Spaceguy quotes Winston Churchill in call to bring people together. Since it's a) on Twitter and 2) on r/Drama, you know how this shitshow went

1  2018-10-09 by ArlenBilldozer


Avoid parenthetical insults—they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Good about time the W*st learns about there war crimes

There war crimes. Where war crimes?

Who are war crimes?

this but unironically

What war crimes did rap daddy commit?

Why the fuck would you respond. Just delete the tweet and pretend it nether happened, tards will forget in like fives minutes

This without a hint of irony.

Apologizing to them just makes them want to bully you more.

Or just leave the tweet up and don't respond at all.

They'll stop throwing a tantrum the moment they realise that no one is listening, y'know like a toddler.

T-minus 9 months before he's swallowed enough redpills to know gamergate's place in this

I can still faintly remember a time when you could dislike someone without needing to accuse them of genocide.

Back on the lawnmower, bo*mer

Oh was that back in the good ol days, when you were committing mass genocide? You sick FUCK.

It's a sad day when American astronauts (you know, those high-performance guys who risk their lives to leave the fucking planet for years at a time) capitulate to the ideological purity tests of purple-haired landwhales.

Westerners unironically go on about Churchill like he was Jesus reincarnate. About time that they learned about some of his less than glorious deets.

Like what?

Blacks and Tans for example.

What the hell are tans?

Guiness and Harp beer mixed together, if I remember correctly

Why would you mix beers?

He tried to shoah the potatoes



pick one

Well he failed, so that was bad


> White

bengal famine, Mau Mau Uprising and Malayan Emergency

Irrelevancies that happened in literally-where countries.

Dresden bombings



pick one

That was a good thing. Try again.

They sowed the wind, what did they expect?

doesn't mean it's one of his less than glorious deeds most mayos have no idea about

Britain in the 20th century can arguably be worse than the nazis, the nazis just did the job quicker and don't sweep it under the rug

wew lad

You went full retard. Never go full retard.


Britain genocided

Britain used chemical weapons

Britain removed people from their homes

Britain had concentration camps

Britain tortured people

Britain's body count is bigger too, but again they just dragged it out over a longer time period

Are you serious posting on drama?

How the fuck did you go from full retard to double retard?

when will they learn?

You don't know where India is?

this should be the top post really. those are the kind of countries where literally everything goes. its like playing in a sandbox for wh*te people.

Yeah didn't he fuck up really bad invading Turkey in ww1? I did a book report on him when I was in middle school but I barely remember any of it.

not sure if it was his fault but yes the British/Anzacs failed at Gallipolli, it was a slaughter



pick one

Yeah didn't he fuck up really bad invading Turkey in ww1?

Dardanelles, but he killed only brits, so it wasn't a fuck up.

He didn't kill all poos, like he should've.

About time that they learned

Nah I'm good.

Uhhh, do what did Churchill do anyway?

He was sick of the poo in the loo problem and tried to cut the problem off at its source.

He rediverted grain shipments to the military, which, combined with the war fucking everything up anyway, led to a couple million Indians dying from famine.

Who cares? A couple million Indians die any time a bus crashes

I heard Winston Churchill was even against gay marriage!

Brave enough to go to space, but plusses out when a bunch of pasty social justice dweebs attack him.

To be fair there aren't any SJWs in space. I've heard the ISS is an all-you-can-rape buffet.

In space no one can hear you scream / think of the implication, etc, etc

I can't believe our own home-grown American astronauts are quoting literal Nazis like Churchill. Problematic af.

If only Churchills enemies had won, maybe the Nazis would've died with their leader!

the fact that he fought the literal third reich nazis is the only thing thats kept him from being generally recognized as andrew jackson-tier awful

Yet he still fought more facism in an hour than all of the Bluecheck Brigade have in their lifetimes combined.

thats just because theres no modern equivalent of stalin for them to subscribe to on patreon

Stalin did more, of course. How does that factor into your argument?

laughs in KPD street fighting

Stalin was objectively worse than Churchill, he helped kickstart WWII by making a deal with the Nazis to slice up Poland.

Churchill was a degenerate loser but yeah, I agree, he shoulda never caved

I didn’t know going to space makes you lose your spine

"Scotty, beam me off this planet! Urgh!!!"

Literally no one wasn't racist back then. Churchill was unusually unracist.

Churchill was unusually unracist.

The opposite. Churchill was unusually racist, even for his time.

What is the point of blatantly lying?