Drama Daddy says sjws name call more than cuckservatives

1  2018-10-10 by PoopShowPass


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Uh /u/xnotch is a moron per usual. Remind us which party as actual neonazis, segregationist, etc on actual midterm tickets as their candidates this midterm season?

Both parties turn a blind eye to crazies on the fringes, which wouldn’t have to happen if America didn’t have such a retarded voting system.

I like the idea of ranked choice voting for the primaries.

I like the idea of it for every election.

I like the idea of an absolute monarchy.

I like the idea of an absolute dramacracy.

I like the idea of a nationwide kleptocracy run by Darqwolff but we can’t all get what we want

Approval voting is superior fam.

Range voting enthusiasts get deported though.

which wouldn’t have to happen if America didn’t have such a regarded voting system.

You underestimate the effects of tribalism.

Obviously, there would still be tribalism, there would just be many more tribes. Demsocs wouldn’t be forced to share a party with interventionist center-left progressives, and the Republicans would probably split into a business conservative, interventionist center-right party and a far-right, religious, nationalist, isolationist party (the Q party).

There you go with the name calling again.

They literally call themselves that though..

yknow commies dont get upset when you call them commies, why cant you guys be like that? if i was so ashamed of my political beliefs that being identified with them felt like an insult i would consider reevaluating my belief in them.

They're just mad the commies have become more accepted than them, tbh.

ban seriousposting

Still not getting it, mind you. Both parties are out for nothing but money - democrats just get the 'liberal' vote, republicans get the 'conservative' vote. Only occassionally do they deliver on their promises without changing them.

Stay woke, my radical centrists.

/u/xnotch is a moron

/r/Drama moderators go through stringent IQ testing before being honored with the position, you take that back 😡

They do, but it's more comparable to a limbo contest.

SJWs act like dickheads more because they've got their ideology telling them that when they act like dickheads it's actually being a Righteous Warrior for Noble Racial/Gender Justice along with some bullshit pile of journal articles from some bullshit pile of taxpayer-subsidized journals redefining "being a dickhead" to mean "anything a white man says or does".

I mean denying a bunch of old white dudes are holding back the US for positive changes for most of the population is basically lying to yourself tbqh.

Serious posting is gay. Also lol

It is but doesn't mean he's wrong.

(((old white dudes are holding back the US)))

Climate change, tariffs, who made these.


I mean denying a bunch of old white dudes are holding back the US for positive changes for most of the population is basically lying to yourself tbqh.


The neolibs aren't Republican tho.


i cant tell if youre trying to say the neoliberal turn of the democratic party has rendered it incapable of offering a widely compelling progressive platform or if youve just forgotten who's in control of the government right now

The clinton administration is pulling the strings.

Pretty sure the neoliba aren't interested in more than lipservice to progressive policies.

thats... what i said, yes

Posts like this are exactly why I need feminysm.

Agreed. I don't think SJWs are bigger dicks than vocal conservatards in ABSOLUTE TERMS, but they definitely feel like they have a license to ACT like bigger dicks.

all i know is i got a bigger dick than all of em

Mommy is back 😍😘😍

hell yeah

Lefties name-call a lot but righties take the cake with bad puns.

I've heard so many iterations of "drumpf" and "republitard/conservatiard" along with the usual "waaaaah you're a nazi/russian/inbred/-ist/-obe/" I don't think the left has anything but namecalling that they bring to the table.

Yeah the right doesn’t sperg out screeching soy boy, blue pilled, cuck, libtard, commie , sjw etc...

soy boy, blue pilled, cuck, libtard, commie , sjw

I don't think I've ever seen this before (aside from that dude in The Matrix).

Welcome to the internet grandpa

Thanks man. Got any swell recommendations?

Blue waffle, tub girl, zombocom.

Just be nice to your fellow man, that's what all the hip kids are doing nowadays 😎

what a boomer

The difference being if you called someone on the right a flag waving, wife fucking, car driving asshole they'd be like "fuck yeah"

Soyboy cuck commie sjws are repulsed that you accuse them of things their instagram and twitter accounts prove they are.

then why do so many rightoids get upset at being called fascists

probably because being fashionable like fascists is pretty gay

they should just embrace it imo, dont they know its cool to be gay now?

Because they're theocrats...

‘Cuck’ is alt-right shit, ‘Drumpf’ was from Colbert. Do you see the difference here?

It was from John Oliver because that was Trump’s family name before it got changed to Trump. He brought it up partly because Trump kept calling Jon Stewart by his family name instead of his current name.

Lefties name-call a lot is the first thing I said

I've heard so many iterations of "drumpf" and "republitard/conservatiard" along with the usual "waaaaah you're a nazi/russian/inbred/-ist/-obe/"

Most of those aren't puns.

I don't think the left has anything but namecalling that they bring to the table

So are you deliberately ignoring their policy positions then?

Lol inbred

Nobody says drumpf nowadays except for bussyblasted daddycucks repeating 2 year old memes.

DAE TWO SCOOPS! Upvotes to the left.


LMFAO what?? that hilarious

Obama, the overly courteous tyrant.

No u

Not a celebrity


Notch imagineposting

He really does browse r/drama lol

Drama Daddy will defend our honor in the five-sided-ring of fire at the end of the road at the apocalypse on judgement day.

Is notch a qultist?


I'm gonna go with yes

All the witch craft in the world and you still can't get your supporters to go out and vote smh

they're literal freakin demons!

He's like a milder version of Kim Dotcom these days.

Also, his take on insults is probably the result of him pissing off SJWs way more than conservatives. Like I thought internet conservatives prided themselves on being brave enough to call people faggots, cucks, and niggers.

Honestly what is the worst thing a woke liberal is going to call you? Like some of them won't even say 'stupid' because it's ableist.

Honestly what is the worst thing a woke liberal is going to call you? Like some of them won't even say 'stupid' because it's ableist.

Racist, nazi, fascist, misogynist, sexist etc. But they've overused those words so much that they've lost their impact

lost their impact

People in this very thread are whining about it.

lol imagine being a young guy worth a billion dollars and you spend your time posting retarded shit like this on twitter.

You can take an incel out of the basement, but you can't take the basement out of an incel.

He's certainly not wrong, and he's S Class at getting Twitter's liberal vidyasphere to fling shit angrily at the walls of their low income apartments, and yet:

I know people don't like it when I point this out, but the left has been taken over by evil. And I mean that literally.

He's still kinda a retard read: r/drama moderator

/u/xnotch can't wait for mayocide tbh

What happened to your old account?

I sperged out on /r/news, though I was going to get suspended, panicked and nuked the old account. Typical stupidity on my part.

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/u/xNotch, when are you going to start playing on the official Minecrsft server?

I know people don't like it when I point this out, but the left has been taken over by evil.

And I mean that literally.



  1. don't namecall

  2. buy me minecraft

Libtard? Bitch? Oh wait, only women who dare have an opinion get called that. You’re ignorant



I'm pretty sure T_D calls everyone right of Reagan a libtard.


remember that years ago notch got turned down by some girl which resulted in him taking a hard right politically (there were probably a few other factors, like becoming a billionaire but never mind)

Obongo lmao

I know people don't like it when I point this out, but the left has been taken over by evil. And I mean that literally.

strange how nothch started to dislike "the left" around the time he became one of the wealthiest dudes in the world

cant possibly be a correlation there

Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth

who live in the desert

We got a fake Minecraft fan over here 😤

Oh come on. He posts that only the left insult people and then posts the left is evil just below. He's just baiting people.

This, but ironically.