Unemployable liberal arts major weighs in on politics

1  2018-10-07 by The_Bum_Diaries



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I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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I like beer


Dude boof lmao

You could probably create some good drama by complaining about how the drawing ignores the plight of POC victims of sexual assault.

Just more mayo wymyn thinking everything is about them 🙄

The real racism is how Kavanaugh never attacked a woman of color

Sometimes I had too many beers

Jesus Christ. If you're going to rip off a Junji Ito drawing, at least draw the hands differently.

Which one are you talking about? Or just the style in general?

Eh, I can't recall the name of it at the moment but there's this drawing about a girl being haunted and she's grasped by a bunch of hands. Hell, I have to double check to see if it was Ito and not Jun Hayumi. I get more guro artists confused sometimes.

Lol weeb

The fuck are you talking about? That looks like nothing like Ito's work idiot.

/> when anime is at stake

Who are you quoting?

When weebs seriouspost

Who are you quoting?

Hell yeah, brother. Cheers from Iraq

This cartoon says a lot more about the person who drew it than about Kavanaugh, methinks.

Blacked out? Have you?!


I bet he drinks beer

The piece serves as a telling glimpse into the male feminist psyche.

I think its hot as fuck, personally.

Who knew it would be so easy to get reddit to defend a guy who hates the fourth amendment and thinks that "net neutrality violates the first amendment right of internet companies"?



I wish kav did actually rape that bitch. It would make his nomination that much more satisfying. Imagine the looks of distraught and absolute humiliation on ford's face.

user reports:

1: this comment made me cry

Cool drawing though

The comments are... Same?

I'm guessing the media matters crew just assumes r/art doesn't need shills.

“If his nomination was tearing the country apart, he should have stepped down for the sake of the country.”

“Wow, we told you we’d stop tearing apart the country if you stepped down and you still haven’t. At this point, you’re being as irresponsible as we are.”

What’s wrong with that? Drumpf should do the same thing.


Hey buddy... You just roll in from stupid town?

It's deliciously ironic that OP's fall back argument was textbook victim blaming.

Why do people keep using cuck as an insult? There's nothing wrong with being a cuckold.

ahahaha hahahaha

You're kidding, right?




Lol, am I supposed to be outraged by that? It’s fucking awesome. Hell yeah Brett get it with those shadow demon super powers.

if he's a weeb we've made a terrible mstake

Nah, the artist is a weeb.

I'd tolerate being raped if he did it with his shadow demon powers.

If you tolerate it I don't think it's rape.

I want naughty Kavenaugh to fuck me with his shadow rape demon powers.

That drawing is hot, 100% will masturbate to.

wowee that's been linked in half the quarantined subs on reddit judging by the autism in the comments

i can tell hes an obnoxious cunt just by his signature

The drawing is pretty nice and so is the drama.

Is OP planning to draw all 9? I can't wait to see a Rule 34 Ruth Bader Ginsburg.