Some guy harrassing me and threatening to doxx and beat my nazi ass because I said racism is bad 😕

1  2018-10-10 by mukumukum10


Yes we've established that you aren't very bright, no need to tell me you also have trouble reading paragraphs, I assumed it was so already.


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This guy is a racist . He suggested that a black man should be killed for babysitting two white children and the parents arrested and sent to jail for letting a black man babysit their kids . Trust me guys , whatever I said to him was deserved . He attempted to offer an explanation on race inequality . If you upvote this you are supporting an openly racist pig .

I never said anything of the sort sir, you are misrepresenting my words. I have captured screens of everything you've said. And stop sending me pictures of black dicks, I am not interested in your hobbies. Just leave me Alone.

Grow up , check his deleted comments on r/videos. Your a racist and pathological liar

I want to believe you. But you also believe in UFOs so your judgement on whats real and whats not is probably a bit muddy. I'm waiting until some woke twitter users can make some sense to all of this

What do UFO’s have to do with anything . Did you not read what he said ? Sounds like you are defending a Nazi racist fuck suggesting racism is good and it’s a tool and suggesting someone should be killed for babysitting white children . You’re defending him ?

What do UFO’s have to do with anything

you tell me. you're the scientist

Yakub created the W*hite Devil

Yakub was an Annunaki


Please do not let this racist justify his hate speech , it’s 2018 and he is openly suggesting that blacks people should be killed for their skin colour . He’s obviously also a liar .

Holy moly what kind of a racist are you? All these paragraphs full of racist drivel

You need to chill my dude

Why don’t you post what you said to me about your views and also the comments you made in regards to the babysitter ? Or are you a coward and a liar as well ?

I never said anything about killing anyone, your the liar. Do you have anything to back up your claims? I may have said something about the parents being neglient, but that's before I knew what the video was about. Your just trying to justfy your violent threats against me.

You’re a liar man , you can’t even admit to everyone else your racist views . Stay the fuck away from me honestly

I'm completely open about my racism, but I've never advocated for violence towards anyone. There's a difference between racism and hate speech, learn it, goy. You're the one following me around, fuck off.

I’m posting the conversation so I guess everyone will have the real story you idiot

Bet you won't. You don't have the balls.

I’m done with you . I don’t speak to racists . Have fun being a huge piece of shit though . Later

Go drink soymilk and play some Pokemon to calm down a bit, then come back and apologize.

I already did

Yes you did , you told me black people should be killed and in particular the guy babysitting you white children . You said it and you meant it , I wasn’t a joke which would still be disgusting . You actually meant it which sickens me !

I have never advocated for physical violence towards anyone on Reddit, neither as a joke or seriously, and you can ask the admins to see all my deleted posts and they will confirm there is nothing of the sorts there.

Lol buddy , you are the racist , I was defending an entire race . You’re a piece of shit

You know what, I think you are the racist, sending me that trash about black dicks and stuff. Maybe you're an internalized racist who pretends to defend black people to hide he is a nazi, have you thought about that?

Lol . I was defending my fellow human beings that happen to have a different color skin while you were saying a black babysitter should die . I’m done with you man and like I said I don’t talk to racists so go away .

When did I say he should die? You're completely delusional. I don't think you even remember what I said. What are you waiting for? I already told you to go calm down and come back when you can be reasonable.


Part 2 is there for anyone wanting to read it

And here's part 2 of your harrassment:

Excluded the disgusting pics you sent me.

What is it with progressives and blacks and talking about black dicks in white chicks? It's fucking weird and rarely happens outside of tv. This soulja55 fellow sounds like he fantasizes about being raped in prison.

I think she has a crush on you

There's a lot of accusations in this thread, but the only one with proof is OP. BTFO libtards!

Just try to ignore him.

You had a racist on one side and you had a serious poster on the other and they came at each other with serious posting and it was boring and it was horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch. But there is another side. There was a group on this side — you can call them the refugees, you just called them the MDE, CA, and CTH— that came violently serious posting the other group. So you can say what you want, but that's the way it is.

I think there's blame on both sides. I don't have any doubt about it and you don't have any doubt it either. And if you posted it accurately, you would say it.

Mkum also larps as a CA-style white supremacist. I'm not throwing the possibility out the windos that he's super cereal or not, but his previous comments sound too rediculous to be genuine.

Ban em both.

Manufactured drama

Ain't no one got time for dat

Redneck who loves black girlcock vs. overly sensitive soy nerd gamer is the most peak reddit thing I've seen all year

How have you not died from an opiod overdose yet? You must be running out of peers by this point

Mein fuhrer hitler will rise again and he will use the soyboys as his personal army

Soulja55 is like a weather barometer.

You always know when the reporting function on Reddit is backed up like a toilet in a trailer court cause he doesn’t get smacked back into banned camp.

Don’t get your feathers in a knot reptilian dude .

Didn’t your feathered up mama teach you that racism is bad mmmkay

He's not banned because I never reported him. I was just joking and provoking him when I said I would. I would never report anyone on Reddit unironically. Do you really think I care if some noodle-armed soyboy threatens to beat up my nazi

Wow... You threw in the ‘unironically’ card. I dare say that was a rather ‘upscale’ uber alles on your part. Carry on, my good man. 😂

My good man ? You are calling an outright racist a good man. You’re such a fucking unit . Everything you lie about is one contradiction after another . You state you don’t support racism yet you just called one “a good one”.

What I meant is that I've previously reported certain behaviour on Reddit, but not because I was genuinely offended by that behaviour, or that I genuinely think that that it should be removed.

Only times I've reported something, has been as a jab at Reddit admins for their hypocrisy, to annoy mods as a joke or as a reactionary measure to try and make the left aware that the rules they implement in an attempt to silence the right, will be used against them as well.

What I meant is that I've previously reported certain behaviour on Reddit, but not because I was genuinely offended by that behaviour, or that I genuinely think that that it should be removed. Only times I've reported something, has been as a jab at Reddit admins for their hypocrisy, to annoy mods as a joke or as a reactionary measure to try and make the left aware that the rules they implement in an attempt to silence the right, will be used against them as well.

What I meant is that I've previously reported certain behaviour on Reddit, but not because I was genuinely offended by that behaviour, or that I genuinely think that that it should be removed. Only times I've reported something, has been as a jab at Reddit admins for their hypocrisy, to annoy mods as a joke or as a reactionary measure to try and make the left aware that the rules they implement in an attempt to silence the right, will be used against them as well.

What I meant is that I've previously reported certain behaviour on Reddit, but not because I was genuinely offended by that behaviour, or that I genuinely think that that it should be removed. Only times I've reported something, has been as a jab at Reddit admins for their hypocrisy, to annoy mods as a joke or as a reactionary measure to try and make the left aware that the rules they implement in an attempt to silence the right, will be used against them as well.

What I meant is that I've previously reported certain behaviour on Reddit, but not because I was genuinely offended by that behaviour, or that I genuinely think that that it should be removed. Only times I've reported something, has been as a jab at Reddit admins for their hypocrisy, to annoy mods as a joke or as a reactionary measure to try and make the left aware that the rules they implement in an attempt to silence the right, will be used against them as well.

Why do you bother with this cuck? It's obvious he is a subhuman and not worth anyone's attention.

He is a traitor to humanity and a peddler of deceit.

Why are people posting to my 2 weeks old thread?