ESL Sexpat wechat group for "qualified educators" erup into war after Man-Bun-Matt sends a suspiciously pervy message. Tina the group-admin tries to diffuse the situation. But it takes two Tims to strong arm Matt into submission. (full imgur screenshot album)

1  2018-10-07 by snallygaster


You are another culturally programmed millenial internet dude with this weird bitterness towards women. One female accuses a guy of mansplaining incorrectly and you come here to “delight” in her downfall. The culture is sick and it makes me sad.


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Honestly this Nick looks like a fucking cunt 10x worse than Matt

And the message didnt look creepy, just inappropriate if the chat is only for work

By the other hand Matt has a man-bun 🤔


Glad to see you've done the right thing and deleted this post after bringing great shame to r/Drama and it's mod team with a re-post. In time I may come to be able to respect you again.


its not trolling, its just an insult

This quote 😎