Lana Del Ray threatens Azealia

1  2018-10-09 by CommonWrongdoer


What is the story behind this facinating gussy vs. gussy drama?

lmao at this gus trying to throw shade

Her tits are straight up gross.

At least she has the smiling MLK cotton picking picture

She actually tweeted her tits out after you posted that.

You gay

You sexually attracted to deflated footballs I am not gonna defend that crazy ass twitter troll but she does have nice titties. You probably more of the hairy pecs type. That's cool too.

Homie, talmbout deez titties

Is that the same person?

Dont forget theres a picture out there of her giving head that was released by someone affiliated with ASAP Rocky when she was talking shit about him

I was talking about the no name Twitter fat bitch commenter.


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Adding “Period” doesn’t not add to the emphasis of the preceding statement. But it does not not take away attenuate said emphasis when the reader has to pause to decode the double negatives.

Imagine being so retarded you dont know who Missy Elliot is

I mean, name any female rapper really. Cuz they’re all better than Azalea. She’s literally the worst.


Rebecca Black


Iggy Azalea > Azalea Banks. Get out.

This but unironically

Now now being unironically retarded? IN /r/Drama? Surely this isn’t your forte

unironically whiteknighting for Azealia "Literally who" Banks

Lmao @ your entire existence

hey let’s not speak good on her name either. I just find the vouching from all the white wh*res for Lana to be more nauseating at the moment

Lana Del motherfucking Rey is a QUEEEN!! 👸💅

I'm not surprised that r/drama autists are actually rallying around that literally who witchcraft bitch, ugh.

wut I wont rally around brujeria nutjob or the hedge fund managers boring pasty daughter in this

but congrats on emulating brain dead twitter w(omen)h*res so well

You're rood as hell, man 😢

Iggy Pop?

Good god no - Azalia. Dont look her up, forget you ever saw the name, you're better off

Shhh bb, the fact that you listen to trash music is safe with me

Salt N Pepa

I’m not old enough to remember Salt N Pepa, but I do remember this, this was my jam

the "cash me outside howbout dat" girl

Bad Babby or whatever the fuck her name is lol. She's the epitome of inbred personality.

How about you respect the greats, her name is Bhad Bhabie. You damn well better remember it

sorry, daddy ;)

That white Azalea isnt

I'm all for the jokes but Banks is actually good. She is fucking psychotic but good. She would have been much higher than she is if she wasn't sabotaging herself.

Lol, that cunt

imagine being so retarded that you seriously have an opinion on this shit

Imagine being so retarded you think, at all

she's probably the hottest. her snapchat and her fat ass is a lot better than most thots. i dare say, she is the queen of thots

Fat ass? Nah bro that's just dead chickens

i dont think its fake. i would seriously be depressed if it was

Rubber ass for sure.

That's Iggy Azaelia not Azaelia Banks

He was talking about Iggys ass tho, no?

He explicitly wasn't.

Yes, he was.

"even if we're not talking about iggy azalea its worth mentioning this"


Who are either of these people?

Some singer who was washed up before her career even started and a female rapper.

One of them is a soulless corporate clone of Nancy Sinatra. The other is a rapper who had a hit in 2012, but has since become known for being some kind of BPD lunatic on social media.

She had a hit in 2012?

212 was massive

I must have been absent that day.

if we're talkigna bout iggy azalea she's 100% known for her ass and not her music

And the fact she looks like an alien. A sexy alien, but she doesn't appear to be from Earth.

She's fucking with someone who is known for crazy internet beef and practices Brujeria. By practices Brujeria I mean sacrificed chickens in her closet, didn't clean it for 3 years, and then posted to social media about the clean up process. Basically she started beef with the queen of crazy.

Hopefully the voodoo dolls wont work 🤞🤞 and Lana conceal carries 🙊

Wait someone needs to get the crips/bloods in on this, we need a new turf war tbh

Lana conceal carries


Basically she started beef with the queen of crazy.

Azealia picked the fight tho

She fed the troll.

an industry plant and the girl that had that 212 song like 10 years ago

How the fuck do you come to r/drama and not know who Azealia Banks is? She could be this subs black queen. She's caused more drama than any other female celeb I can think of.

I'm white.

Mayo gussy

Female rapper

Let’s hope they just blow each other up

I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but Azealia Banks needs professional help. She is constantly in the news complaining about imagined slights, and making up lies about others.

You're probably right, but she makes great drama

She didnt clean the blood of her sacrificed chickens out of her closet for 2 years, and then tweeted a video of her sanding it clean.

Who doesn't have a closet for blood rituals, but the lack of hygiene really gets to me. Imagine the smell

3 years. She probably did it longer also, she just hadn't cleaned in 3 years.


So basically she's a legit crazy person.

If we could ping on Twitter we could be that help


She's a professional hater.

Based Banks shuts down mayo gussy from talking shit on Kanye (rather, positioning herself as more politically aware then she really is. Del Rey predictably got very gussy-hurt following this).

Things quickly escalated after Banks claimed some of Malik's fans used a racial epithet against her. The rapper began taunting Malik, calling him a "sand n-----" and a "f-----," claiming that Malik gave out her personal cell number to his fans and posting a since-deleted Periscope with a racist title.

First, we need her to call the surgeon who did her pointy Michael Jackson nose and ask for some kybella for those chicken patties!!’ Next we need her to head over to Instagram and invest in some @FlatTummyCo lollipops and a $20 waist trainer!


since-deleted Periscope

Man... Didn't Periscope itself get deleted? That thing lasted for all of 15 seconds.

Shit I never thought Lana Del Ray would be tweeting:

u know the addy. Pull up anytime. Say it to my face. But if I were you- I wouldn’t.

This just proves that gussy makes you savage

gus makes you cause a fuss

The best response to that would be “You mean (post Lana Del Ray’s address here) right? Sure I’ll be around.”

When Chu Feng is threatened he returns enmity a hundred times over.

The blood that is spilled form rivers and the corpses make mountains.

We get a new sticky every hour now

I won’t not fuck you the fuck up.

Nice, MDE should have used that to avoid getting banned for inciting violence, as their ritual adding "(in Minecraft)" obviously didn't work.



Let them fight

BITCH WAT 😱😱😱👸🏼👸🏾💅💅💅🍵🍵🍵

status: shaking

mood: shook

me + too = doot 🎺💀 + doot 🎺💀


Oh hell yeah. Lana Del Ray's like my 5th most favorite fap.

Azealia should be worried Lana is in



She looks she barfs on your dick and then slumps down to smoke a cigarette.

Jesus Christus

Mommy is getting old :(

Lana isn't wrong. Banks is this crazy without having a habit

Aren't they both wannabe literal witches? Azelia was burning a chicken at one point to do voodoo or some shit and Lana has said that she'll do voodoo to impeach Trump or something.

Like with any other drama with azeila banks this came right the fuck out of no where

White girl about to get hit by them Houdou curses

Who? And who?

I would literally murder a newborn to kiss Lana.

She needs to learn how to write properly if she is going to make threats.