Your daily "Scandinavian countries are socialist" post.

1  2018-10-09 by Ayylmao11023


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Imagine being retarded enough to blame your shitty choice of a college degree on capitalism, imagine being an upper middle class Mayo tankie who thinks socialism can be democratic. Imagine being this fucking autistic when it comes to politics and economics.

Lmao, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, and the Nordic countries are some of the most capitalistic societies on earth. Literally fucking ask anyone who lives or holds citizenship there. They have high tax rates and homogenous societies that make it easier to provide social welfare.

They are far from socialism, fucking tankie dumbasses really think Svën killed the Stockholm Bougeosis and instituted a collectives famine, do they think my family in Bavaria rose up and took the means of production from BMW and Mercedes Benz? Fucking Christ, these people live in a fucking fantastic fantasy of pure unadulterated autism.

Lmao, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, and the Nordic countries are some of the most capitalistic societies on earth.

The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland have a higher degree of economic freedom than the US. Germany is on a similar level. Norway and Finland are lower, and Norway can afford it because they have a shitload of oil. They are still in the top 15% for economic freedom globally.

List for reference. Such hellholes on top, and such socialist heavens at the bottom.

This is what I don't get about socialists. They think the ideal society is either:

A) A Social Democracy (ie France, Germany, Sweden) that still incorporates capitalism in it, thus contradicting everything they have learned about it being the most evil thing to exist ever.

B) A tiny enclave in the middle of a war-torn country that lasted like maybe a year before it got crushed. (ie Paris Commune, Mahkno's Ukraine, Revolutionary Catalonia)

C) A tankie shithole that would be objectively terrible to live in unless you're a top party bigwig. (ie USSR, PRC, North Korea)

D) Some theoretical flavor of socialism that hasn't really been implemented yet (ie Syndicalism)

Cursory research on employment, poverty rates, literacy, numeracy, crime, life expectancy and GDP per capita in the USSR all demonstrate this to be false. These figures improved drastically in the early 20th century and plummeted immediately after the dissolution of the USSR, some of which still haven't recovered nearly three decades later.

Employment is the only figure that didn't 'recovered'. Why? Because Russia doesn't yet practice forced slave labor.

The guy also forgets to mention that the USSR had negative trends in most social measures: crime, suicide rate, and alcohol poisonings were rising; life expectancy (Malaysia overtook the USSR in the 1970s) was falling. These trends are reversed now.

The USSR in one picture: "If you can't detain trespassers -- shoot them before they cross a border with a capitalist country".

The "per-capita" argument about nobel prizes is so dumb, who cares where someone was born if they make all their relevant research in an US university?