Stop The Presses: Shocking poll on American political values confirms what literally NOBODY suspected : The "Wokest" are rich, over-educated mayos!

1  2018-10-10 by Anarcho_Autism


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


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Jews did this


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wow surprise surprise, radicals are given far more representation proportionally than non-radicals and that changes people's perception of how many radicals there are, this study was totally worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent conducting 8,000 interviews and 6 focus groups

Exactly this. It also gives ppl leaning towards radicalism (but not completely sold) the impression that it's way more popular than it is.

who pays for this shit?


Mayos pay for this shit. 😬

Mayos pay for this shit

No shit, someone has to pay taxes.

I find it more fun to troll the resentful conservatives tbh, that's just me

So you are saying the retarded shit you say is on purpose?

Somehow I doubt it.

Checkout all the Brilliant™️ things he had to say in this recent thread:

Yeah, but they're usually too dumb to have more than 5 minutes of fun with. It's usually just, "hahaha found the libtard socialist"-tier answers and accusations of hating your country, race, manhood etc.

At least progressives throw all these super sophisticated buzzwords at you that they don't understand whatsoever, so the potential to bait them into self-contradiction and hypocrisy is greater.

Maybe it will stop the radicals?

Lol no



wow surprise surprise, enormously privileged people are given far more representation proportionally

Compared with the rest of the (nationally representative) polling sample, progressive activists are much more likely to be rich, highly educated—and white. They are nearly twice as likely as the average to make more than $100,000 a year. They are nearly three times as likely to have a postgraduate degree. And while 12 percent of the overall sample in the study is African American, only 3 percent of progressive activists are. With the exception of the small tribe of devoted conservatives, progressive activists are the most racially homogeneous group in the country.

I'm dying over here :D

We are the master race. Bow to us.

And.... Then you woke up to find your coffee was cold

the small tribe of devoted conservatives, progressive activists are the most racially homogeneous group in the country.

Anyone could tell you this. The people that whine the hardest about the need for diversity are overwhelmingly white. Those cringeworthy /pol/ meetups look like fucking Brazil by comparison.

Meanwhile, at ghazi

Plaid shirt guy and pink shirt lady realized they made a huge mistake in going to a reddit meetup

The redhead was smart and is hiding behind everyone.

You can see the regret in her eyes

The dog just looks on in shame

Even the dog is fat.

Poor dog looks so dead inside.

is that legit?

It's a general Reddit meetup, not a Ghazi meetup.

I like the lady so ashamed she's using a leaf to hide.

I always hoped we'd be a better looking bunch than that...

Only on /r/gonewild


Is that not a valid contraction? Something seemed wrong when I typed it.

Including yourself in that group is problematic hate speech.

This is like the picture /pol/ would draw if they wanted to mock reddit

But its real

Even the fucking dog is white

Overweight too.

Absolutely dying at the super gross fat chick and her black kid. Why is reality so fucking stereotypical lads?

Probably because people who don't intend on sticking around for their kid can lower their standards significantly

Single mothers should be gassed

Fuck me, is that real ghazi meetup???

Do you see four or more motorized scooters? No? It's not a ghazi meetup.

No it's just a reddit meetup, I want to say Seattle. Here's Baltimore, might want bleach handy.

Cutie in the pink in the right just wants out

The best part is how the only attractive girls don't bother to take their shirts off.

Supply and demand at work.

The one with the red bra is pretty hot tbh.

Baltimore 2010 census
White: 183,830 (29.6%); Black: 395,781 (63.7%)

Man, this must be the mayo-est site in existence.

I ship Asian guy there for free food and pink shirt girl realizing the magnitude of her regret for dating one of the weird guys.

I think it was a Kentucky meetup

The people that whine the hardest about the need for diversity are overwhelmingly white

See Evergreen College.

Jesus Christ, look at the gut on that fucking pig.




pol meetups look like Brazil

Of course, all the Argentineans need to show up to prove that theyre white.

look at that absolute Chad on the right

Man his girlfriend(male) is pretty hot!

Look at all of those receding hairlines

Someone needs to take that small child away from that hippopotamus

Jesus christ, I am fat, and I don't understand how you get as big as the lady in front.

Meanwhile, at ghazi

I see a fat white woman holding a black baby but no black man in the picture.

those cringeworthy /pol/ meetups look like fucking Brazil by comparison. La creaturas everywhere.

For reference:

What do they define as a “progressive activist?” I’m too lazy to read the article, do my work for me plz.

I have no clue. The headline and like two excerpts confirmed all my prejudices, and that's all that matters, tbh.

I saw the words I agreed with and I clapped.

#MeToo, thanks.

Blue checkmark on Twitter.

The article doesn't even touch on their definitions. The actual study that the article is written about did give a brief overview at the start before breaking them down in detail.

Here's their summary:

  • Progressive Activists: younger, highly engaged, secular, cosmopolitan, angry.
  • Traditional Liberals: older, retired, open to compromise, rational, cautious.
  • Passive Liberals: unhappy, insecure, distrustful, disillusioned.
  • Politically Disengaged: young, low income, distrustful, detached, patriotic, conspiratorial.
  • Moderates: engaged, civic-minded, middle-of-the-road, pessimistic, Protestant.
  • Traditional Conservatives: religious, middle class, patriotic, moralistic.
  • Devoted Conservatives: white, retired, highly engaged, uncompromising, patriotic.

But where do radical centrists stand in all this?

Not in the street with signs like a bunch of filthy hippies, that's for sure.

Devoted Conservatives: white, retired, highly engaged, uncompromising, patriotic.

So, Qltists. And there are 8% of them.

I feel like Qltists are only the worst of the worst of them, but I'm an optimist.

Where does an atheist Republican who supports gay marriage whilst believing in two genders come in?

The gas chambers.

What do they define as a “progressive activist?”

White guilt ridden Race traitor

With the exception of the small tribe of devoted conservatives, progressive activists are the most racially homogeneous group in the country.

Sure, if you cluster white and (((white))) people together.

This ariticle made me laugh so hard. Anybody could have told you that these folks are all white rich idiots...


>devoted conservatives

>progressive activists

>most racially homogeneous


Mayocide a generation ago please.

So you're saying people with more money and free time have more of an ability to be activists? Shocked I'll tell you

It's always guys like Steve Shives, a man who lives in a neighborhood that is 99.5% white, that are complaining about how we need "more Diversity". Otherwise you are a racist bigot.

Bonus points:

Whites are ever so slightly less likely than average to believe that political correctness is a problem in the country: 79 percent of them share this sentiment. Instead, it is Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness.

Fucking hell, turns out gassing the mayos may not be such a bad idea after all.

But since the survey question did not define political correctness for respondents, we cannot be sure what, exactly, the 80 percent of Americans who regard it as a problem have in mind.

Not defining the central topic of your study is always the sign of good research

Yeah, whoever conducted this ''''research'''''' was an amateur. You're not even supposed to mention 'political' or 'correctness' in the prompt, just define the concept and ask them what they think about it.

If you're looking for a laugh, follow the link in the article to a pdf of the study's methodology. The "questions" are all over the top garbage explicitly designed to give polarized results.

The "questions" are all over the top garbage explicitly designed to give polarized results.

And yet most of the respondents, across racial and age groups, believe PC is bad. Not very polarized... right?

What am I missing?

Most respondents also said hate speech is bad. Many of the questions are poorly worded and steer the more moderate respondents toward a specific answer.

I'm pretty sure most people dislike hate speech, they just know free speech >>>>>>>>>> banning hate speech.

The fuck kinda conclusion is that?

The one missing chromosomes.

Can we have a few of your extra ones?

Just one?

A realistic one

The fuck kinda comment is that?

It doesn't matter if respondents end up giving different and highly correlated answers.

The worst you could say that what they measured was not actual beliefs about best policies etc but reactions to tribal identification shibboleths. But then which is more importan for politics?

Yes, and I think the wording of the questions contributed to that. And you're right that it looks like they were measuring tribal reactions to concepts that are poorly defined but strongly identified with certain tribes. They do get an answer to that, but I think that by not defining the words for respondants they severely limit the conclusions that can be gleaned from their anwswers. So even though 80% of people think a thing is bad, you have no idea what they think the thing is. It would've been interesting to see what each group thought "political correctness" is.

You do realize that these aren’t mutually contradictory things, right?

When you're trying to get people to answer a question that you have about them, the way that you try to get the answer can radically influence how they respond and how well their answers actually address your question. So much as giving somebody a prompt vs. asking a question and using words like 'valuable' vs. 'important' can make a huge difference. I didn't read the study because fuck that, but even asking somebody what they think about 'political correctness' doesn't actually address what they think about political correctness; it just addresses what they think about the concept of political correctness that they have. And 'political correctness' is such a hazy term that somebody could have any number of conceptions as to what it is.

So basically "political correctness" is an empty container that anyone can fill with whatever bullshit annoys them that minute, so many (potentially the majority) of respondents are actually talking about different things when they think "PC."


Hotfix: Replace the term "political correctness" with "#mayocide now," as "mayocide" conceptually encapsulates the core essence of everything associated with PC.

So basically "political correctness" is an empty container that anyone can fill with whatever bullshit annoys them that minute, so many (potentially the majority) of respondents are actually talking about different things when they think "PC."

Pretty much, but I'm just talking about research methods here. When you ask somebody what they think about any term that has any sort of ambiguity or emotional baggage attached to it, you don't ask them a question with the term included in it unless you want to figure out what their understanding of the term is. For example, instead of asking 'what do you think about the living habits of millennials?' it'd be better to ask 'what do you think about the trend among young adults to prefer renting to buying property?'. It's a shitty and poorly-worded example but it kind of gets the point across.

Gotcha. And that example makes sense.

Here's a better one that's more subtle than the shit in this ''''study'''''' but can make a huge difference:

Say you're doing some bullshit marketing research, and a bullshit question on your survey is:

"How likely are you to use [new technology]?"

And the selections are:

  • Not at all likely
  • Not very likely
  • Somewhat likely
  • Very likely
  • Extremely likely
  • I don't understand what [new technology] is.

How likely do you think that somebody who isn't familiar with the technology will select the 'I don't understand' option? Although many to most people who aren't familiar with the technology may choose that option, a good portion may be uncomfortable with admitting that they don't understand something (which to a lot of people makes them feel stupid). As such, it's best to replace 'I don't understand' with something more neutral like 'I'm not familiar with [new technology]'.

You can apply the same general principle to live research- if you ask somebody 'is this confusing to you?' or 'do you understand?', there's a good chance that somebody might say 'yes' even if they don't know what the fuck they're looking at because admitting that you're confused about something is uncomfortable to a lot of people. The better way to do it is to focus on the subject itself rather than the participant and give two options or an open-ended question, e.g. 'what do you think about [new technology]?' then dig in deeper based upon what they say and what you're trying to find out.

Could probably dump that and somewhat into the same dumpster category, since people totally unfamiliar with the subject matter are less likely to have a strong opinion, and an opinion survey needs people to have opinions to glean useful data. Plus a 5 likert is stronger than a 5+no answer.

I think the survey did an okay job of determining that people don't like the connotations of the terms "political correctness" and "hate speech" but people on extreme ends of the political spectrum consider these to be coded terms/dog whistles.

Any claims beyond that are total malarky. But as far as what it does demonstrate, there's some value to that knowledge, even if it misrepresents it and others will cite it to create more garbage lit. reviews and misrepresentations.

Political correctness is a pejorative. It's like asking if racism is bad.

Honestly that would just piss me off. Given the sample size, this garbage may have cost 7 figures...

Big bucks go to poorly-designed studies designed to grab headlines.

But hey, it grabbed headlines, so I guess that shit works.

Sounds like I need to change jobs tbh

As someone who works in research... no you absolutely don't. There might be one or two person at the top getting paid well but almost everyone working on this kind of study is getting minimum wage or close to it. Most of the work involved apart from designing the study is clerical. A lot of them might even be students working just for the experience/credits. I also kind of doubt this was a million dollar study. They're just surveying people not paying for expensive lab tests or something.

It was done by a group explicitly trying to draw the conclusion that people aren't as polarized as we appear. Honestly it's probably a good cause.

It's named after someone who was murdered because of something something PC culture, right? That's your first clue.

I think “political correctness” is an excellent example of one of those trigger-words that immediately makes a huge chunk of people hyper-aware of their partisan affiliation, and mentioning it early on in your survey miscolors your results.

Over the 3 decades or so that it's been part of the public consciousness, it's gained an extremely negative connotation despite being poorly-defined. Of course most Americans are going to react negatively towards the term.

Stephen Hawking?

If the Steven Hawking was involved, then he definitely isn't familiar with research methods involving human subjects. Knowledge of research methods doesn't transfer very well across different fields, especially when it comes to life sciences vs. hard sciences.

I found this interesting but it made me wonder if the respondents self definition was just as important, their reaction to what they believe political correctness to be. Dunno.

I think it sends a pretty good message:

Most people associate political correctness with something bad.

The question isn't to draw a line in the sand, it's to make sure that a line in the sand actually exists and most people think it has been crossed.

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How the fuck is "progressive activist" defined? They still had people in the "progressive activist" group who agreed with their defining questioning "is political correctness a problem", so clearly that isn't that guage.

They made up all the groupings themselves. Also, in an impressive display of retardation, they have 3 liberal categories (only 1 of which they describe as extreme), 1 disengaged category, 1 moderate category, and 2 conservative categories (both of which they describe as extreme).

it's possible that they were left leaning people who think political correctness includes "reinforcing conservative societal norms" or something.

Honestly, if you've spent much time trolling through right wing news sites, you should. For people angry about political correctness they sure do get offended a lot.

Oh so now you faggots are whining about polls.

Lol and now you guys accept literally any poll, ITT people who dont understand highschool level statistics, not all polls were created equal.

Sssshhhhh, this poll tells me things i agree with and makes life sublimely ironic so don't you dare ruin this fucking moment for me.

Don't you dare.

this is the sort of never ending retardation that made pizzashill stop serious posting.

Heh, a few years ago I got cold called by pollsters before an election. They gave me the name of a conservative thinktank. Their script started with, "Can you believe what the liberals are doing now?" I just hung up.

Same happened to me, but instead of hanging up I teleported behind him, tipped my fedora, and said “nothing personnel, kiddo”, before slicing him with my thousand times folded steel katana.

So what you're saying is that you don't think that happened. That pollsters wouldn't try reeeeeally hard to get the results they want.


No, I believe it. I’m telling you what happened when they tried to coerce my opinion over the phone. They were met with my Glorious katana, made from nippon steel folded over 10,000 times, sending them to an early grave.

“Another polltard rekt” is what I utter every time I jerk off to the thought of that glorious day.

The rich mayo cries out in sympathy as he strikes himself.


Imagine moi shawck!

I just slapped this article up on politics, the results are to be expected.

I just popped in there. Some Snappy and Bussyshill worthy responses

I decided to take a look. I don't know what I expected.

don’t you know pc culture just means not being a thoughtless douchebag and having basic decency and respect for others?

Republicans hate women so much, you wonder how they reproduce

There is a non-trivial segment of the female population that enjoys submissiveness

Link it you shitsack.

Mods deleted it yesterday

Surprisingly high number of comments for such a low score. Not being in line with general America must be a trigger for the politist.

This seriously explains why progressives don't seem to be giving a flying fuck about class consiousness. And correct me if I'm wrong, but if this applies to the other countries as well, then the higher their economical inequality is, the more polarized it'll be.

Tb100%h, this poll doesn't explain shit, except that people who REALLY, REALLY like political correctness (it's most broad definition, anyway) are mostly rich egghead mayos, and that's good enough for me.

This poll is a study that is 160 pages long. Comment after looking at the study not the article about the study.

No one gives a fuck about 'class consciousness' except spergy white males in their 20s who feel overqualified for their starbucks job.

Lmao basement dwellers calling other people sperg's cause they got bills to pay

I think this is somewhat along those lines

Jesus H. Christ though, that picture of Cap’n and the bald dude ... mayos, left and right, are truly the source of all evil in the world today.

wow maybe rednecks are the working class

Native americans, the most oppressed minority, are the most based and redpilled?

top zozzle

I've lost track of which timeline we're currently in, so sure.


I’m leaving this place. It’s useless.

Found the upper-middle class, over-educated MAYO


I’m African American and a centrist... mmhhh try again sweety

bye Felicia

progressive activists are the most racially homogeneous group in the country.

LELELELELEL!! They out trolled themselves stupid fooks. hahaha

Pretty much what I have been saying for a while. Bored rich white people who costed through life off mom and dad's money, who never had to struggle for anything or work a real job (if they got a job, it is through social connections and not merit) who have a distorted view of the world thanks to their sheltered lives.

It's status signalling. In previous times they would go spend a week helping lepers or write letters about the conditions at orphanages or something. It's just the upper strata of society competing with each other over who is the most charitable and virtuous.

Ted Kaczynski was right when he said leftists would invent causes to rally behind, even where there is none.

“Over educated”

That’s a telling phrase if there ever was one.

No such thing as being 'over educated'. Over credentialed, over indoctrinated, under real-world experienced, sure.

There are people who can for the most retarded idea into logic with zero thought if it's going to work irl. They do great on tests but fail at life

Of course, it's the academic left that's bringing down what progressivism could be. This is known.

“Overly educated”

I cant remember the last time i saw rightoids talking about literally anything other than idpol (burgerstani rightoids im aware other countries are capable of not being autistic 100% of the time)



Poor people live in a world where violence and poverty are problems, not homophobia or racism.

Of course it depends on what political operative created the poll and with what questions and with what intent. For example, are BLM activists included in "progressive activists"?

Well obviously they are not since statistics wouldn't be such. Also it seems it was directed at universities themselves.

People from underprivileged groups that get into especially l33t universities tend to themselves be either very privileged, very focused or feel very grateful and so do not engage as much in political activism.

You guys are so predictable. Literally everyone knows what a progressive activist looks like. But sure shoehorn in "unions" to act like those people are the ones using words like "intersectionality" or voting based on bathrooms

fugee! Persecute! Kill the heretic!

I just want to know what kind of lives most people live that PC culture affects them regularly. I live in a college town, and at most I might have some butch looking chick get huffy about me holding a door open for her.

Lol... Over 100k is rich? Move to a city on the coast. $100k is poor.

We found one in this thread

Not woke and not poor. These articles cut stats to say whatever they want it to say. The majority of people making over 100k are young, recent grads living in large coastal cities with no resources.

Move into a higher tax bracket and the picture is much different.

100k is almost the 90% quantile in America. I don't know if describing them as young helps your case, because they're probably only going to earn more as they age.

with no resources

Except for 100k a year, you idiot

Doesn't even cover expenses. Decent 1bdrm apartments in NYC or SF runs 4k a month. Taxes are 35%. Do the math. That isn't rich.

Again, just because 100k is rich in whatever terrible state you live in doesn't mean it's a substantial amount of money to people who matter.

after I spend my money, I barely have any money left

Housing is more expensive in cities because it's more valuable to live in cities -- more connections, more art, more ramen joints. This contradicts your "no resources" point as well

Ramen joints aren't a resource unless you own it. 😂

Income is not the same thing as wealth. Income only makes you rich if you can save it. People making 100k a year in SF and NY are not saving any money, ergo they are poor like you.

Personal question - do you own or have you ever owned an above ground pool?

They have so much white privilege that they’re able to trash the streets while the black man is working. Smh

If they're rich, they aren't over-educated. They're just better than you.

I particularly like this statement:

...while 80 percent of Americans believe that political correctness has become a problem in the country, even more, 82 percent, believe that hate speech is also a problem.

It’s almost like...nuance is a thing that exists! Who would have thought??

If age and race do not predict support for political correctness, what does? Income and education.

Progressive Activists are not getting STEM degrees. Being classified as "highly educated" is a misnomer. They have degrees in Humanities and Liberal Arts.

We used to call them race traitors lol

Obviously, my followers on Twitter are not a representative sample of America. But as their largely supportive feelings about political correctness indicate, they are probably a decent approximation for a particular intellectual milieu to which I also belong: politically engaged, highly educated, left-leaning Americans—the kinds of people, in other words, who are in charge of universities, edit the nation’s most important newspapers and magazines, and advise Democratic political candidates on their campaigns.

Bernie can still win! Match me!

Who could have seen this coming?

It turns out that while progressive activists tend to think that only hate speech is a problem, and devoted conservatives tend to think that only political correctness is a problem, a clear majority of all Americans holds a more nuanced point of view: They abhor racism. But they don’t think that the way we now practice political correctness represents a promising way to overcome racial injustice.

Radical centrism is our guiding light.

Wait, so centrists are the silent majority? Now I feel unoppressed. I don't like it.

Whites are ever so slightly less likely than average to believe that political correctness is a problem in the country: 79 percent of them share this sentiment. Instead, it is Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness.

Fucking hell, turns out gassing the mayos may not be such a bad idea after all.