Ghazi focuses on the *real* hitler, Boogie29"ovens-are-great"88, who dared to call Anne Frank a good example of human endurance and strength

1  2018-10-10 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


As if Boogie was thin enough to bootstep.

Checkmate Jizzelles.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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I mean..he is a fat idiot and said a lot of cringy shit.

But, how about, just stop giving him attention?

Fat fucks hating on a fat fuck.

The jellybowl of life.

anyone who goes "hurr at least wars give us science" is a massive fucking brainlet

[[Laughs in Internet]]

Verner von Brown tho.

Idk about other stuff, on one hand I've no information about it except for that askhistorians thread, on the other hand I just realized that I have zero trust in them in this case.

anyone who thinks war isn't one of the greatest motivations for technological advancement needs to be banished to /r/badhistory so they can hang with the rest of pop history crew. literally hang btw

The point wasn't that "war sucks and never does any good"

The point was "war is a nightmare and is never equal to the technological advancements it produces, regardless of how much good said advancements bring to society, because war scenarios are that brutal"

you are a massive brainlet who only thinks about stuff we have gotten because of the wars but doesn't think about the stuff we could have gotten if there was no war and normal civilian life continued

yeah sure of course if there's no war or threat of war projects like the atom bomb one almost definitely wouldn't get off the ground and get massive government funding

some sixty to eighty million people died in ww2

some fifty million of those were civilians

europe, the most industrialized continent at the time, was literally leveled to the ground with the war and all of the industrial centers were destroyed

think about how many of those millions of people who died in the war could have pursued a scientific career and instead of dying went on to become scientists? and not just people who died, what about the people who were crippled? what about people who were interested in science but for one reason or another, because of the war, went on to do something different with their lives?

think about all the resources that were expended on the war, how many millions of people who worked in the factories and elsewhere before the war and produced civilians good instead went on to produce military goods during the war, all the iron copper and other resources that went to producing bombs and tanks and ammunition and warplanes, all those resources could have went to developing infrastructure, railroads, trains, civilian vehicles, buildings, more factories that produce civilian goods, etc. could have been produced instead?

and speaking of scientists who worked on the manhattan project and other wartime projects, what they could have accomplished instead if they were working on civilian projects instead of being distracted on working on weapons of war?

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Boogie shoul've roped after that cam thot revealed he #meetoo'd her tbh

How's a guy like that supposed to rope himself?

Retards soapboxing about Anne Frank but don't even know how she died

She died tortured to death by evil laughing Nazis while screaming black lives matter. She's a hero ✊


fuck that's a good post

Could have gone with Boogie1488 OP. I’m disappointed.

Fat idiots isolating a fat idiot. Meaty drama

Quality marbling, well-rested meat

I head Boogie1488 single handedly ran all of the death camps

When people start idolizing shut-ins and social outcasts (thanks to social media platforms), this is the kind of opinions people should expect.

This but unironically

God, that Killstream was comedy gold and I don't even care for Metokur