all

We all are

It is better for one among you to bring a load of firewood on his back and give charity out of it and be independent of people, than that he should beg from people

[Muslim 1024]

What is Muslim 1024?

Muslim (also known as 'Sahih Muslim', with 'Sahih' meaning 'strong authenticity') is a book of the sayings and doings of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. Among sunni Muslims it is regarded as the second most authentic compilation after Bukhari.

She’s a mayo


Is this real life?

How can you be so stupid to the point of being dunked on by the DDF?

Her bf is hot

What bs. She could easily whore herself out for more than minimum wage. Probably.

Hey it's just a woman trying to make a quick buck. If someone is retarded enough to donate to that, they deserve to be separated from their money.

I'll show this bitch! I'm going to giver her some money so that I can SAY ANGRY THINGS ON HER PAGE!


lol. The gal needs to learn how to work the system and rephrase her charity like a "project" instead of "giv m moneyz".

I don't feel safe in this country, please donate money to Paypal account.

Profile does not have a lot of tweets. Also a lot of weird replies, even retweeting right wing figures - I'm going to assume a fake account set up for this purpose.