
1  2018-10-10 by JabroniMark99

These types of women have so much penis envy they'll get aggressive about anything just to prove they have a dick, but they will never- have- a- dick... or balls.

That is their struggle, their suffering, their pain.

This is the problem- There is a lack of feminine energy in the world. Women can feel this, but can't understand it. See, the world needs both feminine and masculine energy. Masculine energy is risk-taking, conquering, competitive. Feminine energy is nurturing, expressive, (something else). Men are suffering because we are wrongfully shamed when we express our soft emotions and creative sensitivities but we aren't bitching about it like feminists would. Ya know why? Because it's a bitch move.

Having said that, feminists are attempting to bring gender equality by being more masculine. See, this is where women always fuck up. They are slaves to their emotions. When they feel something, no amount of logic will change their mind.

So instead of being the beautiful, loving angels they're meant to be, embracing their strengths and interests, they would rather exhaust all their energy going full retard in a vain attempt to become second-class men in spite of their femininity. They want female empowerment so they abandon their own female nature. Brilliant. Buy a dick. Super glue it to your pussies. We'll never see another post like this again.



one of the immigration officers fell asleep

I got it from /r/PussyPassDenied

Some of us women are very happy to be submissive and obedient house wives and mothers.

Yass queen slay

That made me feel emotional.

T. Incel