Founder of #MeToo Movement upset with how Hollywood has handled the movement and thinks it’s turned into a load of bullshit.

1  2018-10-08 by AdmiralForeplay


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That bitch deserved to be sexually harassed for cheating on her husband with a shota.

This has been a year of triggering for all us.

Mod this absolute queen.

So we know she raped someone.

Why else call for the mob to disperse?

Chu Feng of Martial God Asura is almost raped.

He is fed an aphrodisiac by an ally to tie him with their clan.

He breaks free of the aphrodisiac and proceeds to counter-rape the two people who they didn’t want him to have sex with. He marries one (as well as her sister) to take responsibility while the other turns into a literal monster who haunts him for several hundred chapters afterwards.

The fuck is this weeb shit?

Chu Feng of Martial God Asura is almost raped.

Isn't that the "Rape as a battle tactic" guy ?

Tell me something I don’t know.

Also I’d say God and Devil World is trashier than MGA.

MGA is a shit tier webnovel

all webnovels are shit tier so that's actually impressive

Read a real book you dweebs

tbh I think she was like, actually raped, and is real pissed that it's gone all "this guy was a bad boyfriend!" and that's being equated with her shit

she's pretty TERFy too IIRC, so probs just a general infuriation with libfems

My takeaway was that she's upset because Hollywood doesn't actually care about outing predators beyond the bare minimum for appearances, which is probably true. Everyone knew that this shit and more was going on and didn't care until somebody got the courage to expose what is probably a small fraction of it. The whole movement as applied to showbiz is an exercise in saving face.

Yep. And give it a couple years and it’ll be back to business as usual.

Business as usual probably never stopped. I wonder how many stage parents let their kids get molested by some fat middle-aged producer during the span of the #metoo movement

She literally raised a kid to fuck and paid him hush money when metoo came up.

Full of shit doesn't begin to describe it.

That's a different metoo chick fam

TL;DR: Rose is butthurt because she exercised double-standards by defending her rapist #Metoo friend, and now everyone knows she's a stone cold hypocrite and won't let her sit at the cool kids table anymore.

But that guy who flirted with me and immediately politely backed off when I turned him down totally sexually harassed me!!! How am I supposed to feel relevant as a woman if I don't have my own #MeToo moment?

Lets face it, if you didn't have a #metoo story you must be advanced undesirable.

You're not wrong...

thanks for making me feel better about my childhood romps with the neighborhood chomo

I guess childhood neglect could also be seen as a good point




haha you weren't even molested, uggo

Well she's not wrong. The only reason she dislikes it is because she's not in the center of the attention anymore.

Me, too rose

lol does anyone else remember when hollywood gave roman ‘i drug and rape children’ polanski a standing fucking ovation?

I was there.

We know you were clapping the hardest, you bloody degen

Hey it wasn't rape rape it was force anal rape

Why is there no #MeJew movement to recognize the 20 million we lost in the holocaust?

64 gorillion

Emahwjin muh shok

"How do I explain the fact that I got a GQ Man of the Year award and no women's magazines and no women's organizations have supported me?"

What does getting some worthless award having to do with getting support? More so why does she think she is entitled to support?

Listen 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 believe 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 give 👏🏻 awards 👏🏻

Founder of metoo movement was black woman, Rose just stole the limelight.

Unironically though, she's more scared by civil lawsuit from Asia, than rapists, it seems.

Founder of metoo movement was black woman, Rose just stole the limelight.

Came here to say this, but then again we all know that no one cares until a rich mayo "feminist" gets involved.

Why would Asia sue her

she claimed that most of the continent raped her and they're denying it??

Huge if true

Mayo women at it again..

The movement can't turn into a load of bullshit when it was a load of bullshit to begin with

I thought the founder of #MeToo was that fat acne-ridden black woman.

Is this sub the new /r/cringeanarchy now or what?

Yes, this sub has been full of retards lately. Now it's just a stream of HURR LIBERAL DID A THING posts. Don't forget the unironic Daddy / Kavanaugh defense force.

Hi loser, I see you are upset it isn't an r/politics shithole that uses tumblr and buzzfeed as sources

Dude bussy lmao

Lol great come back please share more wisdom

You could always go cry like the bitch you are over on /r/politics. It's probably more up your alley.

I don't post on /r/politics, faggot.

Founder of pound me too getting angry at pound me too not juicy enough for you?

Somebody tell Daddy's handlers we need a new drama quick!

I have an erotic cannibalism fetish, and the idea of eating her really gets me going.

Yeah, I get my fetish might be kind of unconventional, but most of the time when people really think about it, they get it. Imagine her naked in an oven, trussed up like a turkey. Or impaled vulva to mouth, slowly cooking on a spit. Try to tell me those images aren't intensely sexual.

Most importantly, these are just fantasies, people in my fetish community would never dream of hurting someone in real life. (If you think otherwise, you're probably one of those freaks who thinks violent video games cause kids to be violent, in which case I will happily disregard any opinion you have on anything.)

What the fuck

metoo can only go too far if it undermines women's issues.

be good feminist an get tilted by anyone suggesting #metoo went too far

lose supreme court vote because #metoo nuked senator al franken setting women up for losing reproductive rights across the US