/r/brasil on meltdown as far-right party goes from nothing to possibly biggest party on the country thanks to "brazilian Trump" (sort by new, on portuguese)

1  2018-10-08 by SonyXboxNintendo11


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Awww shit, a 50% result for Bolsonaro would've been absolutely hilarious.

inb4 shit (somehow) gets worse

submitting portuguese -language drama

Keep yourself safe, faggot. One good thing about 17 is that you off-topic posting scum will be dismembered.


who are you quoting?

What the fuck is 17?

Is that the age of the kids you fuck?




Not everyone lives in a backwater where 13-year olds are legal

literal jungles of humidity and backwards ways of life are where the far right voters are

huh, reminds me of another country

Actually, is where the far left hides. There's a state that is 99% jungle, 1% city. Bolsonaro won in that city and that was enough to win the state.

Is that like Brasila? I think there's another big city out in the boonies in the upper reaches of the Amazon... can't remember its name.

Amazonas. The capital is Manaus.

Oh yah you're right.

Tbh I wouldn't think a capital line brasilia would you populist so Manuas would make more sense. A big city right on the edges of civilization.

we seriously need to just stop having elections for next 10 years

every next election is dreadful, you go look at the list of names and pick out the biggest piece of shit and that's the guy who's definitely going to win

we live in dark times, god has forsaken us

This is the best possible result for DramaCoin you dumbdumb

Oh, I get it. When these Brazilian people are going "hue hue hue" they are trying to talk.