SRDines ree about Chads who like sportsball more than respecting wamen, wonder why girls go for them

1  2018-10-10 by uniqueguy263


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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That guy posts in both Chapo and Drama. I know people are saying we need to balance out the CAutists and MDEgenerates but jfc.

Chapotards have taken the mod autism fit over MDEgenerates over the last couple months as a sign that they're in good company here and flood the place with seriousposting. They should be relentlessly bullied in the same vein as the right wing tards.

It's the radical centrist way.

Fuck radical centrism, it’s the fun way.

Always love mornings when I’m reminded I’m not a SRDine. Can go on and have a productive day now.

Haha what a faggot.

That's fair, I'm sorry.

legitimately one step away from

That post doesn't reflect the person that I am, I'm sorry.

Portnoy is a shithead, but he does make drama.

those Chads and their attractiveness to women

any day they'll see what they're missing in an SRD man and come running

The whole SRD spilling over themselves to condemn this guy is pretty stupid, but it's nowhere near as embarrassing as the retards from /r/barstoolsports trying to run some pathetic form of damage control for their Z-Celebrity God.

It's the best sort of drama- a retard slapfight.

frat daddies who peak in junor year and the solidarity literature club fighting on the uni plaza

The thing about barstool is that they serve a community of fans that would otherwise consistently get over looked. If it wasn’t for then, who would be the voice of Boston and the north east?

stoolies are the most persecuted group


Boston sports would have no voice

Nothing of value will be lost.

The CHAD pizza spitter vs the VIRGIN patio guard

     >Dude's a fucking pussy ass piece of shit, seriously

Hi, so I know we're all very mad at this guy and for good reason, but can we not gendered slurs here? I expect better of this subreddit . Thanks.

Holy fuck that sub has gone so far down the faggot hole.

It gets worse

That's fair, I'm sorry. I edited my post.

I'll get the can

dont give into transphobic trash. males can have pussies too. trans exclusionary feminists are disgusting.

I can smell the smug from here

So does that mean that calling someone a pussy ass bitch isnt misogynistic anymore?

I voted for El Pres for mayor of Boston twice and considering how shit Marty Walsh is, I probably will again

Sportsball is the trump card to play whenever male feminists scream about how incels would get laid if they only had more female-friendly hobbies and could respact wamman more.

No, they just gotta not be pussies.

Lol that almost every single SRD thread has more comments than the actual linked thread.

lol the sub is populated by dorks

SRD just seems way more organized than us. What are we doing wrong here and how can we improve?