LOL Yankees lost

1  2018-10-10 by snallygaster



I've been told I'm shadowbanned. I wonder if that's true

you are still not shadowbanned. but fuck the yankees

you are not shadowbanned. FUCK the yankees


came here to say this

but FUCK the Giants too. haha they weren't even in the playoffs fuck your shitty team and FUCK the bay area!!!

Imagine thinking I'd ever be a filthy Giants fan.

P.S. Happy 70th anniversary 1948 Cleveland Indians!

thank god. that would just be irredeemable

Friendship with snally ENDED

Earlyish round draft picks are my new bae

When the Yankees lose, America wins


is snally a red sox fan?

they're a good team

Something something Indian burial ground, 2016....cubbies

the red sox and cardinals were like the only teams i watched back when i was really into baseball

i have no clue what's going on these days in the MLB

FUCK the cardinals!

lol i'm guessing you're a cubs fan?

Worse /u/snallygaster doesn't support the only acceptable team

The Mariners

PNW Sports fans are supposed to suffer, the Trailblazers and Seahawks have really spoiled us.

I love the Mariners dummy

they're better than the cardinals!

tbh i haven't paid much attention to the cardinals since pujols left so it's been a while

Fuck you! and fuck the Cubs!

Snally, you have raised yourself in my estimation with that one. I'm glad we have a mod supporting the Sox on the roster.

Your overall position hasn't shifted though. You'll have to get those numbers up if you want to be in my fantasy top 3 team.

Go Sox

I'm rooting for the Astros to win again, Justin Verlander is BAE.

Verlander is BAE

what is wrong with you???

Kate Upton is sucking his D and not him >:>(

fuck verlander and kate upton

fuck me first ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Quite a few things actually

fuck verlander and kate upton

Burn in hell

/r/redsox is leaking. And I'm OK with that.

>Following boreball



My coworkers are mostly Yankees fans, maybe I should wear my Red Sox hat tomorrow...