Old but Gold. Cuck gets his bussy forcefully penetrated by wife’s boyfriend. She goes by his house 1 more time to “clear things up”.

1  2018-10-08 by Killer_B_Cell


This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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Are we allowed to ping and make fun of this one since he's clearly into humiliation?

only if you're 6'4 and black

It’s been a year and that’s a throwaway account I doubt you’ll get a response

THe MC of Road To Kingdom has a massive harem. Literally most women/girls he meets are added to it and then sidelined for the newest girl.

He ‘punished’ one of the girls who was doing the tango with someone else by using his “meat rod” that’s longer and girthier than most arms. The bucket that he uses to catch all his cum wasn’t enough. The man was killed.

harem full of girls

Shit taste

He is about to screw some twins when it’s revealed that one of them is a boy.

He is disgusted by this and fucks the girl and her mom while forcing the boy to watch.

This edges the boy so much that he says he will get a knife and cut it off if only he could be blessed by that magnificent fuck stick.

This is advanced cuckoldry, isn't it?

A foul mixture of Bussy and Cuckoldry if I’ve ever seen one.

This got me hard. Thanks

"old but gold" is reddit for "this is ancient and irrelevant but I want the karma anyway"

Also "most definitely never happened"

No it’s actually because I’m doing my part to curve all of this needless agenda posting you fags eat up.

Holy shit this cannot be real?

The consensus at the time was no, of course it isn't. Pushes too many buttons, way too unrealistic.

No. Probably a /pol/ troll.

Almost certainly not, still pretty funny though.

Best part is /r/worstof's prissy reaction.

Huh. I thought /r/worstof was just there to catalogue wrongthink

This is why the world needs feminism.

Can you imagine? All these people telling him to go to the police. What is he gonna tell the police?

"Id like to report a rape. I was watching this guy fuck my wife and he all of a sudden fucked me too"



1 year ago

Old but Gold

literally 7% of an average redditor's wretched life.

It's not real and you're a karma whore.


I bet your a 'beta'

fuck, since you feel the need to

call someone out on it.
