Chapo chappies swallow the most obvious bait ever written, y’all

1  2018-10-09 by dootwthesickness_II


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Chances are, most of these women are just as problematic as their male counterparts, and shouldn't be considered a neutral accessory to fascist men, but as an equivalent threat.

how could anyone not be threatened by womyn? 🤔🤔🤔 why would anyone need to be reminded we fear gussy? cope 😂😂😂

I’m newer here but I do agree that it gets a little bro-ish sometimes.

  • RollerRagerMD

is this the reddit equivalent of "ive been in locker rooms and thats not how we talk..." soyboy talk? imagine how testosterone deprived ur life must be if u think Chaptards are bro-ish 🤣🤣🤣

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Have these people seen the average army wife? The dependapotamus meme exists for a reason.

On second thought, it is CTH, those women are probably just a little bit out of their league.

dependapotamus draw their life force from that steady paycheck

the lack of regular employment for the average CTH poster would cause the dependapotamus to slowly wither away until death

so tragic 😥😥😥

Dependapotamus are at least smart enough to know that BAH is better than commie dick.


Beatings from Army Husband?

Basic Allowance for Housing, but personally, being slapped around in between deployments seems more bearable than hanging out with a commie too.

Yeah, but if she dates a commie she can order her food without fries and then eat half of his every time.

my boys....have been....baited

Is CHUD the only insult they can use because it doesn't offend or malign any sort of group? I can't wait until the sewer mutants finally rise up and ask for reparations.

Wow, imagine being a chud, y'all. Like an actual chud who doesn't respect minorities. Wow.



they're like the incels

That is not what it means

in practice, thats exactly what it means

All forms of politics are just inceldom masked by a projecting ideology.

Could you clarify for us what it means

Cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller. It's a film reference.

That is the weakest, most nerdy-sounding insult I have ever heard. Who is even supposed to take offense to that lol

It's a reference

epic win

I thought the whole point of Chapo was that they were leftists who could say “retard”.

Tankies hate him!

I’m shocked. P_K makes me sad - he just wants everyone to like worship him and his based ideology. r/@, r/drama, r/neoliberal and now even CTH - they all turn on him in the end. Truly a man without a country.

Ironically /r/drama is the only place he was accepted until he abandoned us

Guess they're not all bad

Considering that this is a sub that attack their own podcast host (the woman) and supported kicking a pregnant christcuck in the belly, I'm not suprised by them being like that.

supported kicking a pregnant christcuck in the belly, I'm not suprised by them being like that.

Wait what. I wonder if something like that has anything to do with teeing about mommy and daddy

Remember the drama about pro life activist getting Chuck Norrised? Now search chapo threads about it. Compared to them, we are champions on women's rights...which is saying something.

Now search chapo threads about it.

I'd rather not.

Understandable, have a nice day.

Hot take CTH is worse than MDE

Hotter take, MDE is worse than CTH

Hottest RadCen take: They are literally the same

Nuclear: MDE could put up a better fight, but CTH would last longer under a siege.

Battle of Chapingrad was pretty bloody

CTH under siege

dies of starvation two days in.

are they the grass eaters? I feel like they'd last longer

Hottest RadCen take: They are literally the same

Lava hot : And that's why they are good.

the move evil of all: cum town

Has CTH devolved into writing fanfic about having sex with married conservative women now?

Yeah I'm reading a book pretty much universally lauded by this sub that reviews the history of class war in the US, and in essentially every conflict, women of the losing side are raped by the conquerors. That shit didn't die in the 19th century, it's still alive in this kind of mindset.

Nah its not bait, op is legit retarded

Yeah it is definitely something CTH would write. It's a reaction to the wave of posts about 'cucking' police officers and soldiers. That's how ideas come to CTH - a circlejerk for a day about a popular concept/meme, then counterjerk telling everyone how that is problematic. E.g. after a round of 'back when he was nearly woke' Zyklon Ben comics, a counterjerk of how ever agreeing with anyone on the right on anything is bad praxis.

What does “praxis” even fucking mean

It means 'practical application of theory'. You could replace 'bad praxis' with 'not kosher' and it probably wouldn't change the meaning most of the time.

but since they hate jews,not kosher doesn't work.

its literally the word practice but with a lisp

Wouldnt that be praxisth?

I still like “crapo crap house”

Fucking got 'em.

we can be dirtbag without being misogynistic

They want to be edgy so much lol. Pathetic.



every fucking time