A thread with it all, Creepy Porn Lawyer on his presidential bid and it's chances against Daddy

1  2018-10-07 by WeWuzKANG5



We never even liked the guy:


I'm certainly skeptical but I'd hear him out. Of course, I want to see who else runs.

I think November 6th will offer some clues. Of course, a major qualifier is being able to win a general election. Personally, I'd like to see a strong bureaucrat that is effective at pulling levers inside the government to undo some of the damage.


Here's how Bernie can still win:


Avenatti is clearly playing mind games:


He’s the only one who can Trump Trump I’ve seen from the dems. Most are spineless cowards. His agenda is pretty progressive too if you read it. I dunno the dems need a fighter, I’m sick of wimpy establishment dems. Bernie is my number 1 choice, but Trump is president. Literally anyone is a better choice


We ran actual experience against Trump last time, and we lost. How would Biden or Warren do any better than Hillary? What has either of them done to beat Trump in anything these past two years? I'm annoyed that Avenatti didn't deliver this time, but he has at least done something. Keeping Stormy's story in the news far, far longer than the average Trump catastrophe is quite a feat, and in the end she won. The NDA is done, she gets to tell her story, and Cohen is headed to prison. Obviously experience in government is the ideal, but I think the reality is that if we hang on to that, we might continue to lose elections to Trump, and those who follow him and refuse to play by those rules. The Dems are always too passive to go hard, and I think we need someone that can be smart, clever, bold and also someone willing to fight for us the same way Trump will fight for his side.


Tin foil hat time. Russian bots and propaganda have specifically targeted Avenatti before, I wouldn’t be surprised if their current goal is to cause division between democrats who support him and those who don’t want him fucking everything up for them. We shouldn’t be fighting or arguing about this guy.


Inb4 the story becomes Avenatti was a Republican plant.


Some drama, overall simply baffled by /r/politics right now, they seem to have no current direction and the midterms are around the corner. What will be the next battle? Is this is before the midterms?

I just want Hillary to run again. We need a rematch of the Boomers.

Do you know the Scottish economist Mark Blythe? His is convinced Hillary is setting up another run and makes a pretty convincing case. Frankly that may be the only situation where Trump might conceivably get reelected. And guarantee the apocalypse.

Do you know the Scottish economist Mark Blythe?

What kind of question is that? Do you know know Afghani town rapist Mohammed Al-Ackbar?

Is a shit tone the noise you make whem farting into a mic or something?

This response woulda been funnier if I noticed the typo.

Frankly that may be the only situation where Trump might conceivably get reelected


Oh boy, I didn't know his candidacy was a serious thing. This could be the scummiest and most divisive election yet and we just had Trump v Hillary.

Just wait to see what come after Trump